This is a thread for the discussion of all ideologies that promote property rights, individual liberty and lassez-faire capitalism. These includes (but is not limited to) anarcho-capitalism, paleolibertarianism, minarchy, objectivism and anti-leftism (i.e. physical removal, so to speak). All others are welcome to learn and debate us.
Reminder that this is a right-wing thread, so libertine degenerates ('live and let live' faggotry), open-border advocates and faux-libertarians (e.g. Gary Johnson) are not welcome here - people here recognise that property rights imply discrimination and a return to traditional, conservative values.
Although questions are welcome, many are repeated often, so it is recommended you research the basics first. Nobody here is obligated to debate with you, so try to avoid using fallacies in your arguments or creating unrealistic scenarios.

>Pastebin: pastebin.com/iT0Rw8PT
>Website: libertarianright.org
>Discord & Book Club: /jCVRCR3

>The Machinery Of Freedom: Illustrated Summary (David Friedman) - youtube.com/watch?v=jTYkdEU_B4o (Watch this!)
>Anatomy of the State (Murray Rothbard) - mises.org/library/anatomy-state
>Democracy: The God that Failed (Hans Hermann-Hoppe) - riosmauricio.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Hoppe_Democracy_The_God_That_Failed.pdf

>Reference - See i.imgur.com/wCIpgNA.jpg
>Torrent - magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8d8ec6ef882dee291f119eb69994797574e5d616&dn=Anarcho-Capitalism%20Books

>hoppewave | Hans-Hermann Hoppe | physical removal - youtube.com/watch?v=u-wMmYSG9JQ
>Against the State - (Hoppewave Hans Hermann Hoppe) - youtube.com/watch?v=HLaqr3QorCw
>I need a Pinochet! - youtube.com/watch?v=zhrYY3ocQ5o
>Drop it like it's Hoppe - youtube.com/watch?v=HPKGgo4kGQM

Other urls found in this thread:


First for Libertarian Monarchism

Thoughts on Chicago school of economics? Thomas Sowell and Milton Friedman?

Chicago school is evil; it is good on surface, but with its flawed foundations (i.e bad epistemology) you can justify anything. They used it to justify free markets, but the left can use it to justify socialism.

Mises allegedly said that the two most dangerous men in the US were Paul Samuelson and Milton Friedman; Friedman because he seemed to be pro-free market. Ayn Rand hated him too for similar reasons.

Best is watching Hoppe's lecture the Hayek Myth, he talks about Friedman shortly, but still what he says about Hayek applies to Friedman similarly



Lots of commies in this thread. Help make /his/ not retarded again.


Sowell is a bro, but not as an economist (in the strict sense), but rather for his political/socio writings. Similarly, Julian Simon is awesome.

They however made the mistake of not jumping the train or being ignorant to the Austrian school

Was good my brothers

What do you guys think of my OC?


Historians are almost always leftists. Better just leave them to their containment zone.


Pcool what's the quote from?



Just realized this might make a good /lrg/ thread image if we want to reach natsocs. Just an idea to the next baker.

I found they react well when we criticize our current leftist anti white states. They'd be fine with libertarianism if it's challenging the current egalitarian states and promoting white succession.

Ayaooo wassup

Very happy that Maltabro said Hoppe likes our memes.

I don't want to reach NeetSocs, honestly.

I caught him yesterday. He showed a few pics too.

Some of them are alright, but I'd rather surpass them. And I think we'll win in the long run anyway. The real opponent we have to worry about is the far left anti capitalist and anti nationalist fags.

Like what? Also, Maltabro mentioned he had hopes in Trump, but apparently he's just another Deep State shill...

There should be more emphasis on anti-egalitarian and racialist tendencies. We're not r/anarchocapitalism.
Leftypol likes to come in and sow division between us, so that's one reason. Natsocs need to have more confidence in libertarian goals so that they can boost our political numbers. The future of the libertarian party will be 50% young cryptofascists, and they need to know their interests align close enough with ours if we expect them to toe the party line.

National socialism is an insane ideology. Sure they agree with us on anti-egalitarianism, but they're a group of people who idolise war and murder, and they hold the state as it's own end.
It's important to remember how different they really are from us.
(Anyway, it's not as if we wanting a bunch of Sup Forums LARPers associated with libertarianism)

Just pics from where he was sitting, nothing amazing.

Did he say this in discord? I stay away from discord, but if there's juicy stuff like this, maybe I should join.

I agree with Britbro on this one. They don't give two shits on whether or not their ideology is based on a universal human value (self-ownership and property rights), they simply think of themselves as the "superiors" who get to rule over the rest of those who refuse to fall in line. They'd stab us in the back.

Oh, my bad, I thought you meant Hoppe showed you pictures of memes he had on his phone.

It's in the archives.


Damn right, that's what sets /lrg/ from the rest. We don't cuck or pc
The discord is pretty fun. Malta doesn't show up often but we plan shenanigans and talk shop that we don't want the public to see.

I used to be sympathetic, but the more I learned about them the more I hated their guts. We shouldn't pander to them. But we definitely should not avoid or counter signal the things we have in common. Anti egalitarianism, race realism, traditionalism and conservatism should be shouted loud, but make it clear it's not for the NatSoc that we bring it up.

Natsocs just need an excuse to go libertarian, but believe it's not pragmatic. They ARE larpers. It's undeniably the most expedient position for someone who believes there's no free market way to preserve the white race and end jewish oligarchy.

This is their only hang up with ancapism. I just think we should take measures to address their reservations, and you'll start to see them open up to non-retarded economics.

At the very least, we can coexist with a natsoc state as long as they don't aggress and don't invade our territories to capture escapees.


You should like into the mindset of national socialists. They're deluded, they will never be our allies - and thank god.



Wow that's hilarious and amazing.






High, centrist user here. Question. How do you put downward price pressure on something that is life saving (medication,water ect). I am interested since i have yet to find someone that cangive a reason. Also how would you guys handle market pruce setting by major players/monopolies.

Taxation is NOT theft.

Look folks, this thread is pretty dead and I can't contribute. Maybe hit you all up later for a late night special special edition thread.

Taxes destroy economic growth, Spaniard rape baby.


Look into austrian economics. We believe prices generally fall with no intervention, more importantly, monopolies are a product of state intervention - (generally crony-capitalist) policies that give the company an unfair advantage, freeing them from market forces - see overregulation, corporate welfare, endless subsidies...

I'm a huge fan of this. Got anything else like this?

Competition. Look at what happened to cellphones and computers. They got magnitudes better while becoming factions of their original price.

And innovation is inherently deflationary

Lolbertarians are delusional, don't know anything about human behavior. Sad!

Dank, I saw your Rothbard one yesterday, keep at it.

The tell tale sign of Leftypol shills.

go back to /ptg/

This Rothbard one.

Reminds me of a few products on the mises store:

I like a lot of aspects of libertarianism, but I am skeptical of private market healthcare, for a couple reasons.

1.Healthcare doesn't seem to be a very eleastic good.

2.Many developed nations have (mostly) successfully implement single-payer healthcare.


Well, I heard very recently of an infant who died in the UK because the government denied him treatment, even when they raised more than enough money through charity. And there are more examples, that's just the most notable one. The U.S. system isn't perfect, but I don't think socialized healthcare is the right direction.




Explain how that works, I'm a fan of monarchism but I'd like to see what you mean specifically by this.

If the automation meme was real, who here would still be totally down with siding with the privatized robotic RWDS against the commies?

Every monarchy leads to libertarianism of some sort. Sure it might have some tyranic leaders now and then but ultimately monarchy is the best form of goverment for liberty.
Of course no goverment grants us eternal liberty.
If I get to bathe in blood of communists I'm in.



If you'd like to read or watch a lecture on libertarian monarchism here are the links:


Only the best. Gary Johnson reading list. Anyways wether this thread dies or not I'm making a real libertarian hours edition in Just a bit. Be there or be a total faggot.

I think this song best sums up the libertarian case for monarchism:

Keep in mind that Hoppe does not mean to say monarchism is the supreme system of governance in the libertarian view, but that it is superior to democracy.

I'd rather have a monkey make every decision, or a coin flip than democracy.

I acidentally set this to 1.25x speed; makes it super aesthetic.