Evolutionists believe life began underwater

>Evolutionists believe life began underwater
>Forget that salt water naturally breaks down organic matter, making any kind of development impossible

You really do have to abandon science to make evolution possible.

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Salt is good for your skin actually.

>salt water naturally breaks down organic matter,
then what about fish?

They have scales so it wont happen to them retard. DNA is destroyed by salt. Put some salt on a wound and you'll see.


what are whales then?

fish came from land

>what is freshwater
>what is osmosis


please tell me how creationists embrace science to make creationism possible.

>non politic related


>creationists embrace science

Creationism WAS science until (((darwin))) made us into anmals.

The salt in oceans accumulated over 4 billion years

Someone clearly jacked off into OP's ear turning his brain into salty goo

>Creationism WAS science
what does that even mean?
creationism is literally just god did it

This is one of the most ignorant things I have seen posted today , and /pol is actually filled with ignorance so - that says allot.

jesus christ you are retarded

what is this game called?
we used to do the punch thing but it never had a name

Holy shit this is too good

Never understood the deal with this handsign

Are you gonna punch me twice for looking, OP?

>what are the laws of thermodnamics, causality, matter

Then how are fish in the ocean a thing? Do pseudosciencets like flat earthers now believe that there are no such things as fish in the oceans

Only muslims are antiscience. Quit hiding your real flag, roach.

Fish are a conspiracy

We're not animals you athiest-tier shitposter. We're humans.

I have permanently numb spots on my arm from playing this in high school.


Becouse God did fucking did it you fucking retard.
>all educated men know about God's creation for centuries
>i wuz monkeys comes in
>9000 genders

I'm almost certain this is an atheist LARPing as a really retarded christcuck.

yeah. . . but what is it called

Between friends, you have to hold this hand sign below your waist, and if they look at it, you get to punch them, unless you stick your finger in the O, then you get to punch the person twice.

Theory is that fat bubbles protected life and eventually fat bubbles turned into cells

>salt water naturally breaks down organic matter, making any kind of development impossible
>life still thrives in Oceans somehow


In my country it is reffered to as "muka" (moo-kah).

>Salt water naturally breaks down organic matter, making any kind of development impossible.
>I have never heard of saltwater fish.

you can also extend by placing your free elbow inside the sign, and then make the sight from that sign above the waist.

No fucking clue. Hand circle game?

Your DNA is actually surrounded by a salt. Magnesium. It stabilizes its overwhelming negative charge.

By your logic we should all be dead, because oxygen oxidizes everything. And the oxidation reaction is called combustion. Slide thread

i thought fish had a protective slime coating that prevented their bodies from parasites and the abrasive water.

Sjw propoganda, part of the fat acceptance movement.

>Forget that salt water naturally breaks down organic matter,
Human body is over 90% water, all of it salty.

>making any kind of development impossible
In fact, the specific gravity of sea water 1.025 while the human being is closer to 1.06 - saltier

You should really science more, lie less.

>Christians believe life began from God's will
>Forget that God constantly kills people, making his work meaningless

If that's what you've been led to believe you're mistaken. Science explains how god works and better understanding of science helps us better understand god

Muh apes

>By your logic we should all be dead, because oxygen oxidizes everything. And the oxidation reaction is called combustion.

To be fair, this is what is actually happening, though not as fast and violent as burning wood.

>Creationism WAS science
Until it was disproven.
Don't get mad though, lots of science has been disproven. For thousands of years people believed the sun went round the Earth.

Your blood is salty just like seawater.

>thinking seawater was always salty

All the water in the ocean was once fresh, sweetie.

I always just looked and called whoever was making the sign a dumb faggot


>dat pic

Oh shit, you're right, I guess the talking snake and cursed fruit explanation of life and death is the most scientific and logical one of them all


Little known fact:
The talking snake from the bible also starred in Disney's The Jungle book and Robin Hood!

If salt water naturally breaks down organic matter why are there still fish?

Oh shit i i got btfo i better cut of my dick off and welcome some refugees

God is dead lol

How long did it take us to figure out that perhaps mankind wasn't doomed to suffer and die due to hereditary guilt from a cursed apple? (Which also mysteriously affected not only the animals, who are free from Original Sin, but the dinosaurs which roamed the Earth long before man was around)

>Oh shit i i got btfo i better cut of my dick off and welcome some refugees

How the fuck did you get that from what I said, you lazy nigger? I hate "refugees"

>God is dead lol

Never said that either, so you're 0/2. I believe in God as it happens, just not in Biblical Creationism

Like a day? Yeah, thats so fucking long!

>millions of years

Protocells with salt impermeable membranes. One suggestion of a million. We can't recreate the conditions because we weren't there, it's guess work.


It's by no means set in stone that life originates from a primordial soup, science unlike religion is a process that's reformed as we gain new insights and theories adapt over time to best encompass evidence from multiple fields. Maybe RNA came from space in protein capsules (yes viruses) and they transposed it into these sort of droplets. Maybe cells can survive in rocks dormant and are occasionally propelled between planetary bodies by large impact events.

Unless ofc millions of scientists all around the world are in on a global conspiracy to deceive the public for unknown fantasised end goals.

This kind a blatant misrepresentation of theories as immutable and scientists as being devout to them is just ridiculous. No one who spreads this shit should be given access to the miracles of modern medicine.

>Education was only available from religious institutions, meaning that accepting creationism was a requirement not due to the quality of the argument, but because the society of the time enforced it.
>That the educated men of the time were made to accept creationism proves creationism is correct.
>Evolution somehow leads to the 9000 genders bullshit and doesn't actually demonstrate the opposite.
I'm looking for the argument, but it's nowhere to be found.

>We're not animals, we're human.
Even before the theory of evolution, it was readily accepted that humans are a higher form of animal.
>Man is an animal that makes bargains; no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with another.
>Adam Smith, Wealth of Nations, 1776.
>83 years before the origin of species by Charles Darwin.
Just because we're unique as a species of animal doesn't change the fact that we are a species of animal.

Probably, but I'm not really an expert on fish.

The question of abiogenesis is still up in the air, meaning we don't know where life originated.

It's possible and, given the fossil evidence, quite likely that life originated in the water, but anyone who tells you that it is the only possible answer is being, frankly, dishonest.

In regards to the protective slime coating, fish probably do have them, but many other things still live in the water e.g. Plankton, bacterial life forms (as well as algae and such) which is far closer to the starting point of life than fish.

Plenty of people still believe that Adam's sin caused Original Sin and lead to all the suffering and death in the world, even in first-world countries thousands of years after that myth was first constructed

>salt water

That's a llama, bro. We have a name for those. They even still exist.


>Christians create science
>fedoras claim it for themselves

>i better cut of my dick off
Chances are that there's already the most sensitive part's missing.

Those pre-incans probably dreamt up fantasy beasts, like ummm, every extant culture across the globe (yes it's a globe you tinfoil nutters)


Explain fish then you cunt.

I dont say this often, but OP, please stay on your medication. If you dont have any medication, seek psychiatric help and do everything your doctor says.

>eat 2000mg salt a day

Why are fedoras so obsessed with their elephant trunks? Great, you have your smegma filled flaps of skin. It's not like anyone ever even sees them.

A lot of ad hoc. They may say that the speed of light has changed because anything else would make it impossible for the light of stars millions of light years away to reach us within just less than ten thousand years or that we are trapped in a "white hole" which causes time inside it to move slower, giving the light of distant stars enough time to reach us within the limited time frame their reading of the bible presents.

>Why are fedoras so obsessed with their elephant trunks?

Aren't uncircumcized penises made the way God created them? Are you blaspheming against God's plan for Creation, user?

We must all remember that things like evolution are still just theories rather than solidly proven science.

Bro, it's obvious the dude is trolling now. Save yourself the time and just move on. Notice how he's gone from:
Stupid opinion -> stupid claim -> stupid evidence -> change to new stupid argument
Twice now actually.

Of course evolution is a theory. It also happens to be the best theory we have at the moment.

Evolution as a concept has solid evidence to support it.

Yeah, you're probably right


Ken Ham vs. Bill Nye


>forget salt water naturally breaks down organic matter

OP please explain sea life

Darwin back then extremely extrapolated his observation regarding the Darwin Finches. All Finches can be clearly rooted by some parent Finches to make the Archeopterix evolving to Finches seems far fetched.

>salt water breaks down organic matter
>ocean full of fish

go fish, zoroastrians


>tfw I've already evolved beyond this debate

>Darwin was wrong in some particulars, therefore the entire theory of evolution is a lie

But you throw a fit when the Bible is treated with the same scrutiny

Creationists are better in any science than randomfags.

Also women came from the rib of man so in Christianity, it's okay to be trans and gay.

I'm pretty sure you can't ride a lama glama. Unless the incans were really small of course, that would actually explain that picture.

Peru is the 5th shortest country on average. The Inca, being their ancestors, were also very short. I worked there this last summer as an MD in the jungle. I towered over them at 6'0'' They ride them all the time.

evolution happened in lake michigan

How did dinosaurs prey on each other, suffer from illnesses and die before Original Sin came into the world? If they were contemporaneous with mankind after the creation of Adam and Eve, when and why did they all die out? What was the prelapsarian purpose or function of something like Tyrannosaurus rex?

Then how do you explain bacteria in oceans?
