Ethnonationalism is Impossible

It is utopian, it is hopelessly impossible.

I mean you all shit on civic nationalists but they are by far the most realistic in their goals and have the greatest possibility of achieving them. You can not ethnically cleanse millions of people in the age of mass media, international intervention, your only possible hope is to overcome your prejudices and actually stand together with those who share your ideals, regardless of their genetic constitution.

Note that I am not defending degenerates, not defending Jews, not defending Muslims, I am not defending anyone who stands against the nationalist effort, I am not defending open borders, I am not defending multiculturalism, none of these things have anything to do with civic nationalism. The ONLY THING preventing civic and ethnic nationalists from being totally unified is the question of genetics, and even if niggers are factually dumber than every other race they are not incapable of being nationalists. We need all the support we can get right now, and ethnonationalists are choosing to handicap themselves for no reason, I don't even stand totally opposed to the ideal of ethnonationalism but I am not dumb enough to believe it can ever happen, it will ruin the nationalist movement, you LARPing retards.

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It depends on the country
It's impossible in shitholes like the US

>You can not ethnically cleanse millions of people in the age of mass media, international intervention

Then the solution obviously is to get rid of the mass media.

Daily reminder that the vast majority of states throughout human history would have been considered 'nationalistic' by today's standards.

This is why traditionalism is the final red pill.

It is impossible in most western nations now, this is something that can't be undone, we got fucked before we were even born and can't reverse the total disaster we have on our hands by murdering millions. The only thing we can do is evangelize nationalism and take what we can get.

In countries were ethnonationalism is possible, I'm thinking very ethnically homogeneous nations it COULD be pursued as a possibility very carefully, but again I think it would be a better idea to simply cut your losses, close the borders, and deal with the minorities you have been plagued with and make the best of it, because any attempt to get rid of them is going to bring Hell upon you internationally even if they only constitute a few thousand people.

>Doing what every country did before 1940 is impossible and Utopian

Fuck off faggot

japan will do

Yeah, the world has changed a lot since 1940, nigh racially homogeneous societies of the past have become irreversibly changed demographically due to the subversive actions of Marxists and other vermin over the past decade, you are a total fool if you believe you can just wipe out millions in a genocide in the modern age, and you are probably better off keeping your idiocy to yourself rather than trying to "help" the nationalist movement with this utter insanity.

>It is utopian, it is hopelessly impossible.
Ethno nationalism was the norm for most of human existence until 50 years ago multi kulti is the utopian fantasy your thinking of friendo

Japan is 99% Japanese, and even still, if they started murdering non-Japanese or deporting them all by the thousands, there would be international intervention, sanctions, etc...

Yes but if you think you can actually achieve an ethnonationalist state in America or anywhere with a sizable enough minority population for example you are totally hopelessly deluded.

>It is utopian, it is hopelessly impossible.

Bullshit, you fucking kiddos are too scared about the consequences, but it's ZERO problem for the West to mass deport the brown plague.

t. 70%

When you tried, even in the 30s and 40s, your country was annihilated and ripped in half for 50 years. What makes you think you could do it now?

Be fucking realistic you idiotic LARPing shithead.

literally just kill all nonwhites. it's that simple.

the entire attitude, demography, and morality/philosophy of the west has changed in that time
good luck getting countries that are rapidly approaching 50% nonwhite to suddenly do a fucking 180
ever heard of baby steps?

t. 56%

It's not a matter of genocide. Ethnonationalists just want to stop subsidizing the genetic success of others in their own fucking countries.

Nothing about it is unreasonable. The conclusions Sup Forums LARPers often come to are unreasonable. Genocide isn't reasonable in practice, but if they want to discuss it, or non-Christian moral systems that would benefit their agenda, that's their right user.

Fuck off, you leftist shit.

The West could pull any shit, if only we would get our balls back.

>ethnonationalism is impossible
>has not been here

If there was shit in your food would you say "well the shit's already there, the guy who just started eating it is more realistic than you"

Fuck that. Gene editing is already largely on the way and the majority of people prefer white features so homogeneity is inevitable.

It's not even worth pointing out. People know most of our cities are ruined now. But when those shitheads up north feel the need to LARP like their situation is so much better, it's just fucking laughable desu.


The answer is balkanization

It's better to have a small homogenous country where it is possible to cooperate with people and build up a commons

than to be trapped inside a dysgenic mutlicultural empire where everyone is at war with each other and slowly turning into niggers

How the fuck can you call me a leftists for simply not believing you can realistically murder millions of people and get away with it?

You are literally destroying any hopes of nationalism ever taking hold.


civic nationalism = redpilled

The dude is equating civic nationalism with liberalism, it's a total strawman, that entire video, and you'd have to be an utter fucking brainlet to not understand just how fallacious that guy's entire argument is.


Multiculturalism destroyed Rome and half a dozen other empires, you delusional shithead. The west has been multiethnic for barely 50 years and we're already heading towards civil war. The idea that civic nationalism is sustainable for any amount of time at all is fucking utopian nonsense, bud.

What will happen is that when our shitty nanny state governments eventually collapse, every ethnic group will form into segregated communities (as happens in prisons and every other dire situation) and there will be a race war. Either one race will eliminate all others or each race will claim seperate territory and have an armistice for the inevitable future conflicts with one another. Your civic nationalist fantasy is a retarded pipe dream and I hope it won't take a nigger caving your skull in for you to see that.

The people who don't see that civic nationalism as useful have to be literal idiots or fucking shills .

The alt lite claims that civic nationalism is based in classical liberalism

As do most of the "intellectual" Trumpers

Traitors die, remember that.

civic nationalists don't frame it as a way to get rid of shitskins

they frame it as a way to keep them around, in ways that are indistinguishable from mainstream conservatism

Based blackman ---> GOP's token black

Civic nationalists market their product as more liberalism

>You are literally destroying any hopes of nationalism ever taking hold.

Yep that's a cuck, aka nu male, aka generation Z wimp

>I don't know what deportation is
>I don't know what self segregation is
>the only solution is my retarded liberal social experiment that's already been proven wrong multiple times

Because it makes the point of how far the left has been subverted. More reasonable (especially wealthy, successful, non-fascist tier) people step away from supporting the status quo of shitlib insanity when they notice how fucking deranged it is.

Civic nationalism provides a viable alternative, that isn't fucking people over. And in the case of the US, it means defending classically liberal principles. Basic shit like freedom of speech, which faces legitimate opposition in the current year.

That's bullshit, civic nationalism is the antithesis of liberalism, there can be no liberty, there can be no democracy, these erode the strength of the nation.

Civic Nationalism can not coexist with liberalism and anyone claiming otherwise is a subversive element. Democracy especially is a destroyer of national integrity, no democratic nation has ever been able to withstand the forces of subversive Marxism, anti-Nationalism, globalism, cronyism, pacifism. Democracy especially must not be tolerated.

Civic Nationalism isn't libertarianism, it isn't liberalism, it isn't democracy or republicanism.

I agree with you, user, and your honesty and realism are refreshing. Personally I think ethnic cleansing is morally reprehensible. Civic nationalism is our best bet to restore balance and unify people.

keep Larping as a nazi my man while we civic nationalists get actual results.

If millions of non whites can peacefully pour in, millions of non white can also peacefully pour out.

It took 50 years for things to get this far, we can take 50 years to fix it

There's that fucking strawman again, I am no liberal, I do not hold liberal values dear in the slightest, I simply believe that the ethnic element is being injected into the nationalist movement by those who wish to subvert it. You do not need to kill all blacks in order to build a nationalist state, that is totally insane.

You literally have the guy above you arguing that civic nationalism is classical liberalism

>And in the case of the US, it means defending classically liberal principles.
Those liberals destroyed us, you can not be a civic nationalism and wish to defend the systems by which we have been subverted,

liberal principles*

There's no point in arguing with them. They're Godless heathens and basically the same as atheist commies with 0 morals or principles. They will abandon any values they claim to have on the drop of a pin. They'll claim otherwise but they're the same kind of serpents in the government, in top positions of mega churches, in catholic leadership, etc.

The only way I see it as possible is to hopefully hold out until space colonization is possible and then quietly leave this shithole to the brown hordes.

Yep, our only hope is a sci-fi pipe dream.

Balkanization is already underway if you look at where minorities live. Now if only we could get them to scurry away to ultra liberal coastal states



Wtf do you think China and Russia just made a military agreement for last year?

To conquer the US as soon as they fragment

good thing we have nukes

It's possible in Europe, 90% of shit skins right now are illegal

>civic nationalists don't frame it as a way to get rid of shitskins
Because this is seen as morally degenerate by the eternal normal faggot. This is a basic social reality, one that isn't going to change for the foreseeable future. I don't fucking like it, but I've accepted it. It would take minimally 20 years of subversion to even see a noticeable social change, All we've done so far is push back on occasion. The real problem is that whites are lazy, trusting and emotional guided. The presence of all these non-whites in our countries is just a symptom of that.
>they frame it as a way to keep them around, in ways that are indistinguishable from mainstream conservatism
The literal shills, alt-lite/alt-media fags and people like Shapiro are basically neocons who haven't been jaded yet imo, or they conceal their agendas for a purpose. People like Laura Loomer and others, yeah, they fucking hate us and want this place to be Brazil 2.0. But I hope you don't think of people like Pat Buchanan as fucking traitors just because they don't LARP about the fucking day of the rope.
>Civic nationalists market their product as more liberalism
And yet, they are useful, because without them, we will lose everything politically now, within this generation. Demographics are destiny user. We have to face the realities of the political landscape.

crypto-ethnonationalism and civic nationalism are different though. Plan A is crypto.

Honestly though only you are not using your imgaination if you think plan b is the only way to do ethnonationalism. In europe for example outright ethnonationalism would simply be reforming citizenship to be restricted by ethnicity, at first if everyone will be allowed to stay but encouraged to leave through financial incentives. Again we can take 50 years to acheive this.

Classical liberalism =/= monstrous ideological zog-controlled cluster fuck of insanity that was literally a tool of ideological subversion for over a century.

The terms are all fucky. Just know that the phrase classical liberal is immediately politically useful.

Will you civic nationalists advocate racial segregation and the eventual split of the nation when racial enclaves grow to the point that they desire to rule themselves?
Different racial groups may work together, but they cannot cohabitate indefinitely when each racial group exists in large and ever increasing numbers.

>Ethnonationalism is Impossible
For whites

America will never be like Japan. May as well KYS

>But I hope you don't think of people like Pat Buchanan as fucking traitors just because they don't LARP about the fucking day of the rope.

Pat Buchanan is a paleo-conservative, trying to preserve an America of a certain time and place, which was not perfect, but worth preserving. Too bad it's gone.

Pat Buchanan had an idea of what it means to be an American that is far more specific than the one day's civic nationalists are putting forward

Modern Civic nationalists don't have that excuse. They're either crypto neo-cons, who want to preserve 2017 America, which is intolerable, or cowards who are dreaming of and striving for a shitty Brazilian future

>throw away your principles for (((support))) goy!
If you are willing to bend on your most fundamental principles then no one will respect you, and your movement will not grow. Fuck off.

>NATIONAL Bolshevism is RIGHT WING because it's NATIONAL!!!!!!1 You see dat NATIONAL, HUHHHU1?>

>Actual results
>aka trump-like politicians being elected and changing absolutely nothing

That's only true if you want to keep the current borders intact. If the rural US separated from the coastal US it would be a fairly clean political and economic divide. A US civil war scenario means death for the coastal leftists who can't sustain their hive cities - they are dependent on rural areas. Inland cities would also be easily isolated and besieged. It's not an explicit race war scenario, but it is effectively one. The undesirables congregate in cities and would die in them along with their political shepherds, the urban liberals.

Your observation is correct. The reason nationalistic and/or genocidal movements of the past saw success is because information could be easily restricted. The destabilizing effect of a civil war would help bring this back temporarily.

Like the states have changed any since liberal Trumps election.

>They're either crypto neo-cons, who want to preserve 2017 America, which is intolerable, or cowards who are dreaming of and striving for a shitty Brazilian future

I disagree user. In fact, most I know of are crypto-ethno nationalists who are financially/socially vulnerable (which is the case with most racially aware whites). Imo, the people like Shapiro and others who condemn western nationalism entirely are more dangerous. We can't force basic protections of sovereignty into existence without that element of civic nationalists at this point user. It's just a social reality.

>Pat Buchanan is a paleo-conservative, trying to preserve an America of a certain time and place, which was not perfect, but worth preserving. Too bad it's gone.

Pat is probably the single most important ideologue we have, as nationalists (at least in America, I'm not sure if you're burger). Much of our rhetoric comes from him.

There are actually countries where it would be 100% possible. Not every country is 56% white mister burgerfat and civic nationalism shouldn't be imposed on countries that are homogeneous

Couldn't you just incentivize minorities to get sterilized or leave at the same time you end or severely limit minority immigration and remove the illegals. I mean why do you make the leap to genocide when trying to think of race issues? There are myriad of ways to get people to leave willingly without harm. You cut off gibs, increase taxes (say for children) and plenty of other ideas.

>any attempt is going to bring hell internationally
Apartheid system

Yeah, a great example of a system that was destroyed by international meddling and the cancer that is democracy.

Less LARPY American ethnonationalists also like Pat Buchanan

Even though there were niggers and injuns living here, prior to the civil rights movement and the immigration act of 1965...

America was clearly a white country

NOT a proposition nation

>do a fucking 180
burger education

And yet, it works for Israel.

Can anyone give a quick rundown on how that works?


>America was clearly a white country
>NOT a proposition nation

I agree, user.


civic nationalism is a great stepping stone towards ethnonationalism in this political climate. And I don't enthnonationalism is being conflated with genocide. All it really would need to involve would be heavily prioritizing immigration towards white countries, deporting all illegals, and cutting benefits for non-white masses who rely on them to have large numbers of kids. Boom, the white pop. would spring back in no time, no need for genocide.

>impossible to ethnically

>the importance of inequality
That's why some whites are whiter than others

Every multi ethnic empire in history has collapsed. Maybe for now it looks bleak but a lot can change in 100 years.

Exceptional .png user

I'm glad you got so butthurt in the other thread you felt the need to make this thread to be further blown out

>Putting faith in a piece of jewish propaganda exaggerated to control the goyim through fear

Nukes are exaggerated like the holocaust

Most people think that it is either civic or ethnic. i think that you could have ethnic nationalism that is multi racial, for example Israel and Turkey. No one thinks that Jews and turks are monoracial but they have a strong sense of identity due to religion, culture and tradition. I think this is the best model but its hard to implement in modern society.

Europe should be ethnonationalist because they dont give their individuals god given rights

Theyd rather submit to islam than rise up tho so just wipe em out

We can move towards it slowly

You don't know what you're talking about.

American Civic Nationalism is shit if you remove any of those 3 words

Europe has to go ethnic nationalist and many like germany and sweden just need to die

>You can not ethnically cleanse millions of people in the age of mass media, international intervention
Yes you can if your powerful neighbors agree with you.


Just cut gibs unless they choose sterilization

Build a wall

Offer bounties for catching illegals

All he has to say is "racist" is not an argument and let us make memes for him and those shitskins dont stand a chance

Deny voting rights to people on gibs too


I do

Notice how most of your nuke knowledge is hollywood, hollywood produced test footage and hollywood produced cold war propaganda?

They are exaggerated and based on fear you retard.

Stop shitposting

Oh spare me of your moral crap. You don't know what it's like to become a white minority and watch your country get buttfucked by niggers who keep voting for gibs.
You don't know what it's like to have your guns taken from you and your political voice either labeded as hate speech by law or just supressed by the sheer number of niggers.
You don't know what it's like to be forced to live in small white gated communities to shield yourself from the rampant crime that was brought in with nigger immigration and nigger policies.

Call me edgy or whatever all you want, genocide is more than justifiable for the sake of my people.

Im not

Nukes are exaggerated

American Civic Nationalism is an attainable goal


She would be called a coalburning niggerfucker under ACN and would be sterilized after the 2nd child because we all know shes single and needs gibs


Should I believe actual evidence or some kekistani on mongolian cartoons internet board?


Her spawn would likely choose sterilization or death by cop too. It wouldnt be pretty but at least the 3 of them would have a chance at fixing themselves before checking out.

Stop shitposting and go be the next Hitler for fucks sake.