What If North Korea nuked Yellowstone?

What If North Korea nuked Yellowstone?

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they and 90% of the world would die

It wouldn't do much honestly unless the thing was going to blow literally tonight anyways.. Its a tiny fart in the wind compared to the forces needed to trigger an eruption.

That's a meme. Murica would be covered in a bit of ash and the rest of the world in alittle bit less. Maybe slightly cold for a few months. But it'd be just fine.

Don't trust him!

that sounds pretty boss. you slack jawed faggots will perish and me and the remaining men become roving bands of rapist who have to do it to repopulate humanity. women become property and a powerbar gets you to 3rd base for life

What if they instead of nuking just attack america´s nuclear energy power plants with conventional missiles? Wouldn´t that be as harmful as a direct nuke strike?

What if i made your thread about civil rights in Palestine?

I wonder who is behind this post

Hell, If I were them I´d blow the fucking dam that almost collapsed some months ago. They wouldn´t even need missiles, just an agent on american soil and some potent explosives



From what I can see, if the Palestinians had accepted the 1947 plan, they wouldn't have lost ground in the 1949 armistice.

>pic unrelated


Hes talking about the resulting thermonuclear war that everyone with a nuke would get in on.

I think this was the russians' plans in the event of a US war too

What if North Korea or literally anyone else used the US's open and porous borders or shipping industry (drugs, human traffik) to sneak in a shipping container bomb?

I don't even believe that NK is going to nuke any one. They're threatening, as usual. Power fights.

But US ((Deep State)) doesn't like that, so a possible nuclear false-flag attack in US will happen soon, North Korea + Iran will be blamed for it. And boom, both Iran and North Korea will be wiped out.

See you soon in September.

I wonder how many tons of biological or chemical weapons of foreign origin are in the US already.

And I'm not just talking about the tap water! Or the food in grocery stores!

What triggers an explosion is a drop in pressure so the dissolved gasses escape, like taking the lid off a shaken bottle of soft drink.
Conceivably if the pressure was already high enough all it would take is a crack in the dome.

Literally nothing... the magma chamber is 30km underground

>A crack

Exactly. Not a four mile wide crater. P=F/A. If you widen the hole the lava will just seep out rather than explode.

Meme. No one lives in the blue area. Denver is the only major population area in the purple/blue zone getting a meter of ash

yeah nice try

>Like it shouldn't matter

The targets probably slightly East of that and at a high enough altitude not to kill people. EMP would take out most of the Electrical Grid, but would be seen incoming and a counter-launch would take place, probably resulting in pretty much all life ending on the planet. Those not dead in the initial strike would probably wish they had been.

The whole conflict is about controlling the water supply. Pic related

It would do almost nothing except get them completely glassed by retaliation strikes.



Consider that nuclear weapons work on the principle of air bursts. They are essentially EMF bombs that superheat the surrounding material. Not very much energy could be directed downward through miles of rock. Also, their nukes are low yield anyway. No way they have thermonuclear, let alone the ability to deliver it.

The picture is from a 20kiloton nuke detonated on a 100ft tower. Barely any ground is disrupted.

get 'er done

The plot would be caught in long before it was put into motion


Everyone is exaggerating Yellowstone. Only the part with a trapped pocket of air is gonna blow, not all the magma.

Your luck is shit. Literally the worst ID you could get on. Kek.

Or the failure of
San Andrea.

They would probably hit Canada by mistake and everyone would be really really angry because everyone know the Canadians are so nice and progressive and the fact that there are China implants by the million in Canada, North Korea might even make China mad at them. Poor Canada. RIP

I live in IN, and I'm pretty sure that's enough to kill me so ok.

does anyone really know? scientists have all said they really don't have a clue

i'd cum

We would lose a bunch of white people and framers, and a nature monument.

silly jew the ovens are the other way!

Alex jones would block the missile with this chest

The target is the electrical grid, the people will fall with that taken out.