Isn't it time we find out who these fucking LARPer's are?
They hide behind the name of Reagan while sowing division in an attempt to bring down the GEOTUS.
Isn't it time we find out who these fucking LARPer's are?
They hide behind the name of Reagan while sowing division in an attempt to bring down the GEOTUS.
Other urls found in this thread:
/leftypol/ trying to get this board to raid something.
It seems like ShareBlue is gone and only you retards remain.
No retard, Reagan Battalion is a lefty org LARPing as righties to sow division. It's just a big psyop.
anyone who supports Trump is already woke.
Pretty weird that a """conservative""" group called the Reagan Battalion does nothing but counter-signal Republicans (look up eleventh commandment).
Hello fellow kids, we're just a group of principled Reagan conservatives that love to use The Twitter all day.
Anyway, I would not be surprised if Erick Erickson of RedState and The Resurgent had something to do with this.
Mcmuffin is involved in the organization. It's their attempt to gain back support from young republicans.
>Reagan Battalion
Maybe they should go back to fucking bed.
>Who is behind the Reagan Battalion?
Wasn't it common knowledge on here that McMuffin and Wilson run it??
It started around the time McMuffin announced his run.
they're kike shills
sorry, your pedo game is over.
Neocon purists pissed the GOP is moving past Bush.
I've seen the rumors but I'm trying to get to something concrete to ruin someones day.
We already doxxed Reagan Battalion last year. Check the archives.
Not a fan of the Daily Dot but even they call of the Reagan Battalion as Democrat plants against Trump
this. it's a McMullen, maybe CIA, psyop. It's pretty shit tho.
Great kid, you go find out who's behind your Twitter account.
Keep me posted, k?
newfag leaf or shill? YOU DECIDE
neocon isreal firsters
NYPA, GTFO nigger.
It's the Romney apparatus, it's not so much a deep state thing, and it's more of "hurr trump made us butthurt"
I really wish I was making this up
Israel is raping us and it's agents literally have free reign to bribe our congressmen against our own interests
could it be his marketing team maybe? and they kept it after he withered on the vine.
Don't they have ties to McMuffin?