The CIA may be able to bend reality
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EWO General CIA edition
>We do not have the "Discovery" series. However, we should.
what the fuck is the CIA into?
why would they approve it for release if its true? iits probably some psy-op to waste your time. They use the common pseudo-scientfic jargon of energy and frequency without numbers and strict methods
all classified information has a release date. normally its 50 years but this may have been released in relation to a FOIA request.
it could be psy-ops, it could be that their current tech/capabilities are far beyond the released information that it whatever the public makes of it is ultimately irrelevant
if something is realy secret they would overrule it somehow or just destroy the evidence if its too damning or dangerous. Anyways this seems more about 'self-exploring' than about something that could give you the information advantage.
or they want me to write this because they have some secret tehnique that allows to control thought processes of random individuals and making them think what they want?
All is one
This has stuff on this without all the fear and conspiracy theory, although it's a crazy series.
Fuck imagine what shit is being done that is still non-disclosed
this monroe institute is a sketchy ordeal. Maybe some nepotism involved and they had the CIA contract "just in case" their bullshit works. CIA probably had many sketchy contractors
you make a good point on the FOIA. Reading further it doesn't seem like mind control. They multiple references to a "higher state of awareness" and show diagrams of both white holes and the universe.
Post more OP I don't feel like digging
google search "CIA gateway training" thats what I used and found some of the same pdfs OP found
Digits confirm. I was just about to say this. CIA puts bullshit out like this to confuse and distract people.
Hell, you're probably a fucking CIA shill trying to derail actual EWO operations.
Whether your CIA or not, fuck off for being retarded.
"bend reality". If one could truly bend "reality", then they could set any number of rules in the universe that they wished. If this was the case, then they'd literally have the power of god. If this was the case, then this thread, which would be contrary to their desires, wouldn't be able to exist.
Welcome to the program...
>the cia controls reality with magic tier shit
How fucking stupid are you people? Even if this was true, do you think they'd reveal a secret like this to you?
Are you retards?
cia niggers like acid.. whats new
Everyone says that. It's good to keep people thinking that you're so powerful that no one can mess with you.
> be /pol
> believe muh big government is abjectly hamhanded and has no ability to deliver social benefits
> also believe civil servants have literally discovered how to bend reality
>tfw kicked out of gate after 1 month for being too stupid
>tfw you will never be a CIA psychic hunting inter-dimensional spies and criminals
> How to Take Screenshots (tab)
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3. ctrl-v
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5. post
funny, I was in GATE...
i'm still not seeing a mechanism for how this works....
So, consciousness is a probability wave (sure), and when its amplitude is above the planck length it interacts with other stuff (sure)
what does that have to do with frequency? or time?
and what is the mechanism for a consciousness acquiring information using this method? (i.e. how can a brain astral project or whatever?)
verdict: shit tier CIA boondoggle by a dumb guy LARPing as a scientist, and an even dumber guy LARPing as a qualified grant-funder / grant-reviewer. If real, this shit should never have been funded, and if there was a desire to fund it it should have gone to a qualified team including MINIMUM one actual Phyiscs PhD.
tl;dr of tl;dr: incompetence, not disinfo.
If you believe this you are full blown retarded
would you really need a phd and ivy school connections to write bullshit for the cia psyops? that seems like a fun job.
>and the elites take a fluid from children to remain young, and shit they also eat them after fucking them.
>hey tony boss wants to see you
Although I still find it extremely interesting and encourage ppl to read it this is old I read it like 4 months ago on pol
If you want a good, easy, sardonic account of this.
Read "men who state at goats" by Jon Ronson.
Fascinating shit the CIA has explored over the years... Even employed "remote viewers" to spy on the USSR.
How to take screenshots.
0. Open Google Chrome Inspector panel.
1. Click the phone/tablet icon at the top left.
2. Adjust the size to your liking.
3. Click the three dot menu now above the page on the right.
4. Click "Capture Full Size Screenshot"
Shoo James, shoo
Picture the technical description as a psychospiritual MRI
picture the MRI SCAN being a visualization that YOU control and conflate with your own intention
>such is the (((reality))) we share commonly
>if only in the shaded Venn diagram parts
I'm visualizing an enormous energy in my skin. And it's fucking you in the mouth.
It's interesting the way it- it- ittt, ahhhhhhh, nutted spiritual goodness down your interdimensional throat.
chekt for truth
If it was real they just simply wouldn't release it
Page 4 of the .pdf:
> The human mind under the discipline of the Hemi-Sync acts after the fashion of a laser beam which produces a disciplined stream of light. The stream of energy is projected with total coherence of both frequency and amplitude such that the surface area of the laser beam contains billions of times the concentrated energy found in a similar surface area of the sun.
> The mind, when operating at ... rarefied levels is assumed to be capable of processing the information thus received through the same fundamental matrix by which it makes sense of ordinary physical sensory input.
translating to greentext:
> be CIA test subject
> do "Hemi-Sync(TM)" meditation
> ur mind starts "Resonating(TM)"
> ur mind starts producing 40 megawatts of power (that's the power produced by 10 football fields of solar panels on a sunny day, or about 100 revving Corvettes)
> ur mind produces this power as a "psychic quantum laser beam (TM)"
> some of this power comes back for some reason (???)
> your mind can read this information just as easily as you read greentexts (??????)
That doc is worse quality than two randomly selected /x/-men blogging about watching "what the bleep do we know" while smoking medical marijuana.
>cia has astral projection on lock
google "robert bruce"
mfw still no akashic records
What normies (and yes, if you read /x/ content on the surface net, you ARE a normie) fail to realize, is that all alphabet agencies have their share of lunatic retards that produce stupid documents, which get archived without being curated.
There is an enormous amount of garbage out there that was created by spiritualist jackoffs working for the government in the 70' and 80's.
Imagine a guru governtment worker, an already flakey individual who suddenly has free reign and a meal ticket, provided that he creates sufficiently stimulating woo on command.
its bullshit. human consciousness has nothing to do with quantum mechanics. it has a lot to do with chemical receptors in the brain and the electrical potential of neurons (analog not digital changes) which there is a reference material on it in the library of congress online
its cute that he tried to make it all sound very technical though. im sure his supervisor was like well i cant call him on this bullshit because idk what the fuck he just said so i will just file this as if he did his job
Hello brother.
This is a fag , ladies and gentlemen. .a funny fag indeed .
Listen. A lot of this is true. But why did they diddle my butthole?
How the fuck do you know pleb ?
Proof or shut the fuck up
Someone else posted a list of qualities for participants and i had all of them except for the schizo/alien shit.
Also, I'm pretty sure if i followed this, I would go schizo
Was the list faggotry, faggotry, faggotry, faggotry, and faggotry?
>God doesn't want company
Why the fuck do you think you exist you stupid nigger.
Its time to grow up.
It was a longer list.
Rather easy puzzle to solve. Go to the Monroe Institute, actually try, see what happens. Theta tranning is real and accessible, unless you're scared or can find some other excuse not to do.
>implying quantum mechanics doesn't come into play at the atomic level
boy, those electrical potentials" you're talking about are literally sodium and potassium ions. Google "ion channels" and tell me that the odds of an ion quantum tunneling though a closed ion channel is negligible enough to not come into play even once in an entire brain full of the things. Protip: you cant. Brains were designed through a random iterative process, which means that if having neural structures that exploited quantum effects improved their computational power, then that's what they'd naturally tend towards.
>tfw not a psycher
Feels bad man, I feel like I'm missing out on something great.
>assuming what anonymous posters think as a collective
>calling the CIA "civil servants"
thats enough aussie posting for today mate
it's a psyop document that reads like Tlon by Borges
>their current tech/capabilities are far beyond the released information that it whatever the public makes of it is ultimately irrelevant
^^^ this, 100%.
>human consciousness has nothing to do with quantum mechanics.
God you're dull:
Definition of Stupidity:
"everything i don't understand is a psyop"
>>tfw not a psycher
>Feels bad man, I feel like I'm missing out on something great.
you are.
everyone has potential with the right training tho.
turns out the training is classified, unfortunately.