Girl I know from Middle School sends me friend request 2 1/2 ago

> Girl I know from Middle School sends me friend request 2 1/2 ago
> accept it
> Scope out her profile and see if she is dating
> Click on name and it's some black dude
> Fast Forward to today
> She is posting about how hard it is to be a single mom
> Top Kek

I've read various studies and I've seen anywhere from 95%-98% of white women who get pregnant by a black man raise the child alone.

Nigglets should have their heads smashed in

I believe that


god. imagine having to raise and look at that thing for a minimum of 18 years.

I'd rather breed and raise 80 white kids than a single nigger

While out shopping with my family today, every coal burner we father, and science project kids. These women don't are either. They are proud of this shit.

Microaggressions from white males are literally tearing these families apart!


Many such cases, sad!


Riddle me this.
Women are supposed to select the best mate they can get, strong, intelligent, healthy, to have an offspring like that, the mate must be a protector and a provider for the female, a man of good genes.

Why would any woman select a mate, outside her group, of low standards, that does not fit the natural imperative, that gives her an unhealthy mixed breed, does not protect and provide for their offspring ?

If nature wanted people to mix, there would be no outbreeding depression and people wouldn't be ethnocentric, disgusted at the sight of mixed couples.

This is why libertarians lose arguments. They try to explain how welfare is ineffective, instead of arguing that welfare is immoral.
Look at these niggers. They fuck people and run away from the child. Is anyone forcing them to have sex? Are they so dumb to not use a condom or birth control? In my city, you can literally get condoms for free. Stop making excuses for these people. They deserve squalor for their behavior, no more subsidization.
Same thing with the Katrina hurricane crisis. People were stranded in the flood, and helicopters came with food, water, medical care, rescue, etc. Problem was, the niggers started shooting at the rescue copters. There is literally no saving them.

Don't glorify the trash of society

I work on the mother baby unit at a hospital in Florida. You have no idea how true this really is. We have 19 patients tonight. This is true for 7 of them.

7 white women birthing niglets?

Post your nigger hate folder at her until you get blocked.


because survival is a given now. if their life and their offspring's lifes were directly tied to the success of their mates, females would never choose niggers.

Its normal now, the crazy thing is we were slammed with mexicans, south americans, and they have vanished in 3 months. Like one day half our board is domingez, and castro, next week they were gone, and this went on for about 4 years, nobody could speak english, but yes, the white girls who will be on welfare their whole lives, still here.

Ha ha ha she burned the coal and is now paying the toll.