is lauren southern a white nationalist?
Is lauren southern a white nationalist?
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Are americans white? No? There is your answer sweet child.
She's a dumb whore parroting things you like for money.
>hangs out with generation identitaire
>calls out the alt-lite for trying to silence white nationalists
>literally makes a video about white demographic replacement
>"I'm not a white nationalist"
She can call herself whatever she wants, but she's swallowed the 14 words.
I wouldn't know, I'm not Lauren Southern.
e-celeb shit is cancer
>She's a (((dumb whore))) parroting things you like for money.
The left has redefined white nationalists to mean nationalists who are white
fuck off, shills
She's dating a black guy.
nation = race , so a nationalist with white skin = a white nationalist. Civic nationalism is not a real thing.
She's canadian...
Race has not = nation since the 14th amendment chief.
citizenship of a country != membership in a nation
She met with Generation Identity twice, which is specifically a white/European group. Look up who Martin Sellner is.
She made several comments like pic related, talking about the anti-white agenda and white birth rates.
She follows Stefan Molyneux and RageAfterStorm, praised Jared Taylor, and acknowledged IQ differences between men and women so she's obviously a race realist.
One of her last videos was about the nonwhite invasion of Paris.
Another one of her last videos before that was about the Great Replacement (which genocide), in which she says ethnicities are not interchangeable.
She goes to Europe to stop NGOs.
She left Rebel Media around the time they made that "White Nationalists are stupid" video.
She made a video "Alt-Lite vs. Free Speech" where she defended white nationalists against the "alt-lite".
She's a closet white nationalist in all but name.
The 14th was designed for and applied to newly freed slaves and Native Americans only
>“‘Every person born within the limits of the United States, and subject to their jurisdiction, [meaning the states – their jurisdiction] is, by virtue of natural law and national law, a citizen of the United States. This will not, of course, include persons born in the United States who are foreigners, aliens, who belong to the families of ambassadors or foreign ministers accredited to the government of the United States, but will include every other class of persons. It settles the great question of citizenship and removes all doubt as to what persons are or are not citizens of the United States. This has long been a great issue in the jurisprudence and legislation of this country.’ - Sen. Jacob Howard (14th amendment author)
Also this is only in the US, it's not the same in Europe or almost anywhere outside of the West.
How can a coalburner be a white nationalist you fucking retard?
Plus she's a jew.
>/leftypol/ thinks anyone still takes their character assassination tactics seriously
>she's obviously a race realist.
I think she is a bimbo who has producers and handlers tell her what is fashionable with her target audience (Sup Forums and reddit types), and she changes to have the opinion that is fashionable. Most people here are horny teenagers and dont know how her industry works, how media is just illusion and lies to make shekels, so they think she means everything she say. They pretend she is normal person who just "got famous by being so cool" -- this is how celebrities work, because the public is ignorant of how media works, how perception is created for them.
>how convenient commies flag appears to say stereotype insult line
How convenient who appears same time:
>accuses everyone who doesn't like lauren og being leftypol, shareblue, cripplechan, reddit
>says "character assasination"
>posts fake "admissions of guilt"
>appears to defend lauren from all insults
Are you Finnkike on a proxy?
She has over 300k+ followers on Twitter, a lot of her recent videos have over 400k+ views. Most of it appeals to people outside of here. I met a pretty normal girl at a bar who liked her stuff, she has a lot of regular people on Facebook/Twatter. It's pretty light stuff for actual Sup Forumsacks.
You think she left Rebel Media, had her Patreon removed just for fun? You don't think it's more likely that she got redpilled over time, and when she left Rabbi Media she had more opportunity to talk about this stuff? It's telling that you can only bring up an old tweet from 2015 when she was 19, and showing a pretty normal reaction for someone who hears the term "white genocide" since most people don't understand the term that way.
And how is "the media" just illusion and lies in this case? She has a Youtube channel and that's it, she's not working for some big media outlets, she's in fact replacing the old media along with other Youtubers. What you described (getting famous by being cool and knowing how to get attention) happened with PewDiePie a bunch of other people.
Also, even if that were true: that she has producers and handlers telling her what to say, how does it still not help to have someone like her spreading these views to hundreds of thousands of people? You can use the people she brings in to redpill them further.
>accuses everyone who doesn't like lauren og being leftypol, shareblue, cripplechan, reddit
That's the case for 90% of them. And how convenient that we have these same dozens of character asassination threads about Lauren and people like RageAfterStorm every single day (90% o the time negative), and you try to strawman anyone who's not retarded to fall for them as the "Finnkike". Convenient that we hear the same lies and slander every day, especially since she did this whole DefendEurope thing.
>It's pretty light stuff for actual Sup Forumsacks.
That's the problem with people shilling her here. Also, she isn't WN or even right wing; she's civic nationalist, anti-racist, multiculturalist, "no immigrants -- unless they're here legally" sort of tier. Its the opposite philosophy many people her consider redpilled, and because her type of fan is constantly growing, this place is becoming more and more like reddit. People say:
>oh, she do so much for our movement
But this is bullshit, because -- like Milo -- she is a different movement, sometimes opposite of ours.
>that's the case for 90% of them
No, you are actually denying that critics of her shitty civnat bluepilled beliefs exists here. You are trying to force a wedge open here for more watered down views. That makes YOU more like to be an enemy like leftypol, because its in their interests to water down our views and stop us from moving more to the right. If you aren't a lying shill, hopefull you realize that's why you are collecting resistance.
The more you call us "leftypol" the more we are convinced that's who you actually are... or maybe TRS, since most of you also defend TRS like they're perfect and "totally doing so much for us"...
you sound like a fucking cult
Do civic nationalists make videos about demographic replacement and try to physically stop refugee boats from reaching Europe?
Also I love how you shifted the focus of the conversation to TRS for literally no fucking reason. It's almost as if (((you))) have some kind of agenda here.
>Do civic nationalists make videos about demographic replacement
That's your only defense, that "Lauren come lately" finally made anything at all even remotely related to shit that matters, after DENYING THE PROBLEM for years when it would have pissed off her Jewish boss? You really believe that kind of convenient change is sincere? Do you realize that she probably only learns what her producers tell her to learn, or adopt views their "market research" thinks will make her more popular with viewers? Do you have any idea how this industry works?
>Also I love how
>you shifted the focus of the conversation to TRS
it was mentioned as an aside, but sure w/e you little cuck faggot, bitch moar
>for literally no fucking reason
I fucked said why, because you shill for them too just as hard, and you use their shilling techniques, like calling any critics of Lauren "D&C" -- that's a classic TRS tactic.
>It's almost as if (((you)))
LOL here we go, every chance you get for ad homs because all you have is brigading and trying to personal army everyone to defend you fucking Fapfu
You're literally up against every oldfag on the board. We'll be here as long as you fanboys are shilling her watered down crap here. Call us whatever you want, we've been here forever and we're better at shilling than you.
>That's the problem with people shilling her here
It's not a problem at all. She is out there reaching out to millions, doing activism in the real world, trying to stop NGOs, bringing tons of normies on the path of the redpill. Most of the "shilling" on this board is done AGAINST her, but there's nothing with discussing what she does, or helping her get more exposure. She's out there doing all stuff, while you just stay here spamming image boards.
>Also, she isn't WN or even right wing; she's civic nationalist, anti-racist, multiculturalist, "no immigrants
Wrong, see: >because -- like Milo -- she is a different movement
Milo is literally a gay, race-mixing Jew who pushes degeneracy. Lauren is a cute white girl, a closet WN who tells girls not to act like whores and makes speeches exposing cultural marxism, while going to Europe to stop NGOs.
>The more you call us "leftypol" the more we are convinced that's who you actually are... or maybe TRS, since most of you also defend TRS like they're perfect and "totally doing so much for us"...
So now you randomly attack "TRS", an explictly white nationalist site that names the Jew every day, so really you don't care about "watered down" views.
No one is watering anything down, Sup Forums and WNs exist independently of Lauren and always will.
Your shilling is transparent, go to sites where people are more receptive to it.
>hopefull you realize that's why you are collecting resistance.
What resistance? All I'm seeing is the same 3-4 LARPers under a Nazi flag spamming lies or half-truths about her and being constantly dishonest. Meanwhile
the truth is 50% of the board don't care about her, of the ones that do 40% love her and only 10% hate her.
>Do you have any idea how this industry works?
Do you have any idea how human psychology works? This board is filled with people who went from normie to full redpill way faster than LS has changed from libertarian to conservative. But somehow different rules apply to public people because reasons.
>You're literally up against every oldfag on the board. We'll be here as long as you fanboys are shilling her watered down crap here. Call us whatever you want, we've been here forever and we're better at shilling than you.
This is all you have left. Having to lie in the hopes that the enemy will leave you alone. Because you rats were shown to be a minority. And you're not fucking oldfags either. If you were you'd know only newfags try to brag about what oldfags they are.
Look, newfriends, its a simple equation:
>Lauren can steal Sup Forums material all she wants, its fine
>Lauren can send normies here too, sure, fine, w/e
>Once newfags arrive, however, our aim is to move them TO THE RIGHT
>We are not going to sit here fapping to normalfag shit like Sargon, Lauren, and other over-produced Kekistani trash
>Go shill for Kekistani LARPers on normiebook, twitter, or yoube -- NOT HERE.
>This place is for moving beyond that shit, not wallowing in it and spreading the virtues of "kekistani civic nationalism" or other bluepilled garbage
Why does this even need to be explained to you? If you're trying to keep people at the "Lauren Southen" stage of the redpill here, then you're stopping the overton window from moving right.
Just gonna leave this here
No one is trying to argue for civic nationalism though.
>If you're trying to keep people at the "Lauren Southen" stage of the redpill here
No one is doing that
Still kinda pissed she didn't get raped in frogland. WTF muzzies, do your job!
She's in a relationship with this guy
>You're literally up against every oldfag on the board.
Highgrounding, highgrounding, highgrounding. Do you expect anyone to actually take you seriously when you post like an elitist sperg? No, they'll just think you're an elitist sperg, that is if they don't detect that you're a shill in the first place.
>posts a picture of her with the one guy who identifies himself as an Anarcho-fascist and literally rails against miscegenation on Twitter
Keep trying though I guess.
Was this "proof" made by Chrischan? This is the LARPiest, faking "confession" I've ever seen, this is a fucking joke right?
You don't like to say "purity spiraling" anymore?
Is it because of our memes?
>thinks lauren southern is from the US
good one user
butthurt microdick white boys
So many dumb whores doing this.
I bet that breaks your heart, huh?
No, because she is not white.
>someone was actually autistic enough to make this
>look guys, I bring up "Chris-Chan", I'm an oldfag!
>implying anyone who's not retarded hasn't noticed the blatant shilling against Lauren that happens every fucking day
Nice try shill.
Hey duderino, who's white and who's not? C'mon, I'm sure you and your buddies can reach a clear consensus here.
The leaf is Finnkike on a proxy/VPN, Finnkike is samefagging and using his own accounts to run these threads
Or maybe he's just using the same copypasta as me because it's a useful way to prove blatant shilling is going on?
You got caught faggot. You made these fake "admission" threads too didn't you? You are the most cancerous fuck on this board in ages, kys Finnkike.
I'm not him, but I appreciate that he's destroyed all your smear campaigns every time so now you see him under your bed, and you think anyone who's braindead is the "FinnKike" (while you act like a kike trying to character assassinate literally every single public figure on the right)
What's wrong with using the same pastas and images as him to debunk your shit?
Are you gonna that guy from Latvia a "FinnKike proxy" too?
How autistic do you have to be track this down?
>I'm not him
SHut up Finnkike, you're fucking caught -- the "shill" in your fake admission proofs was a leaf too! ITS YOUR FUCKING VPN CONFIRMED YOU DIRTY FINNKIKE!
Nahh, I'm not insane or a liar like you lot. That's why I don't hide my flag or spread obvious disinfo about people on a Mongolian horse archery board.
>who's braindead
who's not braindead*
>the "shill" in your fake admission proofs was a leaf too
damn its true, makes a lot more sense now
Finns are white tho
That poster doing the "admission" never reveals his flag in that thread, he only uses the Nazi flag and Commie flag. Woops, you just got caught shamelessly LYING again. How dumb are you?
BWAHAHAHAHA wtf happened to this board?
you got caught you thirsty virgin haha
>"le ebin Nazi" proxyfag calling out people for using "VPNs"
>always accuse your opponent of doing what you're doing
>what happened to this board.
>That poster doing the "admission" never reveals his flag in that thread
So what? You're on a VPN or a proxy, there are many layers of fake shits going on. You fucking faggot, you basically shit up the fucking board every night with your autistic attempt at 44D chess to save Lauren. What a faggot.
>damage control
You got Finnkike, there's no damage controlling that.
>is also Finnkike on a VPN
inb4 Finnkike jumps on his Danish VPN
>faggot with swastika flag
>posts the most degenerate shit he can find
seems to be a trend on this board
No she is a lesbian
>So what?
Just more proof of you people lying without any shame like kikes. I don't need to lie. Because I'm not trying to subvert anything or mislead people. I'm just spreading the truth.
Cute Hedgehogs version
>thinks if he repeats the same lies enough times he'll earn a personal army to defend Lauren
Ganbatte Sperg
>saving pictures like that
what a cuck
How many times a day do we have these threads now?