When will the Neoliberal Capitalistic global order collapse?

When will the Neoliberal Capitalistic global order collapse?

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it'll get rough with automation as the world's working class 1st worlders population falls off

Daily reminder most that shit men don't consume.

Capitalism is female greed
Marxism is female guilt.

Was it intentional for the first world person in the middle to be of indeterminate sex? If so, well played.


Nice try, Marx.

>implying neoliberal globalism isn't Marxism

Your unwokeness levels are disturbing

When enough people want it to

>All I don't like is marxism

average Polfag

Marxism is rule by an international, rootless cosmopolitan elite
Neoliberal globalism is rule by an international, rootless cosmopolitan elite

If you knew anything about history you'd know what that means

marxism is no class, no elte, no state

This time for sure!

ah but there are

the "rulers" and the unwashed masses

The only difference is that in Marxism the rulers are the party elite while in neoliberal capitalism the rulers are the banking elite.

>spreading capitalism worldwide is Marxism
>spreading the bullshit myth that capitalism is collapsing isn't Marxism
K. Got it.

Neoliberalism is Thatcher, Reagan and Pinochet. People the left absolutely loathe them without question, because their no tolerance stance on leftist bullshit actually showed the world how socialism is fundamentally flawed.

It has been since subverted by leftists dragging it over to more socialist positions, which then cause them to claim capitalism is collapsing.

What we need is another Pinochet to rise up and remove all socialist scum by force.

>capitalism is collapsing

It is collapsing in a sense

Only industrial capitalism is collapsing as the world economy stagnates while financial capitalism, the parasitism of the upper banking classes continues to leech whatever wealth is left from the productive classes.

In practice this means the importation of millions of non whites into productive white countries in order to lower wages and raise housing prices. It also means the increase in cost of useless financial "services" that are little more than usury ie parasitism. Not only is finance, the media, etc deregulated so they can consolidate into unassailable monopolies, but every part of the working, industrial class is torn apart piece by piece and either shipped overseas to China or crushed under taxation, union busting, and selling public utilities to corporations or foreigner investors.

The result is the current crisis you see before you.

This "automation" its college rhetoric. They are brain washing you to be lazy. "I am white but labor is beneath me, cuz muh IQ".

What's that one the center person's face? A tear?

Thatcher, Reagan, and Pinochet were not the first neoliberals

Carter was the first true neoliberal president and a Democrat who Reagan's team of neocons only copied. Later Britain had Tony Blair another staunch neoliberal in the 90s.

What did Reagan do? He opened the borders, gave amnesty to millions of illegals. Then he shipped as many jobs as possible out to

What did Thatcher do? She shut down mining and industry in her own country. How is she any different from Clinton? Bill Clinton was also a neoliberal, loved by the left, yet a deregulator of the media and wall street allowing finance to consolidate into giant monolithic entitie. Clinton signed NAFTA, and brought China into the WTO.


neoliberalism is the antithesis of nationalism it means rule by a few globalist bankers.

I could care less about manufacturing jobs declining in the US. This isn't the 1950s. We have machines that can significantly raise manufacturing output, or we can just ship some jobs to countries that have a comparative advantage for manufacturing.

>importation of millions of non whites into productive white countries in order to lower wages
A statement that is completely unsubstantiated. Aggregate wages increase due to immigration, and grouping shit as "whites" vs "non whites" just shows highly flawed racist thinking, not something based in any economics.

Marxists have been saying capitalism is collapsing for the past 200 years (see pic.) It's not going away, guy. And clinging on to the past is a futile and foolish effort.

I love this picture. The trans commie in the center doesn't work, it just cries, like that lazy bitch Karl Marx. All this labor and goods, in exchange for a worthless Fing tear.

Why is an African handling the prawns, and how many Liberal Women watch exploitation porn?

>We have machines that can significantly raise manufacturing output

You have no idea what you're talking about

Jobs haven't been "replaced" by machines they have been replaced by outsourcing jobs to China

>Aggregate wages increase due to immigration,

real wages have declined or stagnated since the late 1970s, right when the neoliberal turn began.

>"whites" vs "non whites"

Whites statistically try to live within their means. Non whites, especially immigrants are more likely to borrow and cause debt crisis such as the 2008 sub prime mortgage crisis which mostly went towards

Ironically the crisis was partially caused by the fact that it's considered "racist" not to lend to Mexicans/blacks with bad credit.

Endless lending leads to inevitable bubbles.

Currently wages are stagnant while prices, especially land prices continue to explode. Insurance, healthcare, educaiton, are all soaring in cost while debt increases and wages stagnate. Meanwhile cheap labor is endlessly flooding the country and every productive job possible is sent overseas all while taxes on the working class increase while public utility spending is cut in favor of welfare for non-whites.

The only way you can defend neoliberalism is if you know nothing about economics.

>Jobs haven't been "replaced" by machines they have been replaced by outsourcing jobs to China
That's false. Nearly 90 percent of manufacturing job loss was due to productivity growth. Stop talking out of your ass.


>real wages have declined or stagnated since the late 1970s, right when the neoliberal turn began.
Literally making a basic correlation vs causation mistake here. The stagnation in real wages can't be explained by immigration, but you can establish a causality between increasing wages and increasing immigration. Harping on real wages doesn't tell the full story either. Look at real compensation instead. That's been increasing for decades.


>Ironically the crisis was partially caused by the fact that it's considered "racist" not to lend to Mexicans/blacks with bad credit.
Not really. Investors don't give a fuck about the race of the client as long as they can make money, and back then they were betting heavily on CDOs, regardless of how shit their credit was.

>Currently wages are stagnant while prices,
Also false. Wages grew by 2.4 percent in the last two years, which is much faster than expected. The "stagnant wages" meme holds some truth if you look at overall trends going back decades, not looking at more recent trends. You also, again, have to completely ignore real compensation.

>every productive job possible is sent overseas all
False, again. Pretending manufacturing jobs are the only "productive" jobs or that even the majority of them are being shipped overseas is deluded.

>Nearly 90 percent of manufacturing job loss

That's not how a trade deficit works.

>Look at real compensation instead.

Compensation has actually decreased because formerly employer provided "healthcare" has been replaced with employees paying part of their salary into a healthcare system/pension.

It's a scam similar to social security/payroll tax you are having your income drained in the present all while health care costs skyrocket in the future

In addition those healthcare plans won't cover your rent, educaiton, utilities, transport, debt etc

>Investors don't give a fuck about the race of the client

It does on average. Blacks/Mexicans have far lower credit scores which means standards must be lowered so they can take on debt.

>Wages grew by 2.4 percent in the last two years

Which is nothing compared to the increase in health care costs, education, housing, debt, transportation, etc. Private debt by itself is 2.5 x the annual gdp of the country.

>Pretending manufacturing jobs are the only "productive" jobs

If you don't produce something of tangible material value you must inevitable import it from somewhere else.

Millions of jobs have been lost overseas in just a few decades. Lower demand for labor means lower wages. That shouldn't be difficult to understand even for low iq neolibs.

When the financial aspect of it collapses.

SJW caricatures or ancap is a false dichotomy, not wanting a police state doesn't mean we want MEGACORP rule instead.
The biggest failing of 2017's Sup Forums (other than refusing to admit Trump failures) is embracing the ancap memes as if they are more than jokes.

>marxism is no class, no elte, no state

It has never not been all those things wherever it has been tried.

So fucking shut up idiot.

nice meme, nigger