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My eyes were playing tricks on me, then I saw it.

The fuck is wrong with humans??

Where dis?


Ha okay thanks

A nuke here pretty please.

We need lebensraum user...

And people wonder why the suicide rate is so high there


Fuck, that looks Soviet-tier depressing.

The worse thing is there are retards who think the world is not overpopulated at all and think this is perfectly acceptable.

>Only 7% of the country is urban! We have plenty of room for more refugees!

shit that's worse than LA

i can see my house

There's unironically no problem with photo in the OP. Tokyo has low crime, low pollution, and great services. Just because niggers can't urbanize doesn't mean no one can.

Nice meme. Japan's neighborhoods are pretty smartly designed. In Japan, alleyways are not for shady people to do shady stuff in.

Instead, they can be bars or pubs or diners.

Imagine walking through there and seeing almost all ethnic Japanese people.

Then compare it to walking around modern New York.


LA is a thousand fucking times worse.


that's funny, get to tokyo, half of it is underground. Shit is not just spread out, it's deep too.

tokyo is really disgusting city
fucking air polluted concrete jungle
also dwellers in the city are all soulless

woah is that a regular scene in tokyo ?

>100 million people on island
what did you expect


like everywhere in the world, buildings get taller as you go towards the center, except murica, where it's just suburbs for an eternity, then it like plops up for 3 skyscrapers and back to houses again

>Asian city planning
Have you seen satellite view pics of China's network of hives? Crazy stuff.


best city in the world

suck my balls

neck yourself

unironically it's the worst

No sorry, it is a glimpse into the future of an american city, ruled by confused descendants of us. They will not understand that batman was just a comic book and they will treat it like the bible.

I thought it was pretty cool when I went. I've lived in rural/suburban type areas all my life and I'd never been to a city so big in my life. It was so easy to go anywhere and there was just so much stuff there. There were some districts of Tokyo that seemed like they were bigger than some cities I had seen before. Maybe it's not for you and I can understand that but I think it's a very impressive city.

I dont think its neccessarily bad. Only thing that bugs me is that there dont seem be any public places I could reach by foot and hang out. Like parks with nice trees, shops, food, coffee. If they would do more integrated concepts I'd be on board.

Can you see now why they want to depopulate? Can you see now why they are pushing people into becoming transgender? That is the last resort before just wiping out a few million.

LA is full of a bunch of niggers and spics, and "whites" that allow these beasts to live next door. I wish commiefornia would just sink into the ocean already.

no u

how did japen even reach that population size while living on an island?

This. Even city people in America are rural and suburban retards.

>he thinks the world is depopulating
I bet you think donating to food banks in Africa is a good idea

When the water rises it will. Then the flood will come and the elite will flee in ships. Maybe next time it will be the ants that rise instead of the monkeys, or maybe it will be a new breed.

I didn't say the world is depopulating, I said it is populating at a high rate, and it will not be good. That is why the elite are pushing the next generation to be gay and not reproduce, or maybe that is just instinct...


reminds me of Terry Davis's nigger cattle idea

>Bill Gates and the Illuminati got a herd of nigger cattle
>they are the most docile nigger cattle
>they shit and they sit there and watch tv and they shit

This dude has schizophrenia.

doesn't me he's wrong

>the elite are pushing the next generation to be gay and not reproduce
you mean "the next generation of whites". they're not pushing that on africa, which is the real source of overpopulation

Urban jungles rot the soul no matter how many amenities are available. Obviously the entertainment services tokyo offers are unable to counteract depression and suicide.

Hell-A is a true shithole. I used to live there. Never again. Overheated, crime-ridden, smelly, third-world, traffic-clogged, etc. Just a nasty place.

>What's Okinawa?

pick one

Uh huh. Lemme drop you off in Detroit.
I wouldn't though. I'd let you get back in the car real fast. I'm not that mean.

Where you live in any city, it is nearly 100% jap. That's good. That should be. Amen.

>t never been to an american shitty

>power capital of the world
># of trees
direct correlation
expensive to live here, its full dont come


Damn, Japanese birth rates need to go down lol

you dont know what schizophrenia is then

rate muh neighborhood Sup Forums

Literally the gayest place on Earth

i hope humans will at least enjoy the world they're creating for themselves

Inter-city travel should be exclusively conducted by walking, subways and low noise electric taxis. Shopping malls and other facilities that don't need daylight should be built underground.

Looks like they improved the graphics on Cities: Skylines

>tfw when you correctly guessed what city that is

My, that horizon sure is straight.


I unironically love the sprawl. I also love big giant dirty cities. what is wrong with me Sup Forums? I am drawn to the where there are masses of people and cultures and races.

67% of the land is mountains in Japan.
It's islands of forest mountains.

just stay out of the black neighborhoods


This is a human abomination.
Those who live more center to this beast are more the slaves to the beast.
This is systematic slavery to the bioware trap dome free. Sickening.

Just think. If every one of those japs in that city, have just one eunuch nigger slave-animal they rounded up from africa... practically no one would ever be homeless, and everyone could accomplish so much. People could stop stressing over work and committing seppuku, if clickclick clop would just be there to do their laundry and cook dinner.

Humans are designed to live that close to so many
That's why

>few million
won't make a difference until it's a few billion

Don't for fall for that image. Tons of suburbs in Texas usually come along with pools, parks, and other recreational areas (as part of the community developments). Also, most suburbs here have small downtown areas with businesses, along with recreational centers, churches, etc.

It's almost like imperial capitalist banks are breeding cattle

haha murifaggots
