You can't make this shit up
You can't make this shit up
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Bump this is hilarious negroes
oh boy here we go again
Fake news ,fake drama , SAGE
No it isn't.
Merkel is the real fifth beatle
>USA says, Europe should take more care for itself
>Sup Forums: Preach it!
>Merkel says, Europe should take more care for itself
>Sup Forums: Dafuq?! Is she going insane?!
>USA says it's becoming more Russia friendly under Trump
>Sup Forums: I'm okay with this
>Europe is critical of Russia
>Sup Forums: Fucking jews against based Russia!!
>USA posing sanctions that would hurt Russia (and the EU)
>Sup Forums: This is 4-D chess, what a based move!
>EU against hurting Russia because it would hurt itself
>Sup Forums: Lol, why would they do this? This is stupid!
Sup Forums literally is sheeple
>A does X
>B does X
Germany has to vanish to never ever play any important role in this world ever again!
>It’s them again you idiots!
I don't get it
Its not caring about the Europe, its caring about Germany you negroid. And the building of united EU with German leadership
Read about Nordstream 2, which isolates middle Europe from having any leverage in gas conflicts with Russia and gives it all to Germans
>gives a shit about europe
some recommended reading: en.wikipedia.org
thats elton john in drag you twat
>from having any leverage in gas conflicts with Russia and gives it all to Germans
So, you're just afraid to see your power diminish, so you rather have the US be the ultimate power leverage, because if those sanctions go through, they will be the only supplier of gas in the EU.
Europe isn't a country you fucking moron
fuck off, no sane european wants a europe ruled by merkel and the EU in its current form. If merkel and her leadership get hanged in front of the Reichsstag and some reasonable people have a say in how things are run we cant start talking about europe taking care of itself
>giving a shit about Europe
Your argument being? And again
>Germany wants better relationship with Russia
>Horrible traitors of European people
>USA wants better relationship with Russia
>It's about time, those good hearted people!
LOL, implying EU would go against US. They just making noise to "save" their dignity, but they would bow their heads when time is up.
>go with Russia, piss off USA
>go with USA, piss off Russia
Hmmm, what a hard choice. I wonder what Germoney will do.
You're objectively wrong tho.
no one is celebrating Russia sanctions.
USA's congress is just retarded enough to make international policy based off the unverified claims of the DNC.
I love, how you don't argue in any way against my points but just spout your regular anti-EU stuff
>You're being hypocritical, critising the EU for doing the same things the US does
If your only reason to hate on the actions of something because you don't like it, you guys should really evaluate your outlook on reality
just fucking hilarious lmao
>muh russia turned against them
When will the left ever learn?
>no one is celebrating Russia sanctions.
Have you even been in the threads about these sanctions on here?
>to make international policy based off the unverified claims of the DNC.
Well there is also the whole Crimea and Ukraine faggotry as well as funding and supporting every piece of shit third world enemy of the US.
Putin was a pretty huge dick during the Obama administration
Nice, Germans are our brothers after all.
Russia and Germany have a pretty good relationship. Many important figures in the German energy sector as ex-DDR intelligence officers. .
I have never said anything about the US, stop putting words in my mouth you idiot
Have germans ever had the balls to assasinate their leader and why should the time be now?
>annoy Russia
>annoy USA
>annoy China and Israel as well just in case
Only good can come of this.
for fucks sake, I don't know how, I do not know when, but I do know for sure that Poland will get hit with this shit
>Russia and Germany have a pretty good relationship
when they are focused on killing Poland, yeah, but that's it
>MFW this is always true
Why didn't Poland just fucking annex Germany?
because we are the good guys
our political landscape is turning into "do the opposite of trump"
how the fuck did we get in this mess
Germany is afraid Russia will cut off the oil and sell it to China.
They did, parts of it. But yeah allowing Germany to continue existing was a mistake.
I'm not impressed. What we passed wasn't carefully enough put together, so europe is defending it's own businesses in the spots we're stepping on their toes. Doesn't mean a fucking thing.
>Dems and neocons start a trade war and push Europe closer to Russia due to MUH RUSSIA
Congratulations, you played yourselves.
>USA says, Europe should take more care for itself
>Sup Forums: Preach it!
>Merkel says, Europe should take more care for itself
>Sup Forums: Dafuq?! Is she going insane?!
How fucking stupid can you be that you don't even understand the nuance of these two positions on Sup Forums, its even piss easy.
By Trump being a dumbass
Europeans join Democrats in "Russia haxxored the elections."
Congress passes sanctions that Trump can't remove.
Germany now scared that Russia will cut off Europe's oil supply because of the sanctions.
Being anti-Trump backfired.
Finally Germans have got some balls
No one wants Germany to screw everyone else but Germans, sorry.
>push Europe closer to Russia
we are at russian borders, that is maximum level of being close to russia, next is being part of Russia
and EU is just bunch of jewish commies who are hellbent on destroying european people and fullfilling kalergi plan
stop buying gas from russia
Pretty sure they just took the land Hitler demanded from Poland back. And yes Germany is a fucking mistake, German anons are very very shame as the nips say it.
Wir schaffen das!
It's because Trump voters voted for a guy that embodied the opposite of everything else. Very simple.
Ukraine is getting invaded now.
Russia is in the for penny, why not go for the pound?
Sanctions don't matter if they control a lot of Europe's arable land.
WW3 is happening. Lamocrats and Neocunts accelerated the time table by bitching and moaning about Trump.
He meant the (((EU))). Everyone knows Poland will never be able to have amicable relations with Russia.
This is literally what we want. You faggots can't be trusted and Germany is the only competent country in the region.
Nah they took Pomerania and Silesia which were German, and Austrian respectively for most of the last few hundred years. But the Germans deserved it so fuck them.
It's called shilling.
This. Buy 3x overpriced gas from America just to make Baltics and Poland happy.
>le pol is le one le person
And this is why you're hiding your flag.
Poland fought for America during the Revolutionary War and krauts fought for the lobsterbacks. Krauts invented communism, Poles fought it.
All I need to know about who America can trust between the Poles and Germans.
these sacntions are simply a backdoor way to benefit american energy companies. It's america doing what it has always done. Play dirty. i much rather give energy gibs to russia than to america.
Then what's the point of the european union? Rape and faggotry? Fuck europe , it's done , and so are we if we don't cut off places like california and new york.
New Axis:
North Korea
South Korea
Wants the shit goes down, Turkey probably sides with the Ruskies.
US has to fight on multiple fronts.
North Korea is gonna have its nuke unless its turned into a parking lot. We're not invading the gook mainland without killing a fuckton of people first.
but Poles invented the holocaust
>Pay more for gas because Russia makes us mad!
>Give us our gibs, Germany!
t. the Butthurt Belt
All the more reason to love Poland.
Russia sent fleets to both your coasts to prevent Britcucks from attcking you in those times but you are shitting on Russia now anyway..
I'm so hyped. Let's do this.
>3x overpriced gas from America
we just got transport from USA and it had good price
you know nothing about this, and probably about anything else as well
>give us gibs, germany!
how about germany pays for WW2 damage it did to Warszawa only?
also, (((gibs))) to Poland are actually gibs to german owned companies like LIDL or carrefour to build on Polish soil
the more you know, the less burger you are
you are already done. 56%
*voice down from the shitter*
Gotta say, guys, I do enjoy how members of EU keep bickering with each other over petty issues, you put a pretty nice show. I almost wish I had popcorn somewhere around. Hope you will join us here soon.
>germany telling USA about racial purity
something something pot to kettle
The legislation is foolish. What would they expect of course the EU wants a stable/secure energy mix with not one suppling all and thereby makeing them vulnerable. Of course russia and the us both want to make the European contries dependend on them, but the intrest of them in this case is likley strong enough to even start a costly ecconomic war or more about it, since the matter is so important.
yeah yeah, im sure pooland is already working on leaving EU. i really believe it. pooland stronk.
I might be visiting St. Petersburg at some point next year. Anything worth seeing?
You are just buttmad you will not get any profit from Nord Stream 2. This project instead of land pipeline exist only because your butthurt and yo will always ruin our mutual relations with Germany.
>"We consider this as being against international law, plain and simple," Brigitte Zypries told the Funke Mediengruppe newspaper chain. "Of course we don't want a trade war. But it is important the European Commission now looks into countermeasures."
>The German government and business leaders have said the new sanctions passed this month by the U.S. House of Representatives could prevent German companies from working on pipeline projects that they say are essential to Germany's energy security.
I thought Germany was getting rid of fossil fuel?
Bullshit. Russia has never once in its history been able to into navy.
Read your own history you tard, how do you not know who drilled the Continental Army?
Holy fuck Americans are stupid.
Von Steuban was an American citizen and the mercenaries used by the British were almost 100% German so fuck off taco nigger.
Sometimes I think there is something wrong with Poles so they beg for n-th partition.
Why can't you just get profit by being a stable friendly country between Russia and Germany and always try to ruin natural trade routes through your contry.
Kys ameritard.
you call my country pooland, meanwhile, your people are getting stabbed in supermarkets
I hope arabs outbreed you and you will no longer exist
I am buttmad about entire german way of doing stuff:
>hey people of europe let's work together to benefit everybody!
>but let's make it so that germany and france benefits, while everybody else works for them!
>also, we need to adapt communism and marxism because reasons!
But we could fuck Brits in India if they decided to do shit with our fleet.
Excellent answer , kommeraden, care to elaborate or just want to continue your country's faggotry?
>but let's make it so that germany and france benefits, while everybody else works for them!
Whom are you trying to fool?
>Taco nigger
>American education
German mercenaries were used by every European army. Von Steuben became a citizen after the war. Prussia also sold weapons to the US in the early stages.
You mean that war Russia lost? Cool story bro.
Besides usual stull like Hermitage museum and etc
Comfiest coffee in the city.
sometimes I think that germans are always starting wars because of their inflated egos and retarded messianic concept
merely a joke, I think that all the time
germany actively fights any tries to make Poland a better place, right now by paying money to PO, which is now in opposition, so that Poland may be sold for cheap, piece by piece. Happened with sugar industry, happened with shipyards, happened with multiple instances of this and that, but hey, who cares, it was Poland
and Russians killed our president, so fuck you
Germany is weak , bro. Without nato russia would just steam roll you.
>Sanctioning Russia is a bad thing now by EU
I'm tired of this semen slurping union.
No one cares.
Irrelevant. We spent most of our time being shot at by Krauts and Von Steuben was literally American. Krauts have always been the enemy of the United States.
Merkel will teach Trump a lesson.
The list of wars that we won is longer than the list of wars your fucking country ever been a part of rofl.
THread theme
Lol, Germany is going to side with North Korea in WWIII.
>source: european comission
so the same guys who said that snails are now fishes so France could import them cheaper?
the guys who debate about whether to give islamists ability to create sharia zones in Europe because reasons?
lastly, guys who say that Poland is dictatorship because people elected govt that is not pro-EU?
you twat, I hope shitskins rape your mother
This is the type of bullshit that made me realize it's not worth caring at all about foreign policy, because there is so much going on that you can't see, all the public really knows is the tip of the iceberg, so I don't give a fuck about these jewish psy-op theater shows.
>Germany wants to secure its energy security
Wow, Germany really was a mistake. Fuck off shills