How do you fellow racists deal with hating black males but wanting to fuck their women?

How do you fellow racists deal with hating black males but wanting to fuck their women?

More white DNA = Good

ew, gross

I don't have that problem. I'm just not attracted to them.

Who would want to fuck Minnie Mouse

I am not ashamed of my preference for chocolate.

Not thanks.

It'd be like fucking the family dog....

nobody wants black bitches, not even black men.

>wanting to fuck their women?
i don't want genital herpes

i'm not into fats

I don't want to fuck their women and neither do they.

i'll kill myself before I fuck a nigger

You do realise you are supposed to post an acutally attractive Female when you make this sort of thread right?

>but wanting to fuck their women?

>be black
>evolve in Africa, where food is everywhere, you just have to take a trip for it (and another if you want more)
>live in America, where you can order as much food as you want without any exercise
>your statistics when you can't stop stuffing your mouth

>wanting to fuck their women
citation fucking needed you fucking faggot

"I said to the man are you trying to tempt me....
because i come from the land of plenty."

I don't wanna fuck that tho, and that's gotta be top 5 ugliest haircuts posted on here for the past few months. Why can't black people have normal hair?



>wanting to fuck their women
Fuck no, they're like the only girls i'd never fuck alongside the ones with syndrome 21

If I'm going to be fucking an animal I'd rather fuck one that doesn't have over 80% of their population infected with an STD.

Horse pussy is better than nigger pussy.

I hate their hair. It looks ghetto and gross no matter what they do with it.