What is/should be required reading before posting on Sup Forums?

What is/should be required reading before posting on Sup Forums?

Other urls found in this thread:


Mein Kampf

-The Culture of Critique
-The Bell Curve
- Revolt Against the Modern World
- The Jewish Century
- The Camp of Saints
- Bowling Alone
- All Quiet on the Western Front

If you read all of these you'll be more knowledgeable on the subjects that people talk about on here than most others.

>atlas shrugged meme
Why on earth did this book get any popularity


Not your OP pic

short read, your crash course in to Sup Forums, it has it all




Meme author.


Democracy the God that Failed

My manifesto desu.

The ancient stories like the Ilias

Ivan Illich

man i tried to read that book and it was so fucking boring jesus christ its 2017


If you can actually bring yourself to read Atlas Shrugged from cover to cover i applaud your autism.

the illiad*


Communist manifesto

The Holy Bible.
The Constitution of the United States of America.
Declaration of Independence...AKA the most successful troll/shit post EVER!!
These are all you will ever need.
Also, quit being such a follower.
Everyday I get on here and watch you morons fall for the machinations of Jews, while bitching about Jew; yet acting JUST LIKE THEM.
Good cop/bad cop. One Jew pretends to be a Natsoc, and the other plays the Jew part. Together they make all of you believe wtf they want. Sickening really.
Democracy is socialist. So GOOD.

And a huehue to you too

Forgot pic.

There they go.

It's called Ilias in Germany

Storms of Steel is a great book
I remember The Leopard used to be on that list though, why was it removed?


>He who comes with the dawn
Are you a moth? Get the fuck out of my lightbulbs ffs

>What must be done
Why do I have to think of a helicopter?

No Behold a Pale Horse, or Reading related to Freemasonry or Satanism, or Kabbalah BS...how to spot a shill bibliography 101.

Don't get the joke...perhaps it sucks ass.

Perhaps you shouldn't invade my bathroom

Still don't get it...Is there some kind of slang about moths being dawn creatures in Germany...cause they are out at night here. I really don't get it.
What I have to do with light bulbs. or moths?

All of Evola's and René Guénon's work at the very least.

Fuck Ayn Rand, she's a shit writer and a hypocrite. The fountainhead was the same story told like 7-8 times

Namefags shouldn't be surprised if they get ridiculed


You posted it. "The Virtue of Selfishness" and "Capitalism the Unknown Ideal" are her two unassaiable masterworks imo, better reads. Atlas is great and all but what it is is a way the layman can digest her philosophy. All one really needs from Atlas is John Galts speech. youtube.com/watch?v=8F5nhYo5nx4
Objectivism is bar none the greatest threat the left has ever encountered which is why it terrifies them so. Observe this thread and also remember how much larger a percentage of reddit and shareblue we have these days. Beware the Crypto-commie and psuedo-right.

I do not mind...I enjoy it. Look at my fucking name...you think I am trying to AVOID being made fun of? I enjoy it. I just do not get it. Am honestly curious about wtf you mean. Maybe it is hilarious and I don't get it.

'Cause you saw a helicopter in the previous edition.

>.how to spot a shill bibliography 101
The list came from a series of collaborative threads on Sup Forums in the early 2010's, but sure thing sempai.

And a kike.



Again...stop being a fucking follower and sucking who you THINK the cool kids' dicks are.
Then most of Sup Forums is responsible for that shitty list, and you are just responsible for sharing it far and wide.
Understood my friend. No hard feelings though...I just talk a lot of shit.
I am betting when I was your age, I was twice as dumb as any of you are now.


Maps of Meaning.

Sort yourselves out buckos.

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
On the Shortness of Life by Seneca

aka how not to be a pussy, face the harsh realities that life throws at you, and thrive in spite of difficulties.

>reading books

Required reading to post on Sup Forums?
Terry Pratchett. Everything he wrote.
Not to use directly in posts, but because we don't need anyone who hasn't got a sense of humor.
People should also read leaked scientology documents before posting here, to familiarize themselves with cult tactics.

It's a pretty stunning work. People just disagree on whether it's a good kind of stunning or a bad kind of stunning.
Since new readers don't predictably come down on one side or the other, that disagreement itself drives ongoing further exposure! Those who are impressed want to share it because it's good. Those who are not impressed seem to come away so very not impressed that they want to go online and kvetch about how bad it is. Both of these drive curiosity. Actual exposure splits the curiousers into those who liked it and those who didn't, both groups of which then go on to set up the next wave.
At this point, everyone concedes the book is influential, so it's become a part of the corpus of western civilization without which westerners are not to be considered well-read.
>"The Virtue of Selfishness" and "Capitalism the Unknown Ideal"
Rock that America flag, capitalista

Ethics of liberty and Stirner

New meme incoming....

the Sup Forums book


Damn, this is a good fucking list. I approve.

Who, when, where.
I don't think you need to understand.

Nah. She was unusually redpilled for a Jew. She's good baby's first redpill on Communism.


You are such a professional. It's hurts to be in your basking light.

>Atlas Shrugged
actually a really good book tbph

Required reading for Rhodesianboos.

Also, for fiction, read Book of the New Sun tbph lads.

Sup Forums


Might is Right, ragnar redbeard
Thus spake zarathustra, nietzsche
Anatomy of the state, rothbard

>Behold a Pale Horse
behold a pale lying bastard, you mean. Can you say oh Krill?

Cooper was fed a bunch of BS, when he was in the Naval intelligence, and I would never say he is always right...no one ever is.
I think my understanding at this point dwarfs his, but it is a good starting point for beginners.
You must be that faggot Mason that I keep destroying.
Nice try shill.

I see you whore of Babylon.

Nope, just an Irl oldfag that remembers Cooper and how he fucked up paranet with his BS and constantly changing stories. Remember lars Hanson and the tape cooper reckoned proved SS agent greer killed Kennedy?

Ayn Rand was a retarded author, not a meme author.

Yeah that was pretty retarded...but it is pretty understandable that they arrived at that conclusion then.
That's wtf they do though...send CIA people with ridiculous stories to try and discredit people.
Sound familiar? It's wtf you are doing.
Everyone who studies this shit believes some BS from time to time. I think you are just a jealous shill. Or a Mason. I still believe that about you.

Certainly not that piece of shit.

From the book, "The Secret Destiny of America," by Manly P Hall:
This, then, is the design of our foundations: that men shall abide together in peace, and shall devote their energies to the common cause of discovery.
Man is greater then the animal, not in strength of body, nor in shrewdness, nor in the power of his senses, nor even in skill or patience; man is superior because he contains within himself the faculties and powers, by which he can perceive his true place in a divine order of life.
His power lies in his dreams, his visions, and his ideals. If these intangibles are left uncultivated, man is at best but a superior kind of beast, subject to all the ills and vicissitudes of an unenlightened creation.
But, as man has locked within him, hidden from the public gaze, this diviner part, so is it true that human society has within itself, concealed from our common view, a nobler part composed of the idealists and dreamers of all ages, and of all races; who have been bound together by their common vision of mans necessity.
This is the secret empire of the poets, this is the Order of the Unknown Philosophers, this is the Brotherhood of the Quest.
And never will these dreamers cease their silent working, until that dream is perfected in our daily life. They are resolved, that the Word which was made flesh, shall become the Word that was made Soul.
The great University of the Six Days Work, must be built here in our Western world, to become a guide to the nations. About this shrine to Universal Truth, shall arise the democratic Commonwealth--the wealth of all mankind.
This is the destiny for which we were brought into being. The plan, which was devised in secrecy long ago, and in far places, shall be fulfilled openly...as the greatest wonder born out of time.

Sexual degenerates can never be 'red pilled', you moron.

a pinochet biography if there is such a thing

Confessions of a stuka pilot

Wow, Manly, sure has an active imagination.
Without studying these people for years, even his excerpt can sound friendly, even something to hope for; but that is because you don't really understand it. Or you are a Communist/Satanist, or any of the other ists I document here. lol
He is outright saying, that some men are superior to others, not by race, but by IDEOLOGY. This of course has been the MAINSTREAM scientific view, ever since Darwin. Natural selection. Get it? Divine Order of life?
He is describing the Leftist Utopia, and the same SATANIC BS, which has been pushed by globalists, since time immemorial; that man, through his devices (science/technology), shall become God.
It is the same story as the Garden of Eden, the very lie told to man, by the serpent.
it is the same story we saw in Nazi Germany, using science, and genetics to create an ubermensch, a superman.
It is the same story we see in America, on the left, with the eugenics of abortion, and Margret Sanger.
It is the same story we see in our schools, being taught to elementary school children: Natural Selection, becoming unnatural selection.
It is the same story of the Egyptian Pharaohs, who through their, 'magic' sought an unending life, and the power of a god.
Interestingly enough, all of this started in Egypt/Babylon, and since the Pharaoh was considered god, and the Pharaoh WAS the state, in all ways that matter, Ancient Egypt, was in fact, both Satanic AND Socialist/Communist; in all ways that matter. Interesting eh?
Mr. Hall makes their motives quite clear, for those of us who have studied them, as much as they have studied US, when he says their goal is to make the Word which became flesh, become the Word which became Soul.

Mate I'm right into this stuff, marks manchurian candidate, operation grill flame/stargate, Northwoods, agent buzz etc but Cooper was an idiot, he even backed the dulce Base shit. Only Al Bielek was a bigger liar than Cooper.

The Word that became flesh, is the word the Freemasons/Jewish Mystics, and all related Satanism, believes was spoken by the Great Architect (Lucifer, or God, depending on which one you ask), which made all creation spring into being. If that sounds familiar, it is because it is the EXACT same story, as the Big Bang Theory. Another interesting factoid eh?
Those people enlightened enough to understand their place in the divine order of life, is not any of you.
Only those who worship man as God, will be allowed into the New Order, dreamed up by these fruitcakes. 666, which is the symbol of a
Those who do this, who fall for this deception, will be damned by God, no matter your religion. Or damned by those you follow, for being a Useful Idiot, if you don't believe in God, either way, you are screwed.
For you see, Mr Hall ALSO describes the fate of the people who are not capable of understanding their place, in the new order of divinity. These are those who are, 'but a superior kind of beast, subject to all the ills and vicissitudes of an unenlightened creation.'
Understand what Mr. Hall is trying to tell you all now? About the world, and your place in it? I hope so.
Doesn't it make you feel all warm, and fuzzy inside?
Fuck off. Being wrong does not make you a liar. You are a Mason. I can tell.

Hall had a sad ending...

What do you dislike most about her writing?

Because he was a moron like you. Sympathy for Hall, but not Cooper?
Seriously, fuck off right this minute Mason shill fuck.

>assuming this widows son is a Mason

For everything cooper talked about there are better sources. Eg you want to know about the Kennedy brothers assassinations, read about sidney gottlieb.

Fucking commie

Great read if you are into trains

fuck you nigger and your "weeeeeell I am soooo over atlas shrugged, i grew out of it" meme
you fucking nigger
atlas shrugged is fucking nuclear quality shit
and that's why it's a meme to hate on it
you faggot
same reason every reddit pleb like you faggot will say "ho ho acktually don't you mean brave new world" when you bring up 1984
fucking predictable, weak-minded niggers

Hall was an esoteric scholar that got duped by an unscrupulous 'doctor'. Cooper was a paranoid nut job conspiracy shill that pulled a pistol on police. Hardly comparable.

fuck you nigger
try strengthening your brain and not parroting the shit that shills shit out into this forum you fucking faggot

Nothing, they just read one person saying "ho ho i grew out of that" or "meme author" and then, with absolutely nothing in their barren and fucktarded minds to write about or contribute, they spasm and shit out a weak reply and then hope someone congratulates them on having copypastad a meme
fucking nigger-weak minds

Culture of Critique, Mussolini's Intellectuals and Evola.

people who say otherwise are trying to push memes they've seen on here in an effort - a fucking faggoted effort, like who the fuck cares, to pretend to be knowledgeable

Starship Troopers

Why? It was same people as always Widows' Son.
It was you and your kind. I know about the obelisk erected in Dealey plaza...divided into 14 pieces, like Osiris was ripped into 14 pieces by Seth.
I know ISIS lost his dick, because a fish swallowed it.
I know that is wtf the Washington monument is,.
I know about the trident that the streets in dealey plaza make up.
I get the fucking joke....The dolphin was the sigil of the Kennedy family, and the trident of Poseidon was part of legend about how the dolphin got the BLOWHOLE in their heads.
Avise la fin: Kennedy house motto.
Translation...consider the end.
I am in on ALL the jokes asshole.
You are a Mason shill, Hall was a Mason shill.
I am telling people truth to best of my knowledge.
You are being full of shit, and a Mason shill. A moron Mason shill at that...you are not even god at it. NO comparison.
When will the Statue of Liberty find her husbands' lost penis.

Here, I thought everyone could use a copy of the Bill of Rights.

E-2 "bruto"?



You can't get the people to read the sticky
You want people to read whole books?

Are you fucking kidding me?

as a comic relief?

Reminder that the schizophrenic Weaponized Cartman who changed his name to He Who Comes With The Dawn needs to be filtered.

He supposedly believes in all of this....that is until he does not any more, all of a sudden.
You are a Mason shills, and you will never stop me telling the truth.


I thought he was just a nutty Christian. "He who comes with the dawn" sounds like a name given to Jesus.

Reminder that is my LARP for when I play a Democrat...and these Mason shills cannot debate me then either.
They even lose to the Democrat version of me.
Buzzzz Buzzzzz Buzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzwords.
Never an argument, and they are TERRIFIED of people reading wtf I say.
So you all better do wtf this faggot told you.
It is obvious he has everyones' best interests in mind.
I have TOTALLY revealed who the shills on Sup Forums are. I win forever.
You too shill. You are stupid af.
Follow your masters you pathetic bitch-made fuck.