Who won?

Who won?

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fatih cenk uygur

Like every non-blowout debate, whoever you agreed with more before the debate was the person who won.

Who cares?



Wasn't a total blowout but I can't see how anyone could say Cenk won without being terribly biased.

I'm watching it now. Already infuriated at Cenk even though I think Ben is a filthy kike. How can anyone unironically cheer Cenk?

>Who won?

There's back to back cheering on both sides but eventually Cenk just begins fighting the crowd with rhetoric.


Both sides are poorly represented with these two people. You have to have some form of dementia to have been persuaded by anything said there.

does she have skin cancer or something ?


We're just trying to have a reasonable discussion.

nah, she's just armenian

Cenk ABSOLUTELY destroyed that nasally kike shapiro especially on the southern strategy/ identity politics talking point. Ben was fumbling words and austically trying to talk really fast over himself to see like he had the upperhand

the jews

Not even lefty you fucking faggot. Was just interested in general opinions on the quality of arguments.

Not everything is shilling you fucking moron

Both are kikes. Sand kike lost.

watching now, cenk is such a child


I kek'd when he started that. Cenk cannot keep his cool


So either this isn't /leftypol/ using joos as a wedge issue, or retards literally no nothing of debate, ie. gambler's fallacy, ad hominem, deflection, straw man, composition/division, etc.

Cenk was clearly destroyed. He can't debate. There is NO discussion.

Now, please respond to this with a lehappymerchant.jpg and rope yourself, bong.

Cenk started attacking the crowd with stuff like "c'mon guys you should know what I'm talking about if you were educated" and then proceeding to say some extremely retarded stuff, using straw man arguments and then saying Ben used straw man arguments. He sounded like my insane relative from California. It's like they all share a same argument style or brainwashing program.

>heh heh, conservatives say *insert strawman*
>hehe if you were educated you'd know what I mean
>c'mon that's what we should do in a civilized society
Then after losing
>well at least we aren't racist!

Ben is a beady jew but its pretty great at debates and I'm overall glad to have him. Just gotta watch out for pic related.

The Kike

Of cooooooourse we could google it.

The fucking Turkroach used a literal lie as his ending argument. Like for fucking real. the Jew won and Cenk is by far the most retarded scumbag I have ever heard in my life

Thank you for an actual response instead of a caps lock sperg

Anons...is it worth watching or just your standard debate? I don't want to waste my time if nobody gets humiliated or something fun.

I wish this tweet was real

about half way through. Its not thrilling so far. Have it on in the background whilst you do something else

hes not wrong. The crowd was funded by shapiro daily caller kikes

Not really worth watching. People are set in their ways and believe Cenks lies. Also people don't care about the economy. They just somehow think money magically appears and doesn't come from productive white people.

> muh white persecution complex

And people like Ben Shapiro are disingenuous kike who used emotionally charged Ad Homs and strawmans to support crony capitalism and convincing white working class to vote againsts their interests


I don't want crony capitalism either. That's why im closer to natsoc than anything.

Cenk lost on just about everything other than getting money out of politics... Ben is a jew so he feels it's his right to buy our American politicians.

>saying strawman while using strawman makes me smart

I don't like ben either but why do cenk and all the others do this? as i mentioned previously every lefty I talk to do it. even liberal family.

Cenk won. Ben's ideas were over the top, talked 100 mph and frequently referenced his wife for some reason.

>if you join up with a health insurance company because you have bad health you should have to pay more, because health insurance companies are not a charity." - Ben "kike" Shapiro