Wtf is prof snow nigger even saying?

>You're thrust into the Freudian nightmare of the Oedipal family where your utter uselessness is forgiven on the grounds of compassion and you end up living in your mother's basement until you produce fantasies, as a consequence of your squelched development, of perhaps shooting up a highschool.
>Mercy, in excess produces pathology.

wtf is this shit?
>Freudian nightmare
>Oedipal family
what? Oedipus complex refers to wanting to fuck the opposite sex parent. OK, so you're born in a family where this is somehow OK, next you happen to be a liberal hence completely useless and are forgiven for aforementioned reasons, then this situation cripples you and then you get fantasies of shooting up the school, what? what kinda dude-weed-lmao-uber-deep-thoughts-brain-expanding-mind-altering-bullshit is this?

Aren't most school shooters either mentally ill/bullied?

Other urls found in this thread:

>pirate flag
>can't understand shit
Color me shocked

The "Oedipal mother" that Freud described refers essentially to overbearing mothers who endlessly shower their children (often sons) with love in exchange for the son never leaving the mothers protection and thus being an underdeveloped mommas boy
The violent urges without understanding the consequences comes from being a male with natural aggressive tendencies being fenced in like veal and allowed to let their mind become perverted and hateful instead of motivated and competitive

Nigger this reeks of human malleability, when niggers commit crime, it's omg low iq, behavior is largely inherited, however over here it's oh no poor kid not his fault mommy coddled him.

And I changed my flag to tree nigger since you had such a problem with it, also where does bad parenting end and inherent behavior begin? Till when do blame the mother and not the child?

Was meant for

Who said this can't happen to black people? You jumped to the racial arguments all on your own, makes me think you're one of those neo-racist scumbags
This is a safe board, pls leave

The point was about behavior being largely genetic and here is this professor of psychology claiming somehow that "self-authorship" which lets be honest is a glorified digital diary, can somehow change the course of your life at the most and somehow help you deal with your past at the least, I didn't mean to bring up the point on niggers as a racial aspect, the goal was to point out that when we super-respectful-totally-not-racist people on Sup Forums are aware of how much influence genes have on the way people turn out, somehow the idea that this kid wants to shoot up the school cause mommy couldn't let go is a bit hard for me to understand.

Stupid fucking sub-human. Stop posting.
Just because niggers are inherently bad doesn't mean we should completely ignore psychological factors.

It's hard for you to understand because you're a fucking moron.
There's a huge difference between a nigger acting like a nigger and someone shooting up a school because of psychological issues. The two aren't even comparable.

>people are the way they are due to genes
>people are the way they are due to bad parenting

>People are the way they are due to both

Wow how absolutely radical.

also OP is a faggot and this thread is cancer
>aged and idden

>>People are the way they are due to both
>In the aggregate, the studies also confirm that shared environmental influence decreases across age, approximating about 0.10 at 18-20 years of age and continuing at that level into adulthood.
Those are some amazing environmental factors you got there

Infantilized NEETS are trash-tier.

do you even have a triple digit IQ?

Freud was a shitposting jew and most of his work on psychological sector is controversially discussed amongst other shitposting jews nowadays.

Yet, I believe (although I have no grade of psychology) he was true in this mommy issue.
(Don’t ask me why, though …)

>inb4 but thats just IQ
IQ and behavior are largely connected
and I dont need to tell you low iq individuals are lower in empathy

do you even have a argument?

become a nazi again

Truly the most relevant thinker of our generation.

>Mercy, in excess produces pathology.
This is the thing killing society. You probably don't see it anymore, because all of those trans/bis/homo and I kidding you not QUEER.
what the fuck is queer?

Exactly what has he said that's so profound?

>This is the thing killing society.
I'm pretty sure its niggers spics and other subhumans. also man,most of those decisions where the LGBTBBQs are given what they want, the decisions are made by a very small set of people, don't read the news and think this is what the grand majority of people think, step and count how many people openly support these things and you'll realize its only handful giving the illusion of many.

>do you even have a argument?

you have decided you cannot grasp what he said

you cant look up terms you arent familiar with?

i understood in in one swoop, and it is a fact, and damn said about our society

tfw teens have the most to live for but are the most easily indoctrinated.

There are a slew of thirty somethings that fall bigly into the category of OP's description, but have no schools to shoot up, nor a precedent to follow.


He says things in long drawn out rants that a smart person could say in one sentence. That's what he said that was so profound

Newfags love cult of personality ecelebs

>Pirate flag
>Misses the whole point

I have understood it and I'm saying its wrong, the man states that the mother coddles the child and cripples his upbringing, ok fine but where do you separate that inherent behavior? Did the kid shoot up the school as he was treated raised by mommy? Or as he was fathered by a nutjob with nutjob genes? Where does parenting end and genes begin? Let me simplify my argument so you can slide it in along with the mc'chicken burger, how do you say for sure that a person behaves in this way due to the environment i.e. mommy and not due to his nature i.e. genes, see for more

I'm starting to think the same, niggers are bringing here that cancerous reddit hive mind.

>produces no arguments

Dogs aren't smart, dogs don't talk
If you abuse a dog he becomes a violent mistrusting salvage
If you teach a dog he learns tricks and is loyal, yet still can't talk or drive a car

Are you fucking retarded?
>Just because niggers are inherently bad doesn't mean we should completely ignore psychological factors.

He's saying that if you shoot up a school in this day and age, it's not because of stress caused by massive wealth inequality, unaffordable college, or overpriced health insurance. It's because people saw you were stressed and tried to be nice to you.

That's literally what this idiot is saying.

>If you abuse a dog he becomes a violent mistrusting salvage
Except, when you start treating the dog well, give it food and shelter, the animal recovers and lo and behold isn't a violent beast anymore
>If you teach a dog he learns tricks and is loyal, yet still can't talk or drive a car
And start abusing it and won't be loyal at all
conclusion: shitty analogy my good sir

>Just because niggers are inherently bad doesn't mean we should completely ignore psychological factors.
Where does "psychological factors" get separated from "muh genes" you fucking nigger

>He's saying that if you shoot up a school in this day and age, it's not because of stress caused by massive wealth inequality, unaffordable college, or overpriced health insurance. It's because people saw you were stressed and tried to be nice to you.

WHAT? Where did you get that from?

>WHAT? Where did you get that from?
I got it from "mercy produces pathology", where:
Mercy = people try to be nice to you
Pathology = You shoot up school.

That stuff about wealth inequality comes from my far more sensible counter-proposal "stress produces pathology". I also propose that high wealth inequality, automation, etc leads to uselessness rather than caring parents.

Wow he is so smart and insightful.
Better give him money so he comes up with more buzz word paragraphs that make me feel smart.
If I work hard enough and give him enough of my money maybe he will write the paragraph that will give me all the answers to my problems
When can we ban all people who make E-celeb threads including southerns threads and any alt light fags.

Literally living in my parents apartment and started writing novels since bad health and 2nd world slavistan doesn't = jobs for my autistic ass.

Mother fullifils the role a wife should at that point. It' s not that deep of a metaphor you illiterate fuck.

You cant just get this idea and try to apply it literally. Its not like that retard. Actually according to freud Every living person is guided for the desire of fucking the oposing sex parent, but have to live with the guilt of the fact that they desire it and the impossibility of that happening for the fear of the social punishment. The Superego (or Super self) states that : you can fuck every women except your mom. and fucking up that law will mortify you for your life. so its not a ok thing to do. It is like murder only crazy people do it with no guilt. The ID instance (or this) states that you have to get pleasure the easiest way possible. therefore we look for resemblance of our own parents in the object of our love. But of course you will not even recognize it since the censorship of the Superego law is so intense you have to supress the very thought of it.

That simply isn't true, people being nice to you in a non-disingenuous manner cannot produce distaste, it would against your basic brain wiring

>stress produces pathology
Pathology isn't necessarily something bad, pathology simply means something abnormal, something not exactly right, which could mean bad or out of the ordinary
> deviation from propriety or from an assumed normal state of something nonliving or nonmaterial
>deviation giving rise to social ills

>high wealth inequality
There is literally nothing wrong in wealth inequality, if a man worked harder than me and as a consequence made more money then there is nothing wrong with that even if some of the money was inherited.
> leads to uselessness
Yes but why would feeling useless lead to antisocial behavior? Why not beg for food rather than steal it?

>There is literally nothing wrong in wealth inequality
>if a man worked harder than me

That's not what he's saying, the meme literally says that somehow a bad childhood would lead to you being an anti social psychopath, however behavioral genetics seems to disagree see Your talking about Freuds ideas, that's not the point here, I'm aware of id ego and super ego and I quite frankly think it's bullshit, you can't at one place say the mind wants to fuck mommy and then claim evolutionary biology states that women with certain particular features like large breasts are preferred which mommy may or may not have had. Also that's just a part of it, you haven't addressed my core argument that this couldn't be true as it contradicts with the finding of behavior and genetics, behavior being largely inherited. And hence a good chunk of anti social behavior should be as well else crime wouldn't be endemic to certain communities as it is.

If someone else works 100 hours a week for a Ferrari then what's wrong with that. Why should I envy him?

Also if anyone's wondering, I'm OP here, my chink router messes up from time to time.


describes me too well, should I just leave with what ive got without telling anyone to break out of this?

its crippling

The food affects the mind user
Start with that, fix your diet then realize that the mind also consumes and creates
Fix the things you consume, don't watch degenerate movies and other brain cancer. Get out more and you can improve, take a look at your father, was he a piece of shit? See environment is overrated.

pseudointellectual garbage

>Suppose you are an intellectual impostor with nothing to say, but with strong ambitions to succeed in academic life, collect a coterie of reverent disciples and have students around the world anoint your pages with respectful yellow highlighter. What kind of literary style would you cultivate? Not a lucid one, surely, for clarity would expose your lack of content. The chances are that you would produce something like the following:

>We can clearly see that there is no bi-univocal correspondence between linear signifying links or archi-writing, depending on the author, and this multireferential, multi-dimensional machinic catalysis. The symmetry of scale, the transversality, the pathic non-discursive character of their expansion: all these dimensions remove us from the logic of the excluded middle and reinforce us in our dismissal of the ontological binarism we criticised previously.

You're fucking fresh around these parts my dude

it went over your head

Another episode of "Jordan Peterson Exhibits His Lack of Fundamental Understanding of the Events Around Him and Their Root Cause"

Because if you love a person too hard they go nuts and shoot up schools despite the opposite being shown to be the rule.

>Gobbledygook, buy my book,
>For the six billion, give me a million,
>Oy gevalt, join my cult!

Roughly speaking.