University goal

How do I get laid in University knowing that most of the cute girls where I will go are leftist and culturally-opened bitches?

Easy OP, you lie.

hurr durr muh dik
go away normalshit

You don't. Unless you want to get your life destroyed by a rape accusation.

Muhhh baltic state
Go away european third-world country

What would be life without risk

Well that's the fastest way to not get laid

If you're not attractive or confident or funny then you have less of a chance of getting a gf and even less likely to get constant casual sex and since you're asking this question well it doesn't look good for you. You might have a good streak one night if you get out there though.

College white girls aren't as liberal as you might think (see sororities and all that faux feminism shit) and they fuck a lot so they might be your best bet desu.

Your politics really don't matter. Either you're the type of guy who fucks hot womyn or you're not.

>get laid
aka cuckold some future man by one night standing his wife.
Either be a man and wife up or kill yourself degenerate.

ply them with beer and weed.
let them do the talking.

This. Also, there are a ton of girls who aren't political at all. Join campus clubs of which you have an interest and meet girls there. Also, when you get to your freshman dorm, it's as simple as leaving your door open and saying hi to people who pass by. Meet a few dudes, one of them will have a girlfriend or at least be more proficient than you. He'll lead you to one girl and she'll lead you to the rest.

It's kind of like catching a fish, cutting it up, and using it's parts to catch more fish.

Tell the vapid bitches what they want to hear, then pump and dump. 7-9 Stacies are a dime a dozen in college. You likely won't encounter wife material until you're at least 30.
Have fun.

This. It's not a meme. In school some guy was telling me how his friend narrowly avoided a rape charge after fucking an equally drunk slut at a party who regretted afterwards and was like "UUUUUM, I THINK IT JUST LIKE GOT RAPED".

women don't care about ur politics, ur not gonna get laid by believing a certain thing

>aka cuckold some future man by one night standing his wife
>t. Cuck

LMFAO "stealing a wife" because of consentual sex

Kill yourself you British weeabo you're not gonna get shit much less a pure wife.

Just hang out with in private once you know them better, act all alpha and kiss them, this will probably lead to sex. This is how i banged all the european exhange students while at university. Also dennis system works.

Not just equally drunk. You could be passed out drunk (ok nearly passed out) and if you have sex with a chick that had 1 drink and she accuses you of rape you're done.

muh dick ,muh dog mentality ,kys subhuman .

Have a wide chad face

I'm actually serious. Don't have sex on the campus. You have at least a 10x higher chance of getting falsely accused and a much higher chance of the false accusations sticking since most sexual impropriety is resolved by the collage tribunal and not the regular courts.

the fake rape story is really blown out of proportion here. sorostitues favorite past time is getting black out drunk and taking dick