Is there anything we can do to combat terrorism besides create a police state?
Is there anything we can do to combat terrorism besides create a police state?
Remove jews. Then everything else will fall into place
You either create a police state or you are careful about who you let into the country.
The military needs to recruit lots of people, they can't be too specific. So they need to watch their employees constantly to make sure they aren't stealing, AWOL, etc.
A prestigious consulting firm or think tank can recruit people who've demonstrated their cultural fit and responsibility. They can hire these people and pretty much assume they'll be responsible employees.
Same principle with society. You maintain order either by having stronger boarders and good people or a police state (surveillance, tight regulations, "re-education" training and socialization programs). Hopefully people in western societies value their freedom and will make the right choice about their borders.
kill all the niggers, shitskins and jews.... problem mostly solved.... nuke the vadican and the rest will be solved
Found the sandnog. There are so many jusenreine states around the world who have larger terrorism problems than France for example. Best is to remove you and your kind.
>removes jews
>Jews take all the money away
>Fiat currency surges higher and higher with no value at all
>Paco and the leafs invade
>New Canada/New Mexico established
>USA gone
>Leaf and Taco overlords
>At least there weren't any Jews for a few months
dass ish en peaceful thread college, chillax
Getting rid of jews and mud races would make the country safer. The whiter the country, the lower the crime and violence.
Why don't you go out and Kill a terrorist instead of relying on other people to fail at doing so?
Osama's cunning plan is to turn the United States into a paranoid police state so it will bankrupt and destroy itself by its paranoia. Genius.
Political police are not productive and are an economic drain on the productive economy. When the cost of maintaining a political police causes negative growth in a police state that state will collapse.
Yes send all the non-americans back. And I'm not talking about only illegals.
Terrorism is invariably run by the political police.
That way they can be sure that their pet terrorists won't attack them.
Hey du Goldjud. Mir müesse das arabergsindel uslösche
aber kebab ish so guet
>"you can't possibly have a currency which isn't controlled by JEWS, filthy Goyim!"
>taking money away creates inflation
>mexico and canada can somehow invade and occupy a country with 300 million guns
Get the fuck out of the Middle East including removing Israel. There's a reason Islamic terrorism's only really a recent thing.
glass the ME
Everyone have guns faggot