I thought Ben Shapiro was supposed to be a genius? Cenk unironically kicked his ass so hard it wasn't even funny.
I thought Ben Shapiro was supposed to be a genius? Cenk unironically kicked his ass so hard it wasn't even funny
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Ben admitted defeat and got buttfucked by Cenk the moment he started defending (((Donations))) as a form of "Free Speech".
>Corporations donating billions to politicians and outright bribing them for larger profits is the exact same thing as investment on a company that happens to talk about politics
Cenk cleaned the floor with that geek
Cenk did way better than I expected
I don't think anyone won
It was a legitimately good debate with two different positions that were both fairly represented
these debates suck. They should have Cenk and Shapiro argue for the opposition. Only way to find out if someone is being honest and researched the other side.
Why is the Pajeet sitting down and still as tall as Chink Wigger?
It's called "Perspective"
>retard tries to be condescending to deal with the cognitive dissonance
You can see that Chunk is a head shorter than Ben when they exit stage together.
>muh perspective
Nigger tier argument.
It was a pretty boring debate. They didn't even touch on immigration or racial issues.
That said, you'd have to be a moron or a lefty (but I repeat myself) to think Chink won.
You weren't talking about Ben, though
This is the conclusion I came to as well. Was great to watch.
Ben lost a lot of points with his "I dont want identity politics on any side, but zionism is fine." shit...but thats to be expected from G-d's chosen people
No winners. Ben had way better one liners tho, calling cenk a prostitute was funny as fug.
Notice how only women were cheering for cenk.
>Chank only looks short because of muh perspective
>Chank actually is short as shit, but that's irrelevant because we're talking about perception and not reality
I can see why you think Chonk BTFO Ben.
When did he make the exception for Zionism during the debate?
As usual, Cenk spouted off non-sequitor talking points (which sound really good to fans). Ben had logical arguments that addressed Cenk's arguments. You might not lile Ben, but he debates on what's being debated.
His cancer point was not helpful.
Shills one cares about the real life shlomo.
wtf i hate logic now!
>Winning an argument
This is very funny to me.
I think Benlet's point was that you can simply ask politcians for favors but instead of giving the money to the politician directly you simply fund media and other groups that promote the politician, the corporate media heavily favored Hillary and she obviously was the establishment candidate. Hillary would favor them even if the companies backing the media companies couldnt send money to her directly
Donations by proxy. You retard.
I expected the fat, sweaty roach to get raped, but fair play to him. He more than held his own against the kike manlet. Wouldn't go as far as to say he "won", tough.
>Sup Forums being such retards that they are unironcially pretending Cenk won
Watch the debate, then. It will be a laugh riot.
ben kikepiro is defending neocons .
Anyone who says "go google it" to their opponent in a debate lost the debate.
as someone who hated cenk ever since watching him melt down during election night and loved ben ever since seeing him rattle off cogent arguments at the same speed as most battle rappers, i was surprised at how literate cenk was. they both did well. i was pleased and smarter after having watched it
Yeah, they both did great, in my opinion
>someone disputes an easily verifiable and widely known fact
>person says "go google it"
"based" civic nationalists.
where is the link to watch it
He didnt mention it thats my point. His life is almost completely consumed with ideentity politics regarding zionism and judaism. He talks the talk but doesnt walk the walk.
But seriously, what was the general consensus of who won?
Sup Forums and Youtube overall seems to think Shapiro won, to the surprise of no one.
I dunno. Have you tried googling it?
TYT is lowBrow pop-politics for teenagers.
Shapiro at least acts as a vanguard at university level.
ben won, but wasnt that big of a rape as most shapiro fans will claim it was
>two non-white heathens talking about how to run the west
It's amazing how quickly these blatant shill threads fill up with the exact same comment and then in 3-4 minutes die. Shariablue is amazingly efficient and predictable
How about some link-age, budddddy?
if he won so hard why was he crying about the audience hating him on twitter?
Cenk is such an embarrassing failure that he's a manlet compared to another manlet.
cenk absolutely embarrassed himself
face it, the kike destroyed him and the only reason you wont admit it is because you hate kikes
He isn't. That was a faked tweet.
>Southern Strategy is a myth
>They literally admitted they used it
>Oh, well, but not everyone fell for it
Completely and utterly blown the fuck out by Cenk.
People think Cenk won? As soon as you insult the audience you automatically lose, it's a pathetic thing to do and he should have known better.
Anybody can google it!
>2 republicucks caved to PC culture and came up with revised history to earn brownie points
>see it totally happened
Even if it were real (it isnt) it didn't work at all. Because they were all staunchly dems.
Ah, of yes. They were lying for brownie points. Anything to keep you from the truth.
>But seriously, what was the general consensus of who won?
Ben would give you the statistical breakdown of each racial group's opinion on every subject of the debate and Cenk would tell you to google it.
Only retarded underage fucks say this, as we can see from your equally retarded post. Spell it out or sound like an ADHD youtube comment faggot
>as someone who hated cenk ever since watching him melt down during election night and loved ben ever since seeing him rattle off cogent arguments at the same speed as most battle rappers, i was surprised at how literate cenk was. they both did well. i was pleased and smarter after having watched it
if "JUST GOOGLE IT" is allowed, then cenk may as well open with "he's wrong, just google it" then leave. ben had facts. cenk had nothing but generalizations and telling people to google those generalizations when he couldn't come up with specific instances or statistics on anything
ben would have raped cenk if there was no audience to get in the way of everyone's perception. instead, he only won.
You actually fell for that?
You people are fucking retarded the Kike destroyed the fat kafir.
Honest question: why is every post by a pirate flag unironically worse by all measurement than leaf posts?
one bad post followed by your own confirmation bias.
how about you point to where and how I was wrong instead of your passive aggressive diversion bullshit?
Wtf is up with this administration? Everyone is getting fired
Well they got one part right at least.
Ben poorly defended that when I know he could have done better. The Southern Strategy is a myth because the assumption behind why the Southern Strat works is that there is a huge amount of racist whites in the south, when polling data shows there is virtually no difference in race relations between northern and southern states in the modern era.
Source: gallup.com
Cenk and Ana both got gang raped by Ben and Anne.
Seriously it's embarrassing how stupid Cenk comes off "we call it FREEDUM"
>asking this on Sup Forums
Kosher conservative vs neo-liberal shitskin. Place your bets!
>that posture
If you think any of them said anything of value you seriously need to read Sup Forumsiterature
If you "unironically" think that Buffalo made a single sound argument you should honestly just off yourself now.
>muh arguments
normies don't give a shit about arguments
Reminded of this.
I think Ben won.
Then again I am a huge Neocon.
>They were lying for brownie points.
Unheard of for politicians amirite?
Dipshit lol
Not an argument.
Holy shit Cenk is even shorter than Ben
Someone photoshop Benny as a midget and Cenk as the giant roach from Men in Black
I love how the fucking LEAF changed the size of cenk lolol
Rumble of the Retards
There was only one winner yesterday.
It's okay, Cenk. We know you're being a sore loser.
are they still here? I just assumed it was leftypol and shareblue moved on. There dont really seem to be any image dump threads like there where a couple months ago
I thought Ben Shapiro was supposed to be a genius? Cenk unironically kicked his ass so hard it wasn't even funny.
Pls stop posting about this debate. they are BOTH terrible ppl with their own agendas and interests they are trying to push.
the winner of the debate is the one whos side ur on. they both (i guess) landed blows on each other.
I think this influx of Cenkposters is probably the worst shit that has ever happened on Sup Forums.
I was expecting a leaf flag with this post. Sage
>ben a manlet
>Cenk even shorter than ben
holy shit.....what is 4'11?
everyone is someone else's manlet
It's a bunch of discords. Half the threads I look at now just fill up with "fuck drumpf" in the first 5 minutes. Also, if you click on file names you can see that certain people literally go thread to thread posting that image of Trump at Israel.
cenk started out alright but really started losing steam over time.
Boy does that guy like to quote google as a source for his assertions which really makes ben's highly sourced rants look fucking stellar.