Or is it a larp?
Is pizzagate real
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Its over guys Trump won.
I've looked into the evidence, it seems that it was just one big hoax. Besides, Trump won, we should stop with the fake news already.
Gas the kikes!
It's complete bullshit, made up propaganda by the alt right to cover for their own pedo tendencies.
(people havent forgotten what you guys used to post over at Sup Forums and what you guys probably still post somewhere)
You guys are the pedos. All the right ever does is projection.
What this guy said. Lets focus on getting rid of the jews from office!
I've looked into the evidence, it seems that it was just one big hoax. Besides, Trump won, we should stop with the fake news already.
Gas the kikes!
I'm feeling sleepy all of a sudden. We should all go to bed
Its real. There is WAY too much info leaking out to be faked. No, its not just Pro-Trumpers who believe its real. Go look up the WikiLeaks emails for yourself.
Even if it's not real, how the hell is it a LARP? It's not a person or group.
It's 100% real, these pedo-rings have operated in the highest echelons of power for decades, and there's plenty of proof of it. Every time a prominent member of this pedophile mafia is exposed and convicted, the ring they were working with is not busted, and there is a media cover-up.
It's not a larp, the wikileaks emails led us down a rabbit hole and we discovered very damning evidence. Like Hillary Clinton going out of her way to get a child trafficker free in Haiti, both of the Podestas collecting pedophile themed art, etc. etc.
I agree.
I've looked into the evidence, it seems that it was just one big hoax. Besides, Trump won, we should stop with the fake news already.
It most certainly was not a hoax. You can disagree with the conclusions drawn from the circumstantial evidence, but you cannot call it a hoax.
Lmao this is all "the left" us now. So desperate they are saying aboyt ys what I have been saying about them for years. PROJECTORS. Rules for radicals failed you, accuse the other side of doing what you are doing.
You are being flushed out, Sup Forums was never "right" you stupid faggot. It's the IHM
It's real.
I'd share my anecdote but it would be pointless without proof.
It's not just dems involved. This is a bipartisan conspiracy.
I've looked into the evidence, it seems that it was just one big hoax. Besides, Trump won, we should stop with the fake news already.
I've looked into the evidence, it seems that it was just one big hoax. Besides, Trump won, we should stop with the fake news already.
I've looked into the evidence, it seems that it was just one big hoax. Besides, Trump won, we should stop with the fake news already.
1) [/EWO/ Archives: archive.4plebs.org
2) [/ELB/ Archives: archive.4plebs.org
3) [/HTG/ Archives: archive.4plebs.org
4) [KB Archives: archive.4plebs.org
Trafficking Networks & Pedophilia is very real. But focusing on the Pizza Place was only a distraction to stop people from looking around for the DC Network.
Pgate, even if nothing comes of it, was a rare moment where the shimmering edges of the veil that hides the corrupt system exposed itself in day light. For a brief moment, the beast was naked and vulnerable.
hey frankie, want some schooling on how hormones are not making it into the water supply? you are the biggest shill ever, and anyone with any science background can destroy your talking points, because you have zero understanding of water filtration. can you fuck off already from this board and shill elsewhere? you have no idea how the water supply gets purified and you are a complete idiot, as far as i am care.
t. a phd chemist.
fuck off frankie
Source of this?
overwhelming evidence of these guys being absolute sick fucks, but so far no actual smoking gun
it's real.
powerful people have been use it for extortion and blackmail
It was sensationalized to discredit Podesta's obvious pedo murdering fetish. Pizzagate represents our elite getting away with raping and murdering children, and it helped highlight adult/child trafficking. I never believed they were running a child sex ring out of Comet. However, Hillary has strong ties to people who traffic kids thru phony organizations. Trump even said it to her face, at the State dinner
sorry thought that was the one talking about Obama buying hot dogs and pizza for a private party for 65k wait a sec..
You do know this is how they embezzle money?
monkey dust paedofinder general
No please tell me more
it was a psyop, combined with actual weird shit going on with alefantis Instagram and podesta's weird coded wiki leak emails
"Pizzagate" is a media term to create a strawman.
They were preparing to sacrifice a pawn if necessary.
All the related facts are true.
Pedos in high places is the scandal of the millennium
>No more will we sacrifice our children
Pedos must pay
Its real!
It's a FBI scheme.. an undercover sting operation targeting NEETs.
I'll just leave this here. Anyone saying it's a myth is either on the take or has their head in the sand.
Bigger than you can possibly imagine
It's only just begun
Explain this please.
the elite connected to it are sick bastards, however, pizzagate is full of tinfoil and truther logic
Look at this kike newfag shill reply to his own shit like a dumb nigger
>pizzagate is Very real
Trump drops the mic on Hillary taking children from Haiti. The MSM media hates Trump, yet no one from the MSM gives him any shit for making such an outrageous allegorical accusation. Why?