4D Chess

>Ruling class propagates anti-vax conspiracy theory
>Useful idiots: "Don't get vaccinated! It's a government plot!"
>Result: Herd immunity destroyed
>Formerly defeated illnesses reappear
>Depopulation by epidemic begins
>Unlike contaminated vaccines, this method is not traceable to the government, and can fairly be portrayed as the public's fault
>Population decimated.
>Technological unemployment no longer a problem
>No huge mobs of hungry unemployed citizens with torches and pitchforks

Other urls found in this thread:


>be retard white boy with single mommy
>"i know how to be clever, i'll just flip the switch on a popular pro-white movement!"
youre a fucking retard kiddo. now go get your flu shot or you might start having dreams again.

It's "flip the script."

If you were looking to reduce the number of white people by disease, wouldn't it be a barrier to your plan that most white people have the money to vaccinate, and most nogs don't?

You don't want to wipe out more nogs than whites. You need to convince the whites with the money to vaccinate themselves and their kids to voluntarily forego vaccination.

>Herd Immunity Destroyed
>we go back to pre 1963 measles epidemics
>death rate increases with 0,001 percent
>oh no

Where'd you get that figure

its really easier to just tell you to go back to the website you found this place on. you dont belong here. you arent smart, funny, or interesting. we have plenty of those types already.

herd immunity is a meme.

>you arent smart, funny, or interesting

You thought it was "flip the switch". You've also left out apostrophes and capitalization. What a surprise your flag is. This is my surprised face.

fucking ew, reddit speech patterns sicken me.

but herd mentality isn't as OP has demonstrated.

How? If you don't deny viruses exist, and you don't deny they mutate over time (hence the need for annual flu shots) then it stands to reason that supplying viruses a safe haven amid a mostly vaccinated populace gives them time to develop resistance to the vaccine, so they can reinfect everybody else.

...You mean correct English? Your own first language? Let me guess, I "talk like a fag" and my "shit's all retarded."

youre a shitty, boring troll or a retarded white boy. no winning here kid.

slide 4


I win every day that I wake up not in the South.

Are you okay with it if someone in your family is in that .001%?

>Being this retarded.

I wonder how far left your parents are...

>proud of being a gentrified gentile
you wont last long

>You've also left out apostrophes and capitalization

I wonder how closely related yours are.

anybody got the screenshots of the glorious beans kid thread and its enviable gets?

Lol pathetic comeback newfag, now get out.