Will he go down as the greatest leader in western history?
Will he go down as the greatest leader in western history?
Adolf Hitler is, so no. kike.
>/ptg/ will defend this
You're joking, right?
Yes and General JFK is already the greatest Chief of Staff in history.
lol no
No, even if he were amazing he'll be savaged for the next century just as McCarthy and Nixon have been, he'll be remembered as a dirty stain on the pages of history
Wait, what? He just got sworn in today, what did he do?
At this point, no. If he is able to implement policy without the hindrance of Dems and what cucks still remain in the GOP - in my opinion, yes.
He will undoubtedly be the greatest hero in history. Because, if he fails, the world will fall to the shitskins, and there will be no history. Just a bunch of illiterate monkeys.
you won't be saying that when he finishes what Hitler started
not yet
>the meme wars of 2016 will be in the history books
best timeline
Second only to Nero OP.
No, but he's the best president the US had in many decades
If potus had power. Not a bunch of faggot judges and liberal cunts running thy stupid mouths upon a world of ignorant fucking retards. I'd hang em all and retake glory of what freedom truly is. Sadly America only cares about refugees and minority monkeys and sand niggers. Not the peoples whom families died for this land. Niggers wipe thy ass with American flag. Hang them. Fly another Countries flag in America, get hung from a tree. Bunch of fucking cunts. Napalm gay parades.
Still enough time (and opposition) for him to fuck up or fail in various ways. But definitely possible. He is on track to be best President of US, at least since Washington and Jefferson. Kinda hard to compare to ancient leaders like Marcus Aurelius or Ceasar because context is very different.
Only if he can successfully enact a Final Solution to the Jewish question.
Otherwise they'll rewrite history as they've done so many times before as another shitstain in the history books (AKA a bad goy)
In other words, absolutely not.
No, but he's probably gone down ON the greatest leader in western history
>being this delusional
Don't do drug kids.
He's probably better than Reagan at this point.
I'm going to respond seriously.
No, he won't. Think about it, just in terms of America, not even Western history, but just America: he has to compete with Abraham Lincoln, Frank Delano Roosevelt, and George Washington. Something very, very good for Donald would have to happen for him to top these guys. I just don't foresee that happen. I can easily see him landing on the list of worst ten Presidents, though, based on his performance the last six months.
>people actually believe this
I used to think it was just leftists that were mentally ill, but this election has opened my eyes. It's one thing to support Trump. It's another to completely unironically delude yourself into thinking that he holds a candle to our founding fathers.
>Frank Delano Roosevelt
Damn it, I meant Franklin Delano Roosevelt. FDR. Fuck
Trump said he will go down as the greatest chief of staff. I think they're going to strike NK soon. Preibus isn't a wartime consigliere.
A fucking leaf.