Why are anti-racists so dumb?
Why are anti-racists so dumb?
>intelligent people are racist
>AI is racist
>anti-racists fling poo and riot
cognitive dissonance causes a wide range of mental issues.
They're literally referring to race realism
>kill the dirty niggers their souls are as coal where ours are of gold
Racist, dumb, I'd predict 85iq.
>whilst black culture does promote crime and antiintellectualism, it's plausible many of them might not be fit for intellectual roles
Actually not racist racism, due to the individualism involved in shattering political correctness, its either a regular average intelligence male or a highly intelligent female.
>the smarter you are, the more likely you are to stereotype people
You know what we laymen call this?
Basic fucking pattern recognition.
umm no sweetie rural suburban retards are drump supporters, haven't you seen reddit
>reddit converts are low-t manchildren
Imagine my shock.
tfw IQ 142 and consciously put people in stereotype buckets in my mind. Also these buckets influence my behavior and speech patterns while interacting with these different groups.
You have good pattern recognition, most intelligent people do.
It's how intelligent people recognize trends in markets and capitalize them(the most intelligent people are even able to create trends).
If you notice a pattern of violence and low intelligence within a certain group of people, then you're not going to ignore that trend, you'd have to be stupid to do so.
>prejudice is a sign of higher intelligence
jesus fucking christ i hate these articles where bad traits/habits are linked with intelligence
Who says they're bad?
Why do you consider prejudice a bad trait?
The only overtly racist people I know are colored people. I've never heard a white guy speak poorly of minorities. But I've heard minorities trash talk whites a LOT. So I guess OP is right.
>smart people know that the world is controlled by the jews
>we cant have this
Anti-racists are incapable of seeing patterns and forming causation conclusions about the future big picture.
Tfw IQ 139 and ktf. Whites are truly the best race for the planet.
>people who are good at pattern recognition recognise patterns
Academia is a farce and a racket.
>smart people know that around blacks you can't relax
>we cant have this
***Short form IQ test***
1. Assume that the following is a true statement: "Intelligence is positively correlated with stereotyping." Which of the following sentences cannot be true?
>a. Lefties use superior intelligence to overcome racist thoughts and behavior.
>b. Righties are Neanderthal-tier racist mongoloids
>c. Both statements are untrue.
***End of test***
you're stupid.
"the fascists of the future will refer to themselves as anti-fascist"
The correlation of intelligence to stereotyping doesn't tell us much because both the left and right stereotype.
It is more interesting to examine the conditions under which this stereotyping occurs. How do you distinguish a person who obtains an empirical stereotype vs the person who was (((sold))) a stereotype. Who is the more intelligent one?
>people who are good at recognizing patterns in math and shapes are also good at recognizing patterns in people
Whoa no shit?
>calls prejudice a "bad trait/habit"
Found the VPN.
This is why the propaganda is shilled so hard. If anyone actually believed this shit, or liked it, or wanted to destroy western civilization with "diversity", then they wouldn't need all this fucking propaganda and exploitation.
Reality check for whitebois: Most white women are literally repulsed by non-white men to the point that it is a joke.