Why the FUCK would Scaramucci talk to the new yorker on the record?

This makes no sense guys, you literally have to say "this is off the record" for it to be off the record, so what the fuck is up? He gave up his position at the company he was at and got divorced from his wife over getting in trumps white house.

Is the mooch that stupid? No, probably not..he's dealt with "journalists" before

Was he drinking and actually just venting to a reporter he thought he could trust? Maybe, but again he has dealt with plenty of """journalists""". Its the fucking new yorker man.

Did he do this on purpose to hurt trump? Possibly but he also got rid of priebus/spicer so that brings up a new set of questions depending on your opinion of why mooch was brought in

Was spicer a leaker?
Was priebus a leaker?
Or were these two loyal to trump and the mooch just created havoc for no reason?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Or were these two loyal to trump and the mooch just created havoc for no reason?

Smoke screen for the behind the scenes happening about to go down in a few days. Keep the media distracted with all these firings and drama (twitter, etc) while the work is done quietly. Something big on the horizon is comin'

Results of leak: mooch badmouthing bannon and penis

What happened next: there was a leak and prebus was fired

And then: he resigns on the request of kelly at 8am and it doesnt leak till the press core is advised.

Conclusion: mission success

Not gonna lie he was a bad choice. I assume whoever suggested he be hired has a demerit on their record with Trump as well. I couod tell he was a weird loose canon from day one. Italian Americans have ego/self-esteem issues much like mexicans.

>Smoke screen for the behind the scenes happening about to go down in a few days.
But wasn't hiring Mooch a somescreen for the Russia thing?
And the Russia thing a somescreen for the tranny comment thing?
And the tranny comment thing a smokescreen for some other Russian thing?
I'm dumb and totally don't see a pattern here.

Everything you mentioned was done for a reason. Create twitter drama with that transgendered tweet, knowing the left/media would be enraged over it.

Next, he'll have his staff 'fight' and cause drama within the ranks. In reality, they are all working together and the timeline is in place; everything was a cover to keep the media distracted while investigations and evidence gathering happens for the draining of the swamp.

Trump causes fake outrage
Drama within the whitehouse for a distraction
Day of the rope is coming for the DNC

Scaramucci was there to distract the media from Bill Browder's testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week.

But this loses credibility because all the other "chaos" has been going on for basically 6 months.

If anything, browders testimony proved fusion gps works with russia you mong

My dad was a Sicilian American ATF agent he was very calm and respectful and put good values in me and my brothers. Not all of us are like that

nobody knew reince resigned the day before it was announced

How was he a bad choice? If you take away the new yorker thing, hes fucking perfect to communicate for trump. much smoother with his words


Haven't you learned yet that Trump is ALWAYS playing 4D chess? He's moving his pieces into position and soon he'll have his checkmate, i.e. ARREST OF HILLARY AND ALL MEMBERS OF THE DNC

It's coming soon, just wait Sup Forums, it's going to be amazing.

Has anyone seen this... Is this for real?
When was this filmed??


If he plans on making big arrests related to the DNC/Clintons, he doesn't need to hire scaramucci and fire him after 10 days. For what? To "create drama"?

How does creating drama help trump make arrests related to the DNC? Are you guys just fucking with me?? Like if there wasn't drama sessions wouldnt be able to do his job? I understand distancing himself from sessions in case of that but wtf does mooch gotta go for?!

It had to be intentional. The reporter said to Jew Blitzer that he called Mooch back afterward to confirm that he understood that the conversation was on the record, and Mooch confirmed. He knew damn well it was going to get out there.

Whether Mooch was intended to stay or go, it's hard to say, but the shake-up certainly seemed to play a role in this week of happenings. If he was intended to stay, I'm sorry to see him go, but if not, job well done.

Are you retarded? He needs to distract the media. Ignore this obvious shill.

>All this cognitive dissonance 8TH
When will you assholes get your heads out of the sand?? Scaramucci is just another failure in an administration mired by incompetence. Trump has already lost more staff than any president in history, and he's only 6 months in.

Rats off a sinking ship.

Sessions might be moving over to DHS soon, and an interim AG would be put in place, thus allowing the powers of the AG office to continue being place and without congress approval. Trump is just moving his pieces into position and will strike when the time is right.

Did you notice congress is on vacation all August? The big happening (according to WH user) is supposed to be this Wednesday, when everyone is at the beach. He will spring the trap, the indictments will be produced and all of their computers and information will now be considered part of an investigation. He is indeed playing 4D chess, and he better drain the sewer.

>muh 78D underwater basket weaving meme
>cuckistan flag
Checks out.

Traitors like you will be among the first to go when Trump drains the swamp and restores the republican.

Marriage falling apart probably didn't come out of nowhere, he snapped and had a meltdown.

>massive happenings happening, promise
>Hillary and DNC going down
>said the increasingly nervous man for the sixth time this week
July 27th was supposed to be a big happening too, faggot. Unless you count McCain shitting all over the GOP healthcare bill, I'd say you have no leg to stand on.

>dude getting impeached was a part of his plan
>he's just doing it to distract from when he finally drains the swamp

Typical drumpfkin

This is what draining the swamp looks like

Shills get the rope too.
Bump all these threads, don't let them get buried.

His name was Seth Rich and he was murdered by the DNC.

Well someones still leaking.

>Trump's gonna drain the swamp
>right after he hires Exxon and Goldman Sachs kikes to be his top level advisors and on his cabinet
The doublethink amongst cuckistans is unbelievable.

The media is already fucking distracted with russia, priebus & spicer gone, healthcare and everything else going on. Are you fucking retarded? Calling me a shill get the fuck outta my thread you kekistan faggot piece of shit

This is a shill you fucking moron
I hope man, i've heard this interim AG story before. I really hope so man..I dont believe the beef between him and sessions

All the happenings are going down behind the scene, just as Trump has planned. There was a major happening on the 27th, the public just doesn't know about it yet.

All will be revealed when the republic is restored. Give Trump time, he knows what he's doing.

>Scaramucci is just another failure in an administration mired by incompetence.
What was Mooch "incompetent" at? Who else has shown "incompetence?"

>Trump has already lost more staff than any president in history and he's only 6 months in.
Yet another idiot who thinks that Trump being known for firing people was just a gimmick from The Apprentice. He's been running a worldwide business empire for decades, this is his thing. He literally wrote a book about this...

>Rats off a sinking ship.
Nothing bad has even happened. The only things I can think of has to do with Congress and the Senate being warmongering retards, and that doesn't involve Trump. What are you referring to?

The question is ... who's next? All this firing makes for some very tense working conditions for the rest. Like walking on eggshells every day.

Trump is known as that guy who says "You're fired" on TV.

it was a big happening, Trump was president.

>draining the swamp
>Exxon and Goldman Sachs in the cabinet
>all of his top advisors are kikes
Delusional cuck

Sup Forums: because everything is a conspiracy

They also submitted a request for special counsel on the 27th

Some very pro-Trump Twitter pundits I follow are admitting this was a fuckup. The guy even yelled at the FBI for releasing his public disclosure form. Duh. Trusting that first reporter, Lizza(?) shows he wasn't ready for this.

>you literally have to say "this is off the record"
You have to literally say "this is off the record" AND get the reporter to agree to that. You can't just unilaterally declare shit off the record and then spill your guts and expect it to not get reported on.

I would wager he fucked up on the second point since it's not as well known, though obvious in hindsight.

>muh Seth rich meme
Even Limbaugh dropped this bogus story. Wake up.

>this city-state of this post
holy shit, are you really trying to use a random LARPer on Sup Forums to discredit all future posts on Sup Forums?!

>Major happening but no one knows about it almost a week later

See the influx of shills and whatnot all of a sudden? They're scared as fuck, they know they're getting the rope soon. Tick tock, fuckers.

His name was Seth Rich and he was murdered for what he found out at the DNC.

I have to use the kekistan flag because you faggots don't listen to anything I say when I use my geographic flag.

surely the actual swamp is paying attention to the behind-the-scenes action though

Fuck off, leaves.

>give Trump time, he'll stop sucking circumcised kike dick sooner or later
You're fucking hilarious. Keep the delusions coming, cuckistani nigger


I think Bannon is next. He'll be replaced by another Military General. We currently have a Junta in America.

Well, to be fair, they can't admit it if they don't actually know it.

>We currently have a Junta in America.
A junta would require Trump to have military experience

in all reality, it doesnt really matter who is working at the white house as long as republicans in the senate are complete fucking liars to those they supposedly represent

democracy was a mistake

Course they are, but they won't be able to save everything and cover all their tracks. They've been ingrained and dug in so long, it would take a monumental amount of time to get 100% clean.

DWS and Awan are the crack in the armor to blow this all open. MSM hasn't said a word on all this despite the investigation being open since February on Awan.

scaramooch was a one time cypher pad, deployed by god emporer to feed a barium meal to white house staff.... leak revealed.... leakers caught

a true Italian hitman from new york ... absolutely brilliant ...and the best part ... he made it look like an accident and all I can say is this, if trump is this smart, and the media and general public that dumb, god help us, Trump will destroy his enemies with impunity

he really is playing chess while his enemies play checkers

>who else is incompetent?
You mean besides the entire GOP? No one, I guess.

>hurr, Trump is good at firing people
Fuck off. You're pretending like all these people jumping ship is a good thing. Hint: it's not.

>nothing bad has even happened
Nothing has happened at all. No major legislation has been passed. His entire presidency has been mired in controversy, and you've been blinded by his army of kikes if you don't see it.

>leak revealed.... leakers caught
>breaking news, Trump crafted Jr.'s lie about Russian orphans

North Korea

Trump is just the face of a the American president for the public's sake. The one currenly in charge is Joseph Dunford. He's the one appointing other generals into the cabinet.

NK and the DNC brought down in one fell swoop? Trump is better than I ever would have imagined. Godspeed.

I like Trump but this was a failure. Trump needs to back his team like they back him. Kelly cleaning the slate is a cop out. Mooch got screwed and gave up everything to back Trump. Shit happens, don't toss your team to the wolves.

Most Sup Forumstards believe him, though. Most posters here believe there was actually a big happening on the 27th, just read some of the other posts ITT

Yeah, I don't understand the logic behind him talking to the new yorker.

>wife begins divorce proceedings due to mooch's "naked political ambition"
>mooch's political career lasts 10 days

"You said I'm bringing heat on YOU?
I gotta listen to people because of your fuckin shit? You're orderin me out? You better get your own fuckin army pal!

I'm what counts out here, not your fuckin country clubs or your fuckin TV shows!
And what the fuck are you doing on Twitter anyhow?
You know I get calls from back home every fuckin day, they think you went bat shit!"

Bannon isnt goign anywhere. he is trumps propaganda card, and hes very smart, stays out of the limelight. I am betting he and Trump have actually become good friends at this point. He no longer needs to push his agenda publicly, or even behind closed doors at meetings .... he speaks privately with the president, everyday

I believe the same about Sessions

Nobody listens to cuckistan flags either, nigger.

>Was spicer a leaker?
could you just imagine that? guy was friendly to the media and it couldn't buy him a lick of sympathy with the media.

I don't buy it.

Technically, Mooch was never employed.

He didn't get his security clearance yet so Spicer still has his job since Spicer hasn't officially resigned yet.

So ...
who cares? no one KNOWS for sure, and thats the point
mooch did his job in ten days, find the leakers, terminate them

GOPe plant? Trump used him to get rid of Reince and was just curious what bullshit he would pull if he promoted him to comms director.

The fact that you just made this all about your father lends credence to the fact that Italians are short-dicked hairy bitches. Why not bring up your mother and her tight as fuck canolis?

Mooch was gonna get an ambassadorship in the beginning. That was what he wanted first.

>don't forget the cannolis

Found this part of the WH user post, but couldn't find the other. He's called it right so far, just have faith.

I dont think spicer is the leaker
and wouldn't be suprised to see him reinstated, moved to some other position.

Trumps agenda is to make the media look like chumps, shuffling his spokepeople around helps that. It means every time some granny turns on CNN they have a new face they are talking to who supposedly represents the president, only we cant be sure if they are here today gone tomorow, making anyone reporting anything they say only as credible as thier source....

dont you see, trump is his own spokeperson, he tweets, he gives weekly addresses .... he doesnt want a serious spokeperson, he doesnt want anything the media says to have any validity

what he want is people to listen to him, and to him alone, for all other sources of information to be suspect
btw .... he is accomplishing his goal

He fired one fucking person and 2 others quit either because they viewed him as an incompetent boss or because of a political grudge held with the guy.

That one asshole in the comms department, Pence, and Reince are not all the leakers.

>6 months
2 years*

I genuinely doubt Spicer would come back between Trump hiring Mooch over his head without consulting him and the whole not letting him meet the Pope thing.

Spicer was too aggressive with the press, though.

>2 years*
44 years**


I explained this heretrump wants people to get thier water straight from the well ..... he wants all other sources of what he says/does to be at best suspect
he accomplishes this by constantly rotating spokepersons/comms directors etc etc .... making it all part of the media circus, and making none of it reliable information

so people tune it to CNN and say "oh another spokeperson, whatevers, none of this shit is actually reliable information..."
tell me you at least see the logic in my POV
you dont have to agree, but can you see how it might work

>I want to look like an incompetent buffoon with people resigning left and right
>this will make people take me more seriously, instead of that fucking Lügenpresse
Surely this will work.

this is the price of a god of chaos throwing in on trumps behalf. It's only chaos, its the only outcome, but it'll work




These were really fun threads. Do some catching up.

You base that off of tv, I'm sure.

MY god I hope the Seth Rich turns out to be in protective custody wouldn't that be amazing seeing the reaction of folks?

Shame that's not true. He deserves justice.

This. He'd just had dinner with President, FLOTUS, and of all people, Hannity & Bill Shine.
Mooch also wasn't even officially "hired" yet; "supposed to" happen in August.
Anyone know when Hannity's radio contract is up? For years, guy's been banking way more than OReilly was. Needs a new challenge.

He was fired because Jack had his sword despite of what he said to Aku

You seem to know a lot about how much staff he has lost. So how many staff?

How many did Obungo lose?
How many did Bushtard lose?

He drew negative attention to Priebus and was criticized for his manner.

He and Priebus are now gone.

how many people outside of his spokepeople/comms director have resigned

the number please,

why? because you are seeing what you want to see (as all people do), but you are not seeing what others see, you are trying to convince others of what you see (me too)

but Im a leaf, so Im outside of this debate to some degree, it doesnt really matter to me, i have no "skin" in the game

and what do I see, ...well I explained what I see, that it seems to me no matter who the media is talking to they are only as reliable as thier sources, adn thier sources appear to be rotating weekly, meaning they are totally unreliable .. hence the media is unreliable source of information on what trump is thinking

and the number is important, because I know only of three or four, (and Im sure there is more) but I, like most people, dont follow it closely, and so to normies like myself, we are not seeing what you see

bear in mind most people read about 15 minutes of news a day .... and all I can see of the mooch/spicer fiasco is that if I want to know what Trump is thinking I might as well go to his twitter feed, cause the "sources" aren't reliable

>Trump runs for president
>Priebus in charge of RNC
>Priebus talks shit about Trump
>Trump wins nomination
>Priebus still talks some shit about Trump, but reluctantly goes along with it
>Trump wins election
>Republican establishment forced to work with Trump, Trump extends olive branch by keeping Priebus as Chief of Staff
>skip ahead a few months
>Priebus leaks fucking everything to the press because he's an establishment toadie/shill in the service of Neocons
>Trump cannot directly fire Priebus because that would be a declaration of war upon Republicans in congress, which is a hurricane of piss he doesn't need right now
>in comes the blind
>Scaramucci is hired as new Press Sec
>immediately talks shit about Priebus and Bannon
>the Bannon criticism is for appearances, the Priebus criticism is to make Scaramucci look like an asshole and pull all eyes onto him
>Priebus is then outed as a leaker
>Priebus is 'resigned'
>Scaramucci takes the heat for it, not Trump
>Scaramucci's "big mouth" then gets him removed by Kelly; mission complete

If Trump's idea was to kill establishment Republicans in the White House, it worked.
The only problem was that Scaramucci was too good at drawing attention.

Scaramuccis actions were 100% planned.

He new he was speaking to the press, he knew he was using outrageous language, the intent was to get headlines. The goal was to get the name drops in the headlines.

The intent was to put heat on Priebus to force his resignation.

I'm not sure what the point of name dropping Banon was. And I don't know what to make of Scaramuccis firing.

What about Mike Flynn?

hammer meet nail

the mooch was hired to do the hit job ... job complete, mooch is worth (correct me if im wrong but millions of bucks and is big shot developeer investor) ..... fuck dudes, hes got way bettter (read profitable) hsit to do

probably owes Trump a "favor" from back in the day
he was a hit amn, his classified info, was the barium meal .... leaker caught, leaker terminated

lets have lunch


>Mooch, what the fuck? I told you to aim for a six and you gave me an eleven! There's no keeping you now, you know that, right?

>...I'm sorry, boss, I just get excited...

>I love ya, you ridiculous wop! Now, get the fuck outta here. Good job.

>lol k

Flynn was assassinated by dems.
Trump didnt plan that.

Trump's doing it himself.