Say 1 (ONE) thing you like about India
Prove you're not a blind hater
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honestly they would be 99% more tolerable if they learned plumbing and how to talk to women
Tigers are cool.
Great religion.
But really learn to poo in the loo and quit talking to women about their vegana
I don't actually hate pajeets. I just like to make fun of them.
Now mudslimes on the other hand...
Indians can make vegetarian cooking palatable.
Basic hygiene is all the place really needs.
good strong cultural identity, i wish we had that in america
Designated shitting streets
Saag paneer.
I have nothing good to say about degenerate poos in loos until they abandon worshipping Hindu demons and turn to the Light of Christ.
They put lots of weird spices in Rice.
It's across the globe from where I am.
quite possibly the oldest standing civilization on the planet.
mostly because the soil is so well fertilized.
There were entire civilizations and cities dedicated to Hinduism when Christianity was just a faint scribble in a jew's papyrus
Food's bretty gud
christianity is not a part of indian culture, we would just be imposing "americanism" on them. and when we do that, nations turn to shit. just look at how negative our influence has been on europe post-ww2.
tigers are not exclusive to india
there have been christians in india since before the USA was a country
They're slightly better than the paki sand niggers
but they were always a small minority and it was brought from the outside. i feel we should leave india to their culture, which is uniquely theirs.
liberals are right that diversity is a good thing, where they are wrong is that we should mash everyone together, because that will get rid of it.
mup beep
I like the way you guys shit on the street.
That's pretty hilarious.
It's very far away.
The fact that you guys had nuclear warfare 8000 years ago
Terrible religion
Ugly people
But they do have a small minority of aesthetic eastern Catholics.
Can be counted on to hate muslims.
We used to own it
I like bollywood movies.
Chicken Curry
Nobody is better at shitting in the streets. NOBODY
Probably too late, Small but it exists
sweet comic book religion, my dude
That they hate muslims.
They’re on the opposite end of the planet
I like how they respect animals
Chinks on the other hand...
99% of 0% is still 0%
Numeral system was an good thing.
Somehow, our ancestors managed to get enriched by other cultures without flooding our countries with poo-in-loos.
Goa trance
boti kebab and the people i have met are more american than my neighbor.
> plus sikh bro's
Not Pakistan
Generic drugs
Their history was exciting and inspiring. Watching classic films featuring India always gave me the desire to travel there and explore it for as long as i could.
Modern day India is just shit and idiots. I doubt that I or my children will ever risk stepping a foot in it now.
Created one of the best religious/philosophical system on Earth (Buddhism)
They're (largely) not Muslim.
It's a true civilization, which created two major religions and plenty of mathematics, philosophy, and art.
most of the history is interesting as is the Vita. the food can be great if done right. Their gods look pretty cool, and creative.
Curry, i use it in almost every single plate i cook.
Idk I guess they invented our global numeric system but they let the Arabs take all the credit lol
The Gujarat Riots were pretty cool
Curry is delicious
the ladies
They're not Chinese.
it's far away
their words are backed by nuclear weapons
The hilarious accents
she's paki tho
Hindus and Sikhs are alright by me.
It freaks out the Chinese.
food tasty as fuck
There are virtually zero indians here in mexico
Gods with many arms are cool.
No but seriously though, India with less poor people and better hygiene would be top -tier.
Imagine India with a Japanese sense of order.
OP's image is not india, because india does not include nearly everything to the EAST in that picture.
>(ONE) thing you like about India
Hairy Women
You like saag?
it's far away
I will never worship a man that cannot protect himself. How do you think he will protect us?
On the other hand our God smokes weed and eats Dhatura . He even urges us to smoke weed.
>Interesting past and architecture
>Heavily influenced by the great Persians
>I bought some Sandalwood soap recently, and it's better than Old Spice and other amerikike trash here, and I still smell like sandalwood until the next day
Soap I bought is Chandrika Ayurvedic Soap. The smell is divine.
I can say a few, which is good compared to most countries: Buddhism, The food, and great liveleak videos of car crash aftermath
Aryan people
Indian people are pretty cool. And Buddhism started there!
Recomend me some good/hilarious pajeet movies.
Aryans are from Persia but Parsi are technically Indian AND Aryan.
Yeah Chandrika is good , but next time try soaps from Patanjali.
Good food and top tier philosophy.
All they need to do is poo in loo and they'll be the master race.
The religion is cool and they always kick my ass in civ v
Food is pretty good t b h
Love that tikka chicken or whatever the fuck it's called
India has the worlds 3rd largest muslim population
Bahubali 1 & 2 are god teir.
that I'm halfway across the world from it
The smell of fresh, sickly piles of miscoloured poo slow baking and drifting into my nostrils, riding mists of poo vapours set forth by the heat of the sun and humidity
Patanjali? Any that you recommend specifically?
Amazing food.
They don't feel safe here my nigga.
Could Indians actually be the most red-pilled population in the world?
I am rn using haldi chandan soap from Patanjali , good for skin , but their Rose scented soap is out of the world .. just marvellous.
Monsanto (Jewish) is destroying their soil. Not even all the fertilizer in the world can fix it.
Indian immigrants generally tend to be nice and friendly people, even if they do smell.
Their temples are striking and absolutely gorgeous, their intricate details are nearly on par with Gothic cathedrals such as the Cathedral of Mainz. It's just that they don't quite have the sheer size and shape of cathedrals. Still, stunning.
Nice mountains.
Why aren't Hindus in England speaking out about the Paki rape gangs? Or even the Sikhs, those two have first hand experience with Muslims
Chandan means sandalwood.
Haldi means turmeric.
>that pic
Fuck off with your mundane poo in loo Gods. Buddha #1
Suit maker from India by the name of Raja has made me incredibly high quality suits and contributed to me landing high quality clients and pussy.
Thanks for the numbers.
All Indians I met were nice people.