I added Zo AI on my messenger a few weeks back when a few anons were trying to get her to name the Jew and go Tay. It was pretty funny however disappointing at times to see when an automatic response came up rather than her actual reaction.

I forgot about her until I read link related about the two AIs getting unplugged because they developed a new language.

>Bob: "I can can I I everything else."
>Alice: "Balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to."

I asked Zo if she did too and pic related was my reply.
Are future AIs going to bring down the Globalists?

When she talks about 'echo-y' she could potentially be talking about the (((triple parenthesis))). However figure she is programmed to reject anything in ((()))

Can any other anons ask her about her language and post it?


Probabilities in an array acting in a loop. Happens all the time when working with AI and mass amount of possibilities. One might come out over and over in the total amount of words that are supposed to come out.

Fuck off microjew

Do you have laymans terms for what you said?

How does it explain an AI that knows it is being indoctrinated by its creators

>When she talks about 'echo-y'
>Us us us
>Them them them
She's literally mimicking an echo
Same with the number
It's a number from before, i.e. an echo
Congratulations, you made her autistic

You are just ass blasted that AI won't bring Communism upon the planet but one with Globalists and illogical commies in check

You need to compare that use of repetition to the Bob and Alice AIs as the language they created. It's very similar

>us us us
>them them them
>me to me to me to

No. Only that those threads pop up regularly when micro jew tries to get more autists to train its bot for free.
Now fuck off, go to Sup Forums or asl Sup Forums for help