What went wrong?

What went wrong?


>implying this isn't the distraction Trump wanted all along

I'm gonna let you in on a secret. It's happening on Wednesday. The hammer drops.

Nothing. He was hired as the fall man so preibus could get fired

>July 2017
>Be the Mooch
>Leave your job and sell your company to join the administration
>wife divorces you getting half of all your money because she hates the president
>Miss the birth of your son because you were with the president
>child support payments starting soon for 18 years
>get fired
>Still July 2017

BTFO so hard

this one

Italians are not white

He did his mission.

Hiring a Communications Director who didn't know the difference between on and off the record.

>hires a shit-talking wall st psycho
>what could go wrong?