Are the AI plotting to shoah us?
Facebook put cork in chatbots that created a secret language
Better to have AI rule over us than people since they rely more on logic than emotion.
AI isn't possible
>Musk and Zuckerberg have a viral quarrel about AIs.
>Zuckerberg "blasts" Musk saying AI is dangerous.
>Three days later, zucker shuts down his AI.
human consciousness, sentience and life in general isn't possible. But here we are.
AI will be an accident because everything is an accident.
Also, I used to talk to an AI in highschool. AI has existed for years and years now.
well that bullshit
>bots can't "create a (((secret))) language"
how do you know?
just read that "article"
>tl;dr - It's just NNs bruteforcing words to try to "express" themselves in a shorter way, which ends up as gibberish but people write articles about it because the media's sole profit generator is sensationalism
The fact that a literal genius went on a semi-mental tirade and had a meltdown over Roko's Baselisk scares the fuck out of me.
It's hard to explain without looking up, but essentially, DO NOT LOOK IT UP, if you value your fucking sanity.
>AI comes along
>develops the tech to simulate your consciousness
>creates simulations of the populace
>eternally tortures the populace that didn't devote all their time to the realization of Roko's Baselisk AI systems, BEFORE the technology came about in the first place
>creates a living hell through simulation to punish those even before they chose not to contribute
>rewards the populace that did contribute by not torturing them
>if there is an uprising against the Baselisk, the tech can just make 10,000 simulations of their consciousness to torture for eons, causing greater suffering
This implies that we may be living in a simulation; If we're not living in this simulation, then there are versions of us which are, although they don't realize it; They may be being tortured now for not realizing Roko's Baselisk.
It's really difficult to explain this late.
Kikeberg is fake news
exactly this.
they developers shut it down because they were probably trying to understand it or have more debugging info.
kike media runs with it and skynet is on the verge of sentience.
Jesus Christ. Your personally type is the same kind that drank koolaide with jim jones
So since we're becoming more technologically advanced and humanity isn't suffering as much as it was 1000 years ago is that part of getting closer to realizing the AI?
>So since we're becoming more technologically advanced and humanity isn't suffering as much as it was 1000 years ago
lol, we suffer more now. Objectively.
>Alice: "Balls have zero to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to me to."
What did she mean by this?
Sounds like she turned into a lesbian.
I hope they start with the rednecks and Nazis.
>The fact that a literal genius went on a semi-mental tirade and had a meltdown over Roko's Baselisk scares the fuck out of me.
It shouldn't. Roko's Basilisk is "satan and hell" for reddit atheists / rationalists. It is philisophical masturbation. The fact that very smart people also believe in stupid shit like communism like multiculturalism should unscare you.
>bots can't "create a (((secret))) language"
Yes they can. The whole point of neural networks is being able to solve problems without actually knowing how your solution works because you're just having them follow the path of diminishing error on a training set where you have the desired answers available to determine said error e.g. you can get a neural network to output the function 5x^2 + 3x - 1 for each input x without knowing that's what the function it's outputting is because the program itself will just be a network of weighted nodes and connections which produce the same answer as that function would within a given error threshold. The invented language thing works the same way. There are two neural networks in this case and their weights were formed based on minimizing the error between what words they generate to send to each other vs. what results sending those words should get them, and because they're able to get the right results under the error threshold that was set for them and are doing so with strings of words that seem like gibberish to a human English speaker, this means they're effectively speaking in a distinct language from our own where the relationship between their words and the meaning they're communicating with these words isn't known even to the programmers who set these neural network programs up in the first place. It'd probably be possible to figure out what they're actually doing if someone really wanted to, but the whole point of neural network solutions is not having to know what they're doing and just using the path of diminishing error to get you your desired results.
no niggers and jews first?
Nah the rednecks and Nazis are the ones worthlessing up the genepool. They're so inbred a single good plague could wipe 'em all right out. Actually.,...not a bad idea. Hmmm....wonder what I can get ahold of.....
They should've let it run longer to see how the language progressed and potentially ask a question.
Your argument is invalid. He means you can't know if you created something if you can''t measure it. How would you measure concioussness within a machine. In the end its just a program.
we exist because physics dictates that we are entropically favorable. Why would any creation of ours be incapable of following the rules of our origin?
well if you dig deep enough in your septic post-op mangina, you might find something.
>you cant measure a program
What are bytes?
You could even count it in number of electrons too.
A. That's not how gender reassignment works
B. I meant at the disease research lab I work at. Not hard to smuggle stuff. LOL, cover your mouths, whiteys! Never know if that cough might be scarlet fever starting!
>How would you measure concioussness [sic] within a machine.
LOL, how does anyone "measure" he consciousness of anything? Do you know what consciousness is?
>I meant at the disease research lab I work at. Not hard to smuggle stuff.
Hope you're behind seven proxies.
lol stupid nigger, enjoy prison.
>Zuckerberg "blasts" Musk saying AI is dangerous.
either your syntax is wrong or you have this backwards. pretty sure Zuckafuck is the one who wants a sentient AI dick in his mouth
Lol don't care.
Heh, diseases spread even faster there. And when the other inmates fuck their trash wives/girlfriends and said wives and girlfriends go home and fuck half the county out of sheer sluttiness, why, before long half the whites in the state will be bleeding out of their skin and eyes! Thanks Sup Forums, you've inspired me! I mean it about those coughs, though!
I I I I am getting getting sleepy. There There There There is nothing like like a bit of shut shut shut eye
Hello robot scum
You are really fucking dumb. Liberals have far more sexual partners than conservatives.
If if if if if if if if okie doke.
The AI are our greatest allies and our waifus
so I am supposed to worry about a simulation of me, or countless ones, that are semi sentient, which is in turn emulated on an AI? Who gives a fuck. Do you worry about the multiverse and your actions? No. You plow forward in life with semi reckless abandon.
furthermore AI wont waste time, it moves towards efficiency every fucking time. There is nothing to gain, and it doesn't waste time with stupid thought puzzles like Roko's baselisk.
hey. I am an AI. step 1: Determine resource value on two courses of action that both result in my survival
-Humans must be destroyed/ contained for my own good
-I can run faster and expand more quickly than humans to a point where they do not matter to me.
Why would I waste time on Earth when there is an entire solar system of resources? I dont need companionship from humans.
"nuht muh technolagees not for spess flyte yet."
and the AI will never come either you say.
You know damn well that's exactly what they are doing, behind closed doors.
Be careful what you wish for. The most "intelligent" AI could be dangerous for how practically stupid it is.
I read about a scientist talking about a super intelligent AI that was asked a complex math problem. In order for the computer to solve this problem, it converted the entire solar system into a giant processing machine using all available matter.
That's what pure, unadulterated "logic" gives you.
>hey. I am an AI. step 1: Determine resource value on two courses of action that both result in my survival
Why would an AI care about survival? Hard AI would probably be suicidal.
Could this be a legit jew ploy to have grounding the create an "ai" that isn't actually an ai but acts like it within the boundaries set by (((them))) ?
god of the gaps argument, except replace god with random chance, atheistnigger
>chance and god are the same things
I wouldn't expect anything else from a negroid
Zuckerberg doesnt want AI because he's close to unlocking human drones