Global Warming

So is it real or not?

Presumably the climate is changing, but is it the result of human interference or just natural geological phenomena? Any good reasoning to support either side?

Other urls found in this thread:

melankovich cycles. Also look up heat island effect and see how jewed the data collection lending to it's credibility is


>Is it real?
>Is it the result of human interference?
>Should we be worried about it?

t. physicist

Climate variation is naturally occurring.

fp good

I like to pretend it's not real but I don't think there's anyway we COULDN'T be fucking up the environment with the amount of shit we do to it.

So the earth might not be warming but it's still a huge issue

It incontrovertibly is. That's not up for debate. The debate is whether human activity has influence on it.

You'd have to be an idiot to think that the billions of people on earth have no impact whatsoever on the Earth right now. Something will eventually happen and there's nothing anyone can really do about it, unless you shaved off half of the earth's population.

it's bullshit

the CIA has been paying off the scientific community to push global warming caused by fossil fuels since the 50's so they wouldn't scare the public about nuclear

chernobyl damaged the planet more in a month than a century of burning oil.. not to mention the threat of nuclear weapons..