Risk Thread

Let's get a risk thread going

Other urls found in this thread:


Serbian Empire

Name Euskera Herria

Iberia as in spain or iberia as in the caucuses?

I would think Spain



Start at like 3-4 players

Edgy Red


Fuck these threads honestly


Year 1

finish the small territory im in and go north.

Finish off afghan, move into pakistan

Finish that last bit of Serbia and fill Bosnia

ha you have ass in your tripcode kek

you misunderstand op, Fuck these threads honestly was my countries name

Roll for Scotland

Thats why i use it

NAP? :)

Sure m8

Waiting for Herria, you still here?


Hey Mr. Adolf can I havings of Balkans if I let you have anything north of Slovenia and west of the Adriatic? I think an alliance would be very profitable for us both.

Sure, sounds great.

Thanks, Serbia and Nazis best frens forever

name updated

Fuck it I'm joining too.

Memetic Republic of Kekistan



We remove kebab together, kamaraden.

I think the others are afk, OP.

pls no, OP plays OP wins, #1 rule of risk

year 2

I will roll like everyone else. Rules are stated clearly on the map, I will follow them.

also rolling to fill azerbaijan, spill to armenia and iran

Northwest, my friend.


Ireland for FTTH

spillover to England if I roll high

Finish pakistan, spills go to iran


Take iberia

Whew, takings of Bosnia and ridding it of filthy Bosniaks is much easier when NATO's not climbing up your ass.

Take Croatia and Slovenia. If there's still some territories left, take Montenegro.

you have a +2 bonus, please update your name to reflect it

Any Color
North Africa
L - Detachment

The biggest issue with OPs playing is that no one wants to kill them or else the game will end.

Anyways, is there room for another to join?
if so I'd like to be brown and near/in Lagos.

OP i am confuse, why do you have 3 bonus? No accusing, I am wantings simply clarification.

He's updated his bonus because he can see that next turn he'll have +3

The game will continue regardless of whether or not I lose

ah, okay, I see, the digits will definitely fill those territories, I was confuse because I didn't see it in mupdate

year 3

West, fill the territory with the industry resource if i have enough

rolling to fill iraq and take baghdad

Take Lagos and the gold, then fill Benin. Spill West.

Fill the rest of iran, spills go to -stan countries

Fill Libya

Spills to Egypt

Finish Croatia, take Slovenia, then fill Montenegro. Yugo will be back under one flag once again.

bumpings of bread

Post quicker OP pl0x


England is my city

SAS: Rogue Warriors 2017 Documentary

If you don't have anything to listen/watch while playing.

OP is mupdate soon?

year 4

Keep expanding into germany, south.

Fill Benin, Togo, then Ghana.
Then fill Nigeria.

Fill india

your bonus is +4


roll to invade iran and kick out the muja

Libya to Egypt

Fill Slovenia, then Montenegro, then Macedonia, pls

fixed bonus

hurry OP its late where i am and im tired as fuck

year 5

You should really aim for about 10 minutes or less per mupdate OP.

Fill Nigeria, spill West.

Remove kekistan from iran

Take Macedonia. After that, fill Albania and if there's still territories left in the roll, fill Bulgaria. Yugo is back, now we expand.
Very much agreed my nigger compadre.

Fill Tunisia
Spill Egypt


roll to deport illegal mujas from iran




I've fucked up

Hello Mr. Hitler, I am considerings of taking Hungary soon, it is debatable if it is north of Slovenia, would it be fine if I had it?

You take East Europe, I take West.

I call scandinavia, though.

Also, I call Poland, Austria, and could I maybe have the Baltics, pretty please? :)

Wow, very generous of you. I leave Polan and Czechs for you considering that was part of 3rd Reich. Thanks you very much Mr. Hitler.
Why of course.

Nice. I can be persuaded with the Baltics, as well, just fyi.

>pretty please? :)
Sheeeit Hitler you such a fuckin whitey

Kingdom of naples
Southern italy

DOTR comes.

Of course, never think I forget what is yours and what is mine.
Have them if you'd like


year 6

continue filling germany, spill into france if a big roll

roll to crush muja

Fill Ghana, Burkino Faso, then Mali.

Finish Alban*a, fill Bulgaria, and then fill Romania

you're at a +6 bonus by the way

thanks for keeping me in check bud