Identity Pol is cancer

So I recently discovered The Donald on reddit and I kept hearing about Sup Forums so I came here

You guys are a bunch of un American Nazis

My father fought the Nazis in WW2 so you could enjoy the freedom you have today

How can you idiots deny The Holocaust ...

You are a bunch of whack jobs
Six million Jews died because of a total mad man




Runaway into your echo chamber

Scared to have an actual debate?

Thank you calling me a Nazi, but I am not nearly as brave or tough as a Nazi. They are the most successful Army man for man of any modern army to take a battlefield.Simply were overpowered by two industrial powerhouses

Hitler did nothing wrong

Ehh, I'll give your bait a 3\10. Not horrible for your first try.

Yeah so funny mocking victims

I thought you guys were republicans

Boy was I wrong.

Nazi were socialist

Nazi stands for National socialists

if it was so bad why these niggers taking pictures like they're on holiday?

Because they had guns held at their heads by socialist wackos that forced them to comply

If you are new here how do you know what 'sage' means.?

Nice spacing you horses ass

Go suck Israeli cocks you kike loving faggot.

Sage this shit.

Because we use it all the time at the Donald

when someone starts saying something racists or anti trump but we mostly ban them

>My father fought in WW2


How does it feel knowing you are the scummiest, most entitled, worthless generation that has ever existed?

How does it feel knowing you single handedly destroyed the west with your greed and stole the future of your children and grandchildren?

There is a special place in hell reserved for the scumbag boomers.

We wasted almost 400,000 lives in a pointless war that we had no business in so that we could have our cultures be destroyed by 3rd world immigration, revive a war industry so it could profit, allow jewish banks to screw us over through their monopoly on the Fed, give money to a nation like Israel that commits daily genocide, corrupt the young through pornography and Marxism, allow millions to be slaughtered by Jewish commissars in the Eastern Bloc and beyond, killed our ethnic brothers and destroyed their nations because of "Muh freedom", fight all these pointless wars in the Levant for Israel, let the bastards take 3,000 lives on 9/11 and hundreds of thousands more through their funding of terrorists like ISIS, and destroy the greatest cultural and religious reawakening the world had ever seen since the Renaissance. But all simple minded fools like you could say are " Muh six million", a narrative built on absolute lies to make us obedient to those who seek our death. Do you have any idea why millions of men from all around the world risked their lives to fight alongside the Third Reich, only to be persecuted for years after the war, with Mossad hunting down veterans that can now barely walk? Do you even know why there was a second world war? Are you naïve enough to think that all these men fought voluntarily because they wanted to "kill all Teh joos"? Your ignorance sickens me. If you were half the man these men were, you would see the world as it truly is.

Sage. Fuck off shill. Donkey raping shit eater.

Poo in the Loo


try harder

More like debait amirite LOL

>College student discovers for first time that the world outside of his liberal ideology bubble exists.
