ITT: Trumptards in a nutshell. The cognitive dissonance is astounding. What's the mental gymnastics excuse this time...

ITT: Trumptards in a nutshell. The cognitive dissonance is astounding. What's the mental gymnastics excuse this time? I'm having a hard time keeping up with the newest lies you tell yourself to continue sucking Trump's rancid old cock.

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this is all bells and whistles

people liked the mooch because he was entertaining and rinced penis got btfo. No one actually cares that much about any individual Trump included. Go back to pol archives when he was attacking syria it was nothing but anti-trump attacks.

why was he fired?

>a situation with good and bad parts suddenly completely changes so that bad parts are more focused on

Oh ok thanks for updating me on the current excuse i'll not use this anytime anyone is critical of Trump thanks.

I'll elaborate. Trump isn't perfect. Rather people have priorities. People only pretend to be ideologically pure. The same people who sucked Obama's dick ignored his drone bombings and fuck ups in Libya and funding terrorists in Syria.

Everyone is full of shit. Welcome to humanity.

The Sup Forums attraction to mooch was just that he was different and entertaining, not ideological.

The best are idiots who still believe Trump is playing some "8d chess" or some crap and that this was all planned.

Reality check trumptards...WH is a mess and a complete joke. Better than Clinton but still a joke.

There were people that criticized Obama for his shortcomings, the problem is when you look at Trumpfags they literally NEVER criticize Trump for anything, he can do no wrong.

You guys are practically brainwashed into a cult of personality with Trump at its head.

>two different articles written by two different people offer two different opinions
Shocking revelation.