/NZPOL/ GENERAL - Labor is Fucked Edition

The Labor party elects A talking horse but my she is a fine one isn't she. Little Andrew is gone. newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/larry-williams-drive/audio/stuart-nash-labour-admits-agreement-with-greens-hurting-its-chances/
Last sane man in the Labor party speaks common sense and is then promptly ignored.

Winston on the war path over the Todd Barclay affair

Peters calls the Labor party manlets - "If you begin from a position of weakness, that's all you'll be, is weak."

local Spinster wants to scrap School decile ratings and send your kids to some South Auckland shithole

Election Survey up on News Hub. You know what to do.

LIVE STREAM: Labour's new leader Jacinda Ardern

Winston to PM: I know about your texts


Reid Research

Colmar Brunton

(((Curia Polls)))

Roy Morgon

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Redpill me on National

National confirmed for record fourth term.

Ardern will give Labour a little boost but she's a meme candidate. Similar to Trudeau with all that virtue signalling. Outside of the central cities, New Zealanders are still red pilled enough to not buy that shit.

Is Labour actually fucked boys? I dont know who to vote for now, anyone but national is alright i guess

>red pilled
>voting National

Might as well just sell the country wholesale to China. last one out turn off the light.

Fucking great news. Hopefully National can go further right economically to destroy leftism in this country.


At least we can all live together on the streets in a few years, we can have a little cardboard castle on a street in Wellington and suck each other off for warmth

Labour is definitely going to lose. They must have figured that their polling is about the lowest it's going to go, so changing leader would either leave them at the same level, or slightly raise their vote. They still can't win though.

The best potential outcome would be NZ First holding the balance of power, in the hopes that National's sell-out policies might actually be able to be curbed. If not, expect some kind of local Trump in 2020.

Im going to probably vote for NZFirst how about you?

The Key national government is almost exactly like what nine more years of Helen Clark would look like.

Brash was a huge dumpster fire but he was the last conservative leader of National.