Why the hell is Sup Forums so afraid of Jews?

Why the hell is Sup Forums so afraid of Jews?

Natural defense mechanism.

Because the jews controls the supply and creation of pop tarts, fruit roll-ups, hot pockets, and beef jerky.

For me personally WW1 & 2 these people can't be trusted

>wtf why don't you want to stick your finger in that black widow web, are you scared?

Not afraid, just disgusted.

because they cant compete. same reason they fear BBC.

Why would I be afraid of jews? They're fixing Earth's biggest problem.

Because I don't want to hurt it's web.

The jew you meet that runs the bagel shop in Mobile Alabama is nothing to worry about.

I don't know the percentage, but it's a low percentage of jews that actually run shit, and it's all in big cities where they all know each other.

Families that know other families that give each other low interest loans, preferential treatment, positions in their business.

With this preferential treatment, they have slowly slowly over the last hundred years infiltrated every major organization in the USA. While only being a very very very very VERY small minority.

Also, it's not fear. Not everything you dislike is a fear. It's an understanding, and rightful disdain.

checked. kek

right it's a disgust reaction

people have the same disgust reaction to gays, ,rotting flesh, maggots, etc

You make a good point. A lot of people assume that you must must be referring to all Jews just because you're aware of their tricks. And because they have a Jewish friend who doesn't match the profile you give then they dismiss your ideas. I've seen it happen all to often.

why are jews so afraid of the samurai?

You ever know a chick that pretended her parents were killed so she could garner unfair sympathy? yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

Because Sup Forums knows Jews are smarter than them
there's literally no other excuse

Jews are small in number and physically weak, and yet they out maneuver the goyim in every instance

Conspiracy nuts and social rejects who like to blame their problems and someone else

If the Jews used their intelligence to help others then it would be a different story. Instead they go out of their way to subvert others and enrich themselves.

mainly because goyim are naturally trusting and easy victims for jewish scams and exploitation.


So what, you hate them because they're capitalists?

Why does the quality of posts on this board always go to shit around this time of night?

>hurr fucking over society is great as long as you make money

the eternal libertarian strikes again

That's a good reason to hate them desu.

nobody is afraid of jews but any thinking person knows that someone ought to round them all up and gas them or else we will continue to suffer our people being influenced by the most subversive and sickening population on the planet
THERE IS A REASON hundreds of nations have removed them throughout history. there is a reason it's tranny mental illness sickos and feminism and usury and socialism and all this kike shit there is a fucking clear reason and someone needs to stand up and just put them in the biggest oven ever so we can go back to peace and success