
Ex-Sandnigger here. I need anti-commie memes to fuel my venezuelan friends' twitter crusade on an anarco commie lolcow @anarchy_always Kek shall guide your shit flinging

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sorry buddy that's not how this works. you will always be a sand nigger


>Ex-Sandnigger here



Damn. Fine. Ex-Muzzie Sand nigger here.... Still, can I get memes?

He had a race change.

No. I just spat out the goat cum, and used soap on my skin

I heard bleach works :^)

He's upgraded to a double sandnigger



Not sure if people in Venezuela are aware of how huge the exodus from Cuba has been.

context of pic?

Communist death toll.

Only commies can save us from HITLER! Support your local communist today

Take either the christpill or the indigo pill?


Venezuela. This dumb fuck thinks it's doing better than any other country rn

What is the indigo pill?

Venezuela dumb fuck thinks that everything is fine

new faggots wont get that

>Ex-Sandnigger here
How did you change your skin color? Like Michael Jackson?

Supporter of NWO



>Ex-Sandnigger here
You can't be ex-sandnigger you fucking retard
once born sandnigger, you're sandnigger until dead,
if you behave good, maybe you'll reborn as a white man

I know you specified you wanted memes, but, maybe this graph belongs in there with them too.

Here's one already in Spanish. You should probably try to re-do the English ones already posted.

I'll do my best!

What Marx was like.





You and your Antifa friends better either get really serious, or flee, because the antidote to you guys is coming for you. You have no idea what's coming. I almost feel sorry. Almost.


Probably could also be translated with just a few minutes of touch-up.


If you know any "anarcho" communists, busy them with the attached conundrum. While they're raging at it, they won't be figuring out what's about to change in about 18-24 months. Hint: They have no idea, are totally unprepared, and are not up to the challenge of facing it. It's going to be glorious.

This one right here mirrors exactly how people talk about Venezuela.



Sorry, I need to clarify that the stuff I said about Antifa has nothing to do with Venezuela. I'm not from Venezuela, never been there, have no idea what might happen there in 18-24 months.

For the US, things are very different. A comeuppance is in the works. Dirty underemployed poser commies are going to face consequences for their evil, and they're too busy being gigantic loser faggots to do anything to get ready.

Meanwhile, Venezuela will probably still be commie because the people there seem pretty dull and complacent about the whole thing.

To repeat, I am only referring to what's going to happen to "anarcho" communists in America. While they are busy posturing about how vegan and punk they are, people who actually know what they're doing are getting serious.

Venezuela? Who knows, commies seem to be able to bring the whole country to its knees and nobody fixes it.


Reminder that communism and all lefty isms are 100% jewish.


Lies! Everyone knows if you are right-winger you are manlet living in your parents basement.

>EX-sandnigger here

Kys or we will do it for you

True life goals of unemployed "anarcho" communist, depicted.