What went wrong Sup Forums?
What went wrong Sup Forums?
I don't know, I better capitalize on my failure by making money on a book to test the waters on a run for president in 2020, kill me now please
She was so god damn hated kek. The dems too in their current state. She was so hated Bernie very much could have won and he was supposed to be controlled opposition. She was so damn hated that even with the media and the establishment on her side, she couldn't win.
I know that these books are typically written right before a sortie into politics (as opposed to after in times of yore), but who reads this crap? It's clearly (and admittedly) written by a ghostwriter and typically designed by a committee that tries to think about what would sell and promote their candidate.
Don't mess with frogs.
A bunch of rural and suburban retards got taken for a ride by a talking cheeto.
Her downfall was the funniest fucking thing. Her whole campaign and everyone who was enthusiastic about her were a bunch of feeble assholes with no concept of human nature.
It was this huge bubble of compliant and uncritical media, and all the weak-minded flocked to it. They're going to get another reality check in 2020 - I can feel it in my bones. I'm going to put a solid bet on it this time.
Bernie had less of a chance to win than Hillary.
There aren't enough Americans delusional enough to vote for a commie Jew as their president.
She's such a fucking lizard isn't she?