Are Czech People White?

Redpill me on people from the Czech Republic. They say they are "From the Heart of Europe" and the most pure white Europeans.

But they looks kinda slavic to me like they could easily squat like them on street corners.

Czech males look slavic as well. Are they redpilled?

Help me out here Sup Forums any Czech or Europeans care to explain this?

Just like all former Austro-Hungarian territories, we're a mix of Slavs and Germans.

OP are you retarded?

>Can't make beer

Decidedly non-white


>Can't make beer
1/10 made me reply


I'm sorry if I don't consider acid piss "beer".

Even our homeless alcoholics scoff at it. Not even a Greenlander would be caught dead drinking it.

Czech is the German Slavic master race hybrid. Germanic enough to be hardworking and Slavic enough to keep the foreigners out.

t. Carls(((berg)))

Which would explain their booming African-tier economy.

At least we aren't infested with niggers and Arabs. Czechia will still exist in 100 years but can't say the same about any Western European country.

serious question here, why are mods so fucking shit at their job?

Yeah, I'm not arguing a literal faggot. Probably insecure about the fact he's a nigger in another man's country.

>Iranians/Georgians/Chechen are closer to Papuan/Onge (Abos) than Europeans
How are these groups ever going to recover?

Off-topic and Sup Forums-tier threads will be deleted (and >possibly earn you a ban, if you persist). Unless they are quality, well thought out, well written posts, the following are some examples of off-topic and/or Sup Forums-tier threads:

>Are X white?

I'm starting to believe that mods have been infiltrated by shills.

moot is probably turning in his grave, god rest his soul.


My house is near the border to cz.
I'm there every few months for groceries and stuff.

no shitskins
no burqqa ghosts, like in diverse vienna
no nigger

they know how to keep the shit out

>I'm there every few months for groceries
Meanwhile czechs go to Germany and Austria for groceries because we get garbage tier food in here

Read the sticky faggot
No threads saying "are X people white?"
Report and ignore this bullshit

No you don't, your monopoly money don't mean shit in either respective countries.

>Went to czechia last month
>Only saw on negro, that said "Mr. Lova lova" to me for some reason
>Carried 10 liters of czech beer with me by train all the way to northern norway
Longest beer run of my life tbqh

When I was bussing into Czechia I saw a billboard saying "ne muslumu, ne terroriste" probably butchering the language but I kekd

we know that the food is shit tier.
but we dont have that much of a sortiment and the choice is poor.
>chips salted
>chips paprika

no bacon, bbq, ultra cheese, whatever..

also i dont want to spend my money on austro-jew/germancuck products.
i love czech people. much more heart and less western influence.

guy on left looks slavic
guy on right looks more germanic


i'm guessing for the groups where it says "(projected)" it might indicate direction but not necessarily distance.

What's up with all the redpill me on Czech Republic/Prague threads lately.

americans probably
they are always up to something.

Nice divide and conquer tactic , shill

Muh chechen hurritage is why i hate shitskins and i love american budweiser, a truly authentic czech beer

Chechs are Poles with a funny language

I fucking knew it.
Americans are just mudlslimes all along.

Never 5get