Blackpill: Samurai Jack creator is a jew

is there any Sup Forumsack who watched Cartoon Network? i did, and when i found out that Tartakosvky is a jew, it left me SHOCKED.

i dont think anyone will watch Dexters Laboratory or Samurai Jack or anything made by Genndy after hearing this.

prepare for a shocking Blackpill.

>Tartakovsky was born January 17, 1970, in Moscow, to Jewish parents.[4] His father, Boris, worked as a dentist[5] for government officials and the Soviet Union national ice hockey team.[6] His mother, Miriam, was an assistant principal at a school. He also has a brother, Alexander, who is two years older and currently a computer consultant in Chicago.[6] Before coming to the United States, his family first moved to Italy, where he lived next to a German family. There, Tartakovsky says he was first drawn to art, inspired by a neighbor's daughter. Tartakovsky later commented, "I remember, I was horrible at it. For the life of me, I couldn't draw a circle."

Tartakovsky's family moved to the United States when he was seven[7] due to concerns about the effect of antisemitism on their children's lives.[6]

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just look at his Rat Face. of he had a beard, he would look nearly identical to the Happy Merchant.



How does this any difference? Do you not watch anything made by Jews? Watch the content ignore propaganda

>ignore propaganda

Just stop watching TV then

i didnt knew there is (((Cartoon Network))) (owned by Ted Talmud Turner, who also owns Cohen News Network aka CNN) in Designated Shitting Land.

samurai jack was a redpilled as FUCK cartoon....

i can imagine Aku having a Hook Nose and Rubbing his hands, and having a Yiddish accent.

like his Creator of course.

>Tartakovsky's family moved to the United States when he was seven[7] due to concerns about the effect of antisemitism on their children's lives.[6]

im surprised (((Tartakovsky))) didnt make a Holohoax Cartoon because of this.

>Dee Dee, get out of my Death Camp!