Books, movies, games and other media that disprove communism?

Books, movies, games and other media that disprove communism?

That's a "d" not an "a". The backwards N is an "I" and the backwards R a "ja".
Why is this crap allowed?

because wannabe commies thik faux cyrillic looks cool

Orwell disliked authoritarianism. He was a socialist though


The whole book is about socialism and how forced equality doesn't work, dipshit. Not to mention 1984.

No, its specifically about Stalin and how the communist revolution was co-opted. Heres some quotes from Orwell

>It is not possible for any thinking person to live in such a society as our own without wanting to change it. For perhaps ten years past I have had some grasp of the real nature of capitalist society. I have seen British imperialism at work in Burma, and I have seen something of the effects of poverty and unemployment in Britain. In so far as I have struggle against the system, it has been mainly by writing books which I hoped would influence the reading public. I shall continue to do that, of course, but at a moment like the present writing books is not enough. The tempo of events is quickening; the dangers which once seemed a generation distant are staring us in the face. One has got to be actively a Socialist, not merely sympathetic to Socialism, or one plays into the hands of our always-active enemies.

DIIMDL FDJAM - Commies showing off autism.

He did a shit job at writing books then. All of his books clearly criticise socialism

Orwell considered himself to be socialist.

>Books, movies, games and other media that disprove communism?
Real Life.

They criticise authoritarianism

Proof commies are retarded
Dyimdl fdyam

No У.

Your comment is an embarrassment to human kind.

Dude, these are the rules they use in the book:
>Whatever goes upon two legs is an enemy.
>Whatever goes upon four legs, or has wings, is a friend.
>No animal shall wear clothes.
>No animal shall sleep in a bed.
>No animal shall drink alcohol.
>No animal shall kill any other animal.
>All animals are equal.

That's fucking communism. Sure, the pigs became authoritarian, but the joke was that they thought themselves more equal. It's a direct criticism of communism.

So the book is written by a retarded wannabee commie?

Again its specifically about Stalin, he is not critiquing the idea that the animals could be equal

A wannabee commie who fought in the Spanish Civil War and had a first seat to see Anarchist, Socialist and Communist killing each other for not being leftist enough.

The Black Book of Communism is all you need in life to motivate putting commiefags up against a wall.

Just read the wikipedia article. This plus the Gulag Archipelago are bigger than red pills.

socialism by mises. its not exactly anti communism but it picks apart marxism bit by bit, and the two are grown from the same earth.

gulag archipelago. makes hitler look like a fucking toddler as far as cruelty goes.

politically incorrect guide to socialism (same principle as mises)

oh and also communist manifesto. the entire thing seems to be written by an angsty 16 year old who doesnt understand anything about the world

TGA was fucking heart wrenching man. parts would be comical if they werent true events.

>engineers tell the state they cant load that much on trains because itll cause deterioration


>later on engineers devise a way to increase production on rail cars


most books about the history of the 20th century

Good list user.

You got anything entry-level for misguided people?

to be honest the socially incorrect guide to socialism is probably the easiest to follow if the person has a limited knowledge of economic terms or of history.

liberal fascism is an easy read and might open their eyes to the fact that all the 'big bads' of the 20th century hit every check mark on what is considered "the left" by today's standards. might be easier to move along from there, after realizing 'right wing' or 'conservatives' arent history's boogie men, as everyone would want you to believe.

really and truly though the communist manifesto is about 2 hours in audiobook format, if that. you can find it online via youtube easily. listening to it and realizing how incredibly amateurish marx is could help open their eyes.

also not pertaining to communism, but ordinary men is a great look into how the state was able to take, quite literally, ordinary men with families and no aggressiveness and slowly lead them up to popping hundreds of prisoners at a time.

gives a great account (through hundreds of interviews) of how the recruits were physically and mentally anguished by having to do this, and really makes you empathize with those who were just 'following orders'