Robin Williams """"""suicide""""""

What did Robin Williams know? Was he Arkancided?

Here's his HBO standup from 2002:

Sounds a little more redpilled in retrospect than I remembered from back then.

Also, what about Michael Jackson? Who gave him his overdose? Was it the Mayo Clinic?

I know Arkancide is usually not by hanging, but I'm wondering if the Klintons use multiple means to get the job done.

A lot of other celebrities died in 2016. How many of them were in on something?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Mayo Clinic
Naw. I heard it was Col. Mustard.

Nah. He was jerking it and accidentally killed himself. Suicide is better than death-by-wanking if you want his legacy to still bring in some shekels.

>what about Michael Jackson

He was a fucking psychotic pedo freak who like to sucked little white boy dicks and whose nigger doctor gave him too much propofol, since he was so fucked-up he needed a potent anesthesia to go to sleep.

Rob Ford knew shit too.

>He was jerking it and accidentally killed himself
who actually does this shit? I'm serious, just like that transgender thing that seems even more common in america than in europe (which is baffling as hell, as europeans are the biggest deviants)

Shit, never knew he was that based

>Also, what about Michael Jackson? Who gave him his overdose? Was it the Mayo Clinic?
The drug they gave him literally stops breathing, i've seen it used in hospitals and literally no one would give that to someone without a respirator, he was flat out murdered

Holy shit that's the guy from flubber. When did he die?

This is a good troll because you can't tell if you're sincere or not

not everyone knows this guy kek
I only knew him from the flubber, the movie with the time-game-board and the one where he's in "heaven" with Max von Sydow