Are they /ourguys/ ?

are they /ourguys/ ?

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its real

>le reddit and normie

>being so new you are just now seeing this

kill yourself faggot

>our guys

Pol can't even see when people make fun of them

>reddit likes something
>therefore I must hate it

This is so played out now.

They need to make an episode about automation, UBI, and how everyone will become NEETs as a result.

no it isnt, rick and morty is a horrible show in general. They literally bragged about how they fired a bunch of writers, just so they could hire female writers and make it 50/50. Its fucking cringy bazinga shit.

OP is a typical tryhard nenwfag retard. The type who sees ANY fucking joke, takes it seriously, and then claims "HURR DAY OUR GUY!"

>shalom sandnigger fiction
yeah, they're definitely your guys
you love that make belief queerness, don't you
you faggots

The Sup Forums catalog nowadays:

>Rick and morty

>Lauren Southern


>Rick and Morty

>Why doesn't millennials go to collage and have kids and get married and buy a car?






>Rick and Morty

>More "e-celeb" threads

>Even more "e-celeb" threads

>Even more Lauren Southern


>Rick and Morty