Historical accuracy is whitewashing
Britain was always multicultural goyim
Historical accuracy is whitewashing
Britain was always multicultural goyim
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Don't you remember all the transexual black otherkins soldiers who defeated the Nazis ?
Guys, britain was black. Throughout all of history Britain was black.
It wasnt until those damned Confederate WHITE PEOPLE showed up on the shores of Britain, and enslaved all the blacks in britain and africa that white people conquored britain.
Please guys, The movie is a hit in every aspect. Critics loved it, normies loved it, its getting great reviews all around, history buffs like it, and its killing it at the box office.
These little worms are on the sidelines going "b-but it wasnt diverse enough!" and NO one is paying attention to them. Dont draw attention to these assholes when no one cares.
>who defeated the Nazis
>Flag of the cheese eating surrender monkey
Imperial niggers did a better job of it than the frogs, imma just sayin
Shit you get for fighting your european brothers. Now your people are spitting on their ancestors.
Get what you deserve, Anglo.
India.had 4 mule companys at Dunkirk...that's it, and.by mule company I literally mean mules, it's not an army term, actual mules, the animals. Doo that makes it 4 mules and a handful of Indian mule handlers.
>The lack of mules in Dunkirk matters.
i fucking hate these nigger cocksucking "articles"
which jew wrote that? Or was it a woman? Or both?
who cares what some poo in loo writing for that commie rag thinks
you started it box head
i will never ever ever ever ever fight again for these liberal fucking faggots. i will fight against them but i will never go to war again for these fucking shitskin niggers and cucks who hate me. if they were burning alive i wouldn't piss on them to put them out
Is this a parody or a troll?
The fucking guardian is on its last legs anyway, they are a study in self destruction. They are trying to run a major international newspaper while promoting points of view that only appeal to about 10% of the population.
Romans where black too
*smacks lips*
The Guardian has been circling the drain for years. Hopefully this desperation is a sign it's almost gone.
I saw an article about that the other day truly enlightening. I look forward to hearing about how the vikings and celts were diverse peoples in the near future
How many non white troops were there, 25?
Also the Greeks and Nordic. All black. Whites developed in a small county in Missouri and enslaved all 7 billion blacks (who were living in civic utopias), stole their inventions and technology, and ruined the environment.
But it's true
>bongs are forced with violence to pay for their kids to see this.
Beyond salvation
>Black women were destroying Germany
So he was totally justified in supposedly targeting them?
The Brits had three contingents of the Royal Indian Army Service Corps, one of which was captured by the Germans. So a few hundred soldiers were from India. The French also had several thousand colonial troops from Africa holding the perimeter, but I haven't seen the movie so I don't know if the French are even shown at all.
Bet troll I've seen in a long time.
Show me where in here the Indians were.
So, no need to depict them.
That's what I like about this troll, it's a trap. The obvious response is, "Nuh unh! We Semites were destroying Germany way worse then you Black Women!"
Dats rite
This infuriates me.
The French are shown and there's several black men in the crowd with them, so there's that.
Me too leafbro
Well, that's good enough for me, but I'm not really emotionally invested in the argument.
I know you are trolling right now but you are actually right. Its not that Britain was black. Everywhere there are humans, they are black.
Back when the Earth was still being formed, there was only 1 continent, Pangea. Guess who ruled that continent? The mighty Zulus. The tectonic plates shift, and guess who seeds every single continent with human life? Again, the Zulus.
Electricity? Zulu invention. American Civil war? Fought entirely by Zulus. President Trump? High Chieftain of the Zulu tribe.
Seriously stop spending all day shitposting here and take just ONE African studies class in your life.
No, we should draw as much attention to these fucking faggots as possible. Rub normies' faces in it so that they can't squirm away and pretend it isn't happening.
I want off this planet. I can't take it anymore. I'm at my breaking point.
Its all just too much, hyper aggression by these invaders...
its a satire account
>Show me where in here the Indians were.
far worse, a black woman
you know what really corrodes societal attitudes? casting half of white characters as niggers.
So is this another "muh evil Nazis" propaganda movie or is it just a movie about soldiers and war?
The Germans were barely seen the whole movie
what are the chances there was even a single Indian soldier at Dunkirk
That's because we were part of the Southern front attacking and keeping Italy. The Guardian needs some schooling by my black cock.
Also let me take the opportunity to thanking you, burger, for everything your Empire has done for the world. May your enemies rot in their own venom. Burgers should always walk with their heads high.
Thanks Brazil. Your Huehues and Uma Delicias scare us, but your Ferocity is one we connect with, much like that of Japan's. I'd be glad to serve with you on the Battlefield as Allies, any day of the Week.