>"We must encourage the migration of Africans into Italy... our greatest priority in Ethiopia is to bring strong, virile Black men home, [so] that they can impregnate young Italian women. For the breeding of a better race." - Benito Mussolini, March 13, 1936 and November 21, 1936, respectively.

From the book Mussolini (Routledge Historical Biographies) by Peter Neville

What did he mean by this?


He was a socialist and owned a socialist paper.
On the present day he would be the owner of salon of course he was a cuck.

It's not about race, it's about power.

You child.

Is that actually true?

Anyway on a general note the Italians were the worst fascists.

Mussolini was a retard. D'Annunzio Duce.

>Is that actually true?
No, op is obviously an american with a cuckold fetish

Mussolini wasn't a national socialist, he was simply a power hungry despot. I don't think he believed in a master race or anything, his ideal state was the Roman Empire which was certainly not an ethnostate.

Anyways Italians aren't really a unified race, there's way too much regional identity.

What page? I hardly believe this. He, as far as I know, wanted the niggers to learn Italian but nothing else.

yeah that totally looks like a legit quote...

the whole Italian deal with colonies was actually the opposite, it was about impregnating their women to bring civilization or something