>"We must encourage the migration of Africans into Italy... our greatest priority in Ethiopia is to bring strong, virile Black men home, [so] that they can impregnate young Italian women. For the breeding of a better race." - Benito Mussolini, March 13, 1936 and November 21, 1936, respectively.
From the book Mussolini (Routledge Historical Biographies) by Peter Neville
What did he mean by this?
Luke Hill
Caleb Flores
He was a socialist and owned a socialist paper. On the present day he would be the owner of salon of course he was a cuck.
Cameron Kelly
It's not about race, it's about power.
You child.
Carter Lewis
Is that actually true?
Anyway on a general note the Italians were the worst fascists.
Matthew Jackson
Mussolini was a retard. D'Annunzio Duce.
Josiah Martinez
>Is that actually true? No, op is obviously an american with a cuckold fetish
Cooper Clark
Mussolini wasn't a national socialist, he was simply a power hungry despot. I don't think he believed in a master race or anything, his ideal state was the Roman Empire which was certainly not an ethnostate.
Anyways Italians aren't really a unified race, there's way too much regional identity.
John Reed
What page? I hardly believe this. He, as far as I know, wanted the niggers to learn Italian but nothing else.
Brandon Collins
yeah that totally looks like a legit quote...
the whole Italian deal with colonies was actually the opposite, it was about impregnating their women to bring civilization or something