So apparently all that Seth Rich shit was an information op run out of the White House...

So apparently all that Seth Rich shit was an information op run out of the White House, according to a lawsuit filed in Federal Court today.

How does it make you all feel to know Sup Forums is so easily manipulated?

If you believe that OP then guess what hanging yourself is the hot new trend among sage young leftists

That's not what the lawsuit states you Supreme Faggot.

The Plaintiff himself, Rod Wheeler, even believes Seth Rich's murder is being covered up.

Keep posting about him, shill. It only helps get his name out their to redpill normies. Seth Rich was theorized to the leaker way before Trump or any other politician or MSM figure ever talked about him. Bernie supporters where talking about it immediately after his murder.

Are you sure you want to discuss this topic on Mongolian basket weaving forum ?!

Don't forget to sage!

stop spreading fake news faggot

OP just kys

You are fake news and your coordinated campaign on this will fail

But..the Seth Rich shit wasn't even in the media until recently. That story was all over Sup Forums before Trump was anywhere near the White House.