Is something fishy about this?

Is something fishy about this?

I'm 19 and for the past 2 months I've been doing a summer internship for a judge of a Texas District Court. It's a felony court, so we handle anything from check fraud to capital murder.

Every morning, one of the first things I do is check the docket, which lists all of the defendants for the day ahead. It lists name, their attorney, the charge, case number, race, etc. Something I've noticed though is that a lot of the Hispanic defendants are listed as white. I rarely see them listed or written down as being Hispanic, and these guys will have names like Juan Sanchez, Sergio Ramirez or whatever. Most of them are Mexican since it's a Texas town not far from the border, and a lot of these guy are committing felonies in the US and they don't even speak English. They need court translators, but they're nonetheless written and recorded as being white offenders.

are ((((they)))) trying to skew crime statistics?

Common practice
Wow those whites are dangerous!

I'm sure it's a (((pure coincidence))).

should I bring it up to the judge? He's a very old-fashioned Texan judge. Pretty conservative by today's standards.

Texas Lawyer here

No. No one gives a sht about this pol stuff and you are likely to lose your job which a lot of people would kill to have.

Sound counties append the Hispanic title from certain department systems and it doesn't follow over through other systems. Also hispanics can be white

I wouldn't even think of presenting it to him as some sort of conspiracy. Just asking him why that is. But I suppose you answered my question for me.

What county are you in?

North Texas. Patent attorney for a dallas firm tbqh famm

Law is all about networking. If you are close to that old judge get him talking about his kids or law lessons or golf. Not dumb shit.

>Also hispanics can be white

He's technically correct since Spaniards are white.

But the Hispanics in this court are almost completely Mexican.

>Spain is white