ITT we speak about how degenerate music is and how it has a negative impact on society. Thankfully...

ITT we speak about how degenerate music is and how it has a negative impact on society. Thankfully, Islam will save us from it soon.

How can anyone truly know themself if they're influenced by music. You see the youth copying the slang of their favourite rapper/singer/rockstar, copying their dress sense, copying the way they walk and talk. Music influences your personality.

People can go from listening to R&B and feeling romantic to listening to Rap or Rock which makes them feel as if they can take on the world. Music minipulates people's emotions.

You can never know yourself if you let music influence you. You'll always feel lost. People need to detach themself from music to have a neutral balanced mind.

Music is what Satan uses to keep humanity distracted from pondering about their purpose. Whenever people feel bored, many reach for their earphones rather than face reality. They accept Satan's way of keeping them locked in a trance. Hypnotized...

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Religion is the cancer of the humanity. Close the thread.

>implying people with no religion and no moral compass can lead us forward...

that's right, religion teaches us to hate our BASED lgbt community

what you are thinking of is pop(ular) music. pop music is a scourge on the earth and serves no purpose other than to manipulate emotions and pander to the least intelligent of the masses

art music, however, is perfectly fine, and I would say that it requires more intelligence to understand and appreciate. it, too, can manipulate emotions, but these emotions are more nuanced and have far more depth than the emotions evoked from pop music.

this is why classical music (the pinnacle of art music) is largely associated with intelligent people, science, and philosophy.

Wonder what the niggers will be ooga boogaing about when islamic muslims taker over large portions of the US and declare coon music haram

wont be so progrezzive then (except for welfare of course)


i will kill you

joyless dyel faggots

Music is permitted.

The prophet Muhammad was welcomed into Medina with music and he allowed and approved of singing on Eid.

He once had Ethiopians dance with Spears and Swords for Aisha.

All musical instruments are degenerate. They hypnotize people. They make people lose their senses.

Look up John Todd. All music produced in the West is injected with demons by the druids controlling the industry. The only purpose of popular music is to destroy Christianity and turn the soul of man to hell.

"And of mankind is he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing, etc.) to mislead (men) from the Path of Allaah without knowledge, and takes it (the Path of Allaah, the Verses of the Qur'aan) by way of mockery. For such there will be a humiliating torment (in the Hell-fire)." [Surah Luqman (Prophet Luqman) Verse 6]

classical, and art music as a whole, has been associated with an increase in focus and critical thinking. this is the opposite of "losing their senses"

ill make you lose your senses in a minute you buzzkilling fat pos

bet youve never even lifted a weight while listening to music

muslims are all skinny rat bastards or obese tubby fuckers

not to mention you disgusting unhealthy fucks have a tradition of starving then feasting at night, fucking up your metabolism and making your body take in all the calories of whatever greasy curry youve saved up

disgustiing fat fucks

why should i respect anyone or what they say if their physique is inferior?



The brackets aren't God's word, Ya dingus!

Don't make Islam impossible to follow.

>he who purchases idle talks (i.e. music, singing, etc.) to mislead (men) from the Path of Allaah without knowledge
most art music is open to interpretation; you could easily say that a piece of music will actually lead you along the path of allah. indeed, a lot of art music is composed with a religious theme in mind.


Listening to music is often a religious experience for many so I don't think most music comes under idle talk.

You could say Satanic Heavy Metal and Degenerate Rap is idle talk but all of music can't be categorised as haraam.

"The Muslim should not keep any pictures of animate beings in his house, because they will prevent the angels from entering. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: "The angels do not enter a house in which there is a dog or pictures." (Reported by al-Bukhaari, see al-Fath, 10/380). "

lol dumbass cant even follow his own rules

show me where I'm wrong instead of dodging my (valid) points you fucking mudslime

stay afraid of hell pussies

I never said anyone should keep pictures in their house. What are you talking about.

Your argument is destroyed now. This matter has been dealt with.

The Narration of al-Bukhaaree:
The Prophet peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him said : "There will be [at some future time] people from my Ummah who will seek to make lawful fornication, the wearing of silk, wine drinking and the use of musical instruments [ma'aazif]. Some people will stay at the side of the mountain and when their shepherd comes in the evening to ask them for his needs, they will say : 'Return to us tomorrow'. Then Allaah will destroy them during the night by causing the mountain to fall upon them, while He changes others into apes and swine. They will remain in such a state until the Day of Resurrection."

this is 0/10 bait

>TFW Houndoom represents everything unislamic
>is a dog
>is animated


I was just pointing out that music has people in that trance-like state

>one day a week need to endire 8 hours of mainstream hip hop
>some songs are literally just niggers making chimp sounds over an electronic drum beat with these fucking stale ass lyrics that these fucks have been writing for the last 5 years

I don't know how people listen to this shit voluntarily.

Dont care Achmed now go get blown up by Russian Bombers


You can hate the LGBT community and be irreligious at the same time, you know.

you can be irreligious and not think religion is the cancer of humanity, you know

reveal your flag

Atheists feel there's no reason to hate the LGBT movement because there is no objective right and wrong according to atheists. Atheists feel that there are no rules in life.

Smart money is on UK.

Wouldn't you think that applies to saved images on your computer?

No I don't worship those images or take them as idols. I don't place them around my house to be worshipped.

I can't imagine a religion so trash that it forbids music, shit even the birds, wind, water and planets are musical.

What a sad way to look at music.

Do you loathe creativity?

Having them saved on your computer to use as symbols is idolatry kafir.