What will they do?

what will they do?

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Express their deep concern

Tell the EU to go fuck itself... hopefully.

This. Then hopefully Polexit and Hungexit

clearly hungary is the problem

Fuck you p-EU

I thought they already gave them a deadline, quite pathetic that they're not following through with their threats

When EU tries to invade Hungary and Poland I will volunteer for based Hungarians and Polacks - it will be an honour to fight on the side of such based people.

if poland is hungry then how the hell do they expect them to feed the refugees?


So this is the reason germany france and sweden have stopped reporting all the rapes and stuff?

Why won't Hungary and Poland take in migrants? I cant believe you guys would be so inhumane to not accept migrants from war torn countries. Truly despicable. Future generations will remember your crimes against humanity, it will be written in the books.

Shame on you, Hungary and Poland. Can't believe you'd be so INHUMANE to other human beings.

>what will they do?
Start killing hostages.

What legal recourse could they have for anything? They are not required to take migrants and there are no refugees in europe by international law.

Also dont give up you glorious fucks. The EU will crash in time but those migrants are forever.

Polands military would easily wreck germany's. I'd tell them to fuck off or else.

German banks would lend them money at a reasonable rate.

What are they threatening them with? Cut off gibs?

Banish them to the cuck shed

Poland will save Europe in your lifetime.


Nothing, thats why the eu want an army.
So they can invade uncucked country.

Feed them Turkey


Pretty funny that Germany, France etc. think that Muslims want to be in Poland. Muslims don't seek safety from war, that's why they don't stay in Greece or Italy or even Austria. They go to Germany, Sweden and France because they provide a lot of welfare for these niggers. Even if Poland went full "Refugees welcome" there wouldnt be any Refugees in Poland because mudslimes don't want to be in Poland and would simply cross the border into Germany.

The only way you would be able to make Muslims stay in Poland is to reopen and rebuild some of those 1944 concentration camps. Were talking about Germay,though, so that's quite possible

I'm gonna carry on as usual. It's an ideological conflict. Our government is realyl clumsy and stubborn but their worst crime, at least in the eyes of the EU, is not being pro-German like the last one

oh boy, a final-final-final warning

People have fought wars and killed their fellow man for much less.

I'm American and have spent two years in combat role, I will absolutely provide my experience and grit in killing (((europeans))) if they decide to further oppress free men.

How many fucking times do they do this?
Like...This is got to be at the very least the 6th time that Poland was given a "deadline"
>"Ohhhh Poland, you better accept Migrants THIS time, I'll tell you! Why, I oughta!"

We have to nuke Brussels and Berlin, to free the European peoples of Marxist/Islamist oppression.

Not to sound like an edgelord but we our opposition party is getting as crazy as the democrats in the US. Some even say that they want to invite "friendly" EU forces. Hate to defend our government but I'm seriously gonna kill those invading bastards if they try anything and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

Economic migrants != War refugees. Fuck em both tho. They're useless inbreds who have no place in Europe

much appreciated, billy

Merkel will invade poland and make refugee camps

Africans and muslims already are EU citizens youtube.com/watch?v=xcFfvca7cWY

Every country has hundreds of thousands of traitors. Either suppress them or kill them all.
Also it is a lot easier to kill them, than killing all the invaders, as there are 100x ass many invaders, but you can achieve the same result. The power of the invaders come from the traitors, so if you like to treat root causes of problems...

>3M refugees from Syria in Turkey
>1M in Lebanon
>600k in Jordan
>500k in Saudi Arabia
>240k in UAE
>230k in Iraq
>155k in Kuwait
>122k in Egypt

>"Poland, will you take, i don't know, 9k refugees to help Italy and Greece?"
>*wiping tears with euros from germany, france and italy*

Border fence stories:

NGO's chimped out that our border guards 'tricked' the migrants
>Law says that you cant throw the immigrants back through the border
>Build the fence 1-2m in the Hungarian side instead of right on the border
>Now if the migrants get caught on the inner side, the border guards can take them through the fence, close the gate, and they'll have no choice but to cross the border back to Serbia themselves

I saw a nigger yesterday in the shopping mall, feels bad man. It's already happening, only at a slower rate than in the west.

>self-hating pole
I hope you're doing this ironically, faggot.
>war refugees
Over 80% of the migrants in Europe aren't even from Syria. They are literally gibsmedats people that fled from dusty shitholes or the Congo to get gibs in Europe.
Again, over 80% of the Migrants are military aged men.


Deja vu all over again

Oy kurwa vey.

Not gunna happen.

You gotta kill it before it lays eggs.

Well Germany is pro-Russia now so they may have a chance. On their own they wouldn't honestly. Despite bigger military potential the gap just isn't large enough to secure fast victory.

>EU dictatorship
well what do dictators do, when their wishes are not fulfilled...

didn't they already have a final deadline back in june


>be Sup Forumstard for years
>learn about Germans massacred in Budapest from Hungarian bro
>book flight to learn more and pay respects even though Amerifat
>Fly from Dulles. LITERALLY only 5% of the traveling public in that airport during my 3hours of waiting was white.
>Everyone else black-brown and almost everyone obese
>get to Brussels. Not so bad. I would say 80% white and the blacks were Africans with many in traditional dress.
>get to Budapest. Holy shit: almost all white (by anyone's standards you one drop faggots), fit, dress properly, etc.
>haven't seen a muslim yet.
>clean city, polite, easy to get around, and holy shit there are some hot women here.
>thinking about not going back to US and becoming an Amerifat wetback in Budapest.

No wonder they want to subvert this place, its a classic European city with classic European people.

In a month, give Poland and Hungary another month.

if you are working in some shitty company, you will not complain about it?

>they are literally gibsmedats people from Congo
but Italy give you a choice to select from where you will get refugees and who do you prefer: women? children? Sure, get anyone.

so, yours arguments are shit and you are a horrible person

>from war torn countries

Why not simply not attack said countries in the first place?

They better do that before the EU has an army, because Merkel is mad enough to start a war over that.

EU will collapse shortly after brexit. Looks like Russia is already courting disenfranchised EU countries with trade deals.

America VS EU when?

>take the rapefugees that I created by bombing their countries and murdering millions of them
>nope, won't stop supporting burger drones either
>take the rapists
>or get invaded by Hitler^H^H^H^H^HMurkler

>Literally called hungary
>have no appetite for refugees


They aren't refugees if they aren't fleeing warzones, you stupid fucking retard.
Wait, I know you. You're that Kraut that LARPs as a self-hating Pole, Indeed. Indubitably.

> but Italy give you a choice to select from where you will get refugees and who do you prefer: women? children? Sure, get anyone
What the fuck? Speak English, Wlad.

Is the time again? Every fucking month

topkek when an American goes to Budapest he finds a white paradise. During my stay there I saw the largest amount of non-whites in my life. I've never seen a real life black person anywhere but in Prague and Budapest. Too cosmopolitan for my taste desu.


Fucking shitty meme. Just call the slavs leaving what it would be


These neo marxist anti white traitors have to be massacred or assassinated NOW. Before they break something.

finlandization of EU like dugin told so.

I agree with this. It also is the real reason why the EU is so keen on oppressive gun laws.

No need, the EU will collapse on its own if we pull our troops out of Europe.

>oh boy, a final-final-final warning


>oh no! but "muh slav saviors of EUROPA" nooo

lmao,Slavs have struggled enough to save themselves for years,let alone save a continent.

but good luck

>You can literally pick what refugee you want from Italy and they will be grateful

No, I just have brain and know how to read UE documents you cucking canadian faggot

>bombing their countries
Why do so many lefties parrot this meme yet are unable to name any of these countries or explain why majority of the migrants are from sub-Saharan Africa and other countries not in a war?
And where does this belief come from where if you bomb an enemy nation you MUST absorb all of its population?

We're already sneaking in refugees off the record. "Oh, you don't have papers? HERE YOU GO!"

Fight them till my last dying breath leaves my cold dead body? Along those lines, yeah.

>bu buhh we super really mean it this time poland! we are super serious!

Why not send all the refugees to Siberia? No one lives there, it's freezing, and there is a lot of space.

So the refugees will live with you right since you appear to be for it?

>One in five Syrians is a refugee, UN confirms

>Four in five aren't fleeing a warzone, UN confirms

>>You can literally pick what refugee you want from Italy and they will be grateful
Actually we already did this, and italians wanted to give us unchecked arabs who either had no documents or had six different of them. They wanted to get rid of the most suspicious and potentialy dangerous element. We don't need that shit here.

wouldnt be the first time... God bless the hussars!

If they removed the Norman from their "Life after Norman conquest", they would actually be closer to the truth.

Yes, and how does it change my comment?

sure, just give me conditions to accomodate them. Maybe from these funds that EU wants to give for every refugee

>you can look through these documents full of lies, erroneous information, and omissions and pick the people you want
>they won't be anything like the ones you selected on the forms

Yeah, sounds great. You can get a bunch of alcoholic "8 year old" with beards that don't respond to the name on their forms and help them deal with their PTSD from all war crimes they've committed over the years.

I hope you are LARPing you shitposting faggot.

>burger is unable to read posts
not surprised

I'm not SAYING that "we" should absorb rapefugees.

You know, you could have figured that out, when I called them rapefugees.

The trick with Murkel is, that the bitch bombs countries and then tells people to take the rapefugees.

It's like bad cop, good cop in one person. Which makes no sense.

I say - don't bomb their countries.
But neck the rapefugees.
And shoot the niggers.

No you wanted them so why would you ask for help?

Nope, no funds for you. The "funds" are just extracted taxes from Europeans. You should be fine with housing 20 of them in your flat and paying for all of their food and care out of pocket yourself.

kill the traitors first!
Otherwise your efforts will not be successful.
How many times do I have to tell this to everyone?

and wait, you are the one calling the niggers "migrants".

They are also not migrants. They are simply niggers, who want free monies and deal drugs and steal shit, because we won't cut off their hands (for now sadly) and also rape womyn.

It seems you are the leftist here.

Hopefully invade Germany and depose Merkel. Morally, if nothing else, they're proven to be more concerned with the future of Europe than anyone else.

Oh my god, omg, omg... a month. Perfect for not giving a fuck.

fucking hell fuck germany burn them all

Yeah, Budapest is nigger central.
What struck me was the KFC though.

McDonalds and Burger King came in very early right after 1990 but KFC was very late to Hungary and opened fast food joints around 2007-8. Now just out of curiosity I just went in. Ironically I had the stereotype of American stand ups going on about how racist it is to expect blacks in fried chiken joints. And LO and behold, apart from me, the young students working at the cash registers and a frightened old lady fucking everyone was black. Most of them didnt even speak English, they must have come down specifically from the various African embassies near the city centre.

Outside of Budapest, and in all of the outer districts as well, niggers only exist in television.

My local Tesco has a nigger though. He is a British Citizen. No surprises there.

>wants to have thousands of unwashed, unemployable, raping barbarians in his country
>calls other people cucks for saying that's ridiculous.
This can't be right. We are reaching levels of autism that shouldn't even be possible.

Hey, Wlad, here's a copypasta to you, a gift from me.

They're almost never female or children. You always see these huge fucking boats that are 99% males coming from the Meditteranean, and all the data shows this.

>Most refugees are young males lacking qualifications - German migration service

>The natural "sex ratio at birth" is 105 boys for every 100 girls, according to the World Health Organization - and official statistics show that in 2014, there were 108 boys for every 100 girls among Sweden's 16 and 17-year-olds.

>But the country now has 123 boys for every 100 girls in this age group, according to Valerie Hudson of Texas A&M University.

>Literal quote: "90% of the interactions with refugees were not of the pleasant kind. Not like i imagined it."

>Around 70% are young males, between 20 and 25.

It's mainly male "refugees" raping natives. There's a lot less female migrants, that's all propaganda.

I know (((who))) to blame.

>t. Kraut on vacation in Poland

Last time Germany tried that Russians raped everyone.

I think Luxembourg should take 50k


Literally europe Mexico

It would be interesting to speculate on who Russia would support in a Western Europe vs. Eastern Europe war in the EU in order to preserve the fledgling superstate.

>My local Tesco has a nigger though. He is a British Citizen. No surprises there.

Terribly sorry about that.

lel, which district was that?

Hello, every none white people around the world! We are very very racist, poor and undeveloped—so don't come here. No gibs here, don't even bother coming. Thanks!

Gotta admit poles are some of the biggest hypocrits going move to every other fucking country like the damn zerg but let no one in theres

>canadian faggot

You said Canadian twice.