"We're gonna prove that alt-right can be profitable, and provide a voice to oppose the liberals"

>"We're gonna prove that alt-right can be profitable, and provide a voice to oppose the liberals"
>Puts most of it behind a paywall

Not even Ben Shapiro is this stingy.
I'm not paying $10 a month for this, and the youtube channels you'd expect haven't been putting up the paywall content

Other urls found in this thread:


>I'm not paying $10 a month for this

Not even Ben Shapiro is this stingy. I'm the same. I'm not mad as I just won't go fo muh bonus shitposting. Shame they shat up the format for the site though.

all this neo-nazi shit is like this. Its nothing but selfish sociopaths scam artist trying to line their own pockets

>get free content for years
>paid for (((tv subscriptions))) for years
>can't pay 10 fekin dollars to listen to people who work harder than anyone else around

I'm not paying it either, but don't be a bitch. You're no different than those who bitch about e-celebs.

>wah wah u post da e-celeb who is redpilling our Race wah

>uneducated and ignorant view

I liked the previous format as well. Ah well, 'tis their website.

If you're not doing anything else, and face it you're not, you should not be able to sleep at night if you don't give these faggots their ten facking dollars.

i bet you watch a lot of blacked.com. sad!

Honest to god you're a fucking retard OP.
These people literally have had their lives ruined for expressing their opinions on society and standing up for their own ethnic interests. Making profitable content would give them a livelyhood and still allow for their content to spread.

They're still doing a free show a week and there's even more free content from other shows on the site. Quit your bitching.

Its ten fucking dollars, you could cut down on the beer and tendies and contribute to saving the white race but you're not.

>most of it behind paywall

And thats how we know you're retarded.

>next up: three drunk autists mumble Sup Forums memes from three years ago and do fake jewish voices over and over

They talk about current events too you faggot. Not to mention the whitepills about our influence as well as making rebuttals to kike arguments.