/NEDER/ Dutch General

Deze draad is voor de bespreking van de binnenlandse en internationale kwesties met betrekking tot de wereldwijde Nederlandse gemeenschap.

Hierdie draad is vir die bespreking van binnelandse en internasionale kwessies met betrekking tot die wêreldwye Nederlandse gemeenskap.

Dit tried is foar de diskusje fan ynlânske en ynternasjonale saken oangeande de wrâldwide Nederlânske mienskip.

This thread is for the discussion of domestic and international issues regarding the global Dutch community.

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Dutch always reads like retarded English.

>Dutch thread
>foreigners leave
>posts pic of glorifying Nazi Germany's subjugation of the Netherlands and forcing its sons into dying for their autistic shitflinging contest with the Soviet Union

american english is already retarded english

Im seriously considering learning Dutch. I would like to go to Denmark and live there. What do you think OP? Is it a hard language? where should I start? Would i be better off in a different part of the netherlands? learning a different language? im genuinely curious.

Ons vir jou Suid-Afrika!

Lank lewe die Nederlanders!


Watch shit isnt the language in Denmark danish? fuck.

>>posts pic of glorifying Nazi Germany's subjugation of the Netherlands and forcing its sons into dying for their autistic shitflinging contest with the Soviet Union
that is the entire rightwing, neonazi cuck's retardation.

nazi glorification just means people are mentally under aged and don't understand shit

>american english is already retarded english

americaans engels is een dailect mongool.
niet een compleet andere taal.

Brainfart kek