Can anyone explain to me what the alt-right actually is?

Can anyone explain to me what the alt-right actually is?

Other urls found in this thread:

The future of European civilisation.

I want to suck her tits so fucking bad

it's my sperm in your jewish peach tasting cunt

There is no "alt-right". It's a poorly conceived MSM meme designed to shift the blame for HIllary's defeat off her own mismanagement and onto the "evil white man".

A failed attempt to brand the various groups of free men that supported Trump so they could be more easily attacked.

This is exactly what I thought.

Sup Forums and Sup Forums-affiliated individuals and ideologies

It's an indie book store

A jew psyops just like Trump

Tea party suddenly doesn't exist anymore now that Trump is president.

Idk but her tits look magnificent in this shot.

catch all term for the reactionary right wing movement that's forming right now.

They want a return to traditions values, which usually means one of two things: Christian values or Greco/Roman values, Most think that a combination of the two would be superior though.

They want zero nonwhite immigration

They want nonwhites living in the western countries to get the fuck out.

Some guys, mainly the whites minority in Latin America want to institute eugenics to bleach their countries and change them from mestizo majority countries to castizo majority countries

They want to destroy kike supremacy in the world along their idelogies like marxism and it's offshoots like feminism multiculturalism and globalism


There is no "alt" right.
It's full right.

It's the only way to attack right wing memes.

Because no one will believe there are "nazi meme magicians"



A boogie man created by cucks to give them something to whine about.

Also race realism.


We want to throw the Jew down the well. Also, gas.

the alt right is the alt left.
It is a label designed to distract from the fact that there is no right around. At all.

An Indie bookstore.

The alt-right is a way for the media and academics to dismiss away the concerns of half of the country by calling them names instead of addressing the issues they're concerned about. Anybody using the phrase alt-right unironically is signaling to you that they couldn't give a hot fuck about anything you're concerned about, valid or otherwise.

OP, we are also being raided by shills right now, so a lto of these posters, don't listen to them

Lurk for a bit, at least a few months- 1 year before posting. has his archive right, Alt-right is exactly that, a reactionary force against the extinction of the White race.

The alt right was originally a rebranding effort by white supremacists which was having some success.

Now you have to remember the time frame we had an openly racist black supremacist Muslim president trying to destroy the constitution, the west, and white men, and a entire generation of white boys who are the victims of every evil racist acts, and a media that dehumanizes and degrades them along with a narrative that is so fucking fake you'd have to be a retard to believe it.

This new movement was enough to concern the Jews because their typically channels of propaganda failed so miserably.

Donald trump was mocked every second by them to no effect.

In a last ditch effort to marganlize this new coalition Clinton gave a speech (the basket of deplorables) where she named the alt right (white men). She did this to try and shame us by using their most powerful psyop memetic conditioning. The word racist.

So you end up with weird outcomes like the dangerous faggot tour in his Mach arena outfit saying he doesn't like the alt right. Then the next week Milo is the "leader" of the alt right.

This of course didn't work.

The alt right is white men. The alt right is sanity. The alt right is religion. The alt right is the recognition of the demons that control our society and the metaphysical battle for the soul of humanity. It is beauty and truth and light.

And as we know from Plato. Truth is beauty, and beauty is truth.