Is this a proper way to differentiate anarchists from "anarchists"?
Is this meme accurate?
Other urls found in this thread:
>not anarchism
i stopped reading there
go back to 8gag and take your shitty chart with you
Literally not an argument was made
It's hard to differentiate different sects of mental retardation from other sects of mental retardation. So no, a single chart will not differentiate anything because anarchy is all the same thing: Mental retardation.
y i get no mutualist flag?
>ancap is racist
This is bad somehow
>1. Not anarchism
Yeah, AnCap isn't retarded enough.
Ancaps don't believe in governments or states. They're as anarchy as it gets.
ancoms however think that communism, which requires a state to redistribute the wealth, is compatible with anarchy, which is the lack of a state.
Tell me which one is the retarded one.
you need to be thrown from the fucking helicopter OP
I don't understand this either tbqh
>no u
why can't they meme, Sup Forums?
sorry i guess i'm just too much of a mental midget to refute such eloquent points like "wears a fedora" and "not anarchism"
You have no fucking clue what the concept of anarchy even means. It's a leftist cult that wants to eradicate hierarchy and all forms of identity in every single way, they're a bunch of degenerate no life retards that spend their time getting high and listening to shitty music.
Oh I almost forgot.
>hates trans
>hates animals
Why would those things matter if you are an anarchist?
Anyone is free to think and do whatever they want in a true anarchist society
No. You're a cunt for even considering that it might be true.
not all forms of anarchism are the same
>select all images with roads
Wrong, you aren't allowed to dislike trans people. Their feelings are more important than yours, you transphobic prick.
I don't give a shit if they're the same not the same, they're all retarded bullshit fad ideologies, if anyone genuinely calls themselves and anarchist they're just plain retarded.
>fad ideology
>nazi flag
oh boy here we go
Then it's not an anarchist society
>When you hate socialists, but you're also a socialist.
No Syndicalism?
It doesn't matter what kind of society you live in, you cishet trash are always going to be less important than brave trans people.
Kill yourself you retarded cucknarchist.
I don't think you understand the definitions of either anarchy or capitalism
How embarrassing
Ancoms were the original anarchists, that doesn't mean you have to be anti-capitalist to be an anarchist. Literally everyone except some ancoms understand anarchism to mean no government (which is in and of itself retarded, but that's not the point).
close enough to ancom to whoever mde the chart i guess
>individualist communism
a laugh every time
All idealistic philosophies depend on the individual to make the "right" choice in every situation.
The problem is that what is considered right is not universally agreed upon.
One groups like Christian morals. Another groups wants to rebuild Sodom. A third group wants to wage wars of conquest for profit. A fourth group thinks their King is the living direct link between this world and God.
It is a noble thing to try to do right for the people, the problem is like I said above. Doing "right" is not universally agreed upon.
Wouldn't a lack of government not only allow, but likely encourage individuals to create a community based along identity? Isn't it likely (without affirmative action and what not) that companies would only hire what race works best for the job, not to mention being allowed to bar people from your business based on race?
>Individualist communism
Missing the classical anarchist philosophies of Bakunin and Proudhon.
wtf? Proudhon was a mutualist.
Mutaualist flag is up there.
As if ancom were even possible without a strong central state to enforce it.
>When you can't tell the difference between (((socialism))) and socialism
Next you'll tell me that capitalism with fiat money is still capitalism.
not acurate. Anarchy is about not having some windbag tell you what to do. It's about "NO RULERS" NOT "no rules". the rules are common sense and universal to all humans. and ancoms are NOT "original anarchists".
How is national socialism not socialism? Not even considering the name it has all the normal aspects of socialism, with the only difference being that instead of ownership being director held by the state it's de facto held though laws and bureaucracy.
IRK. WTF "mods" who made these fucking flags anyway? and why ancom is labeled "anarchist"
>no circle A. wtf.
ono look at this! Allahu Akbar!
A lack of government is exactly what would allow identity to crumble in the first place. That's why they want it.
>the inevitability of private tyranny emerging within anarchy makes it not anarchism
hurr durrr
I want Anarchy so I am free to force my views on to people with violence.
Well fuck, what do we do now?
>ANARCHISM HAS NOTHING to do with the exploitative, rule-based and oppressive system of capitalism. Yet there is a part of the anarchist movement calling themselves “anarcho-capitalists.” Some argue this term is simply an attempt by conservative, big business forces to hijack the concept of anarchism, some argue anarcho-capitalism is rather a state-minimalizing classical liberalism
>Is this a proper way to differentiate anarchists from "anarchists"?
Why differentiate when you can just hang them all?
Literally this.
Sage OP, slide thread
Anarchy doesn't work like that, sorry to dissappoint you. Read a damn book , nigga. READ A BOOK!
feudalism is okey if we get to it by capitalist means :) and its anarchism
>says the natsoc
The proper definition for all anarchists is useful idiot.
Sure, I'll be an anarchist with you but after that I'm shooting you in the back and me and my buddies are taking over and making laws.
How do you force people to be commie under anarchism?
And in history that's literally how anarchism worked, like every time
This is what happens to every anarchist movement by the way.
You are useful idiots and nothing more.
Here. For you kids that can't be bothered to READ it.
ancaps are leaving all other (((anarchists))) in the dust since inventing bitcoin.
>anarchist society
>you don't even have the freedom to sell your labor and time
No thank you, I'll pass on your "anarchism".
>puts "mutualsim" = "not anarchy"
>puts "mutualsim" = "supports tyranny"
>puts "mutualism" = "has nothing to do with anarchism"
BAKA. Fucking Faceplam. You kids are hopeless.
at least TRY to pull your head OUT of your ass.
mondragon changed their business model to one of surplus "theft"
and mutualists still support them
So anarcho-communism is no functionally different from anarcho-capitalism then?
Yeah except if you become too successful, then the commune takes your money away and prevents other people from working for you.
Anarchists are just confused edgy teens
It's always natsocs speaking truth to faggots
sorry, i'm not familiar with that story. please elaborate for me. and bear in mind you stated:
> changed their business model
and which "mutualists" are you referring to. the point of "mutualism" is that those involved directly act in agreement to mutually support each other.
also, what surplus what stolen?
>tfw ancap is retarded because private property is a spook
>tfw ancom is retarded because morality is a spook
Real anarchists are economists who figured out you can replace almost every compulsory government service.
"Anarchists" are delusional little children. Who make vague grandiose statements while fantasying about getting free shit.
The economy and civilization can work just fine without the government, in fact, possibly better.
How are you going to have private property without goverment?
just because someone puts a prefix before a noun doesn't mean it's the same thing. and the post i was responding to stated "anarchism" not communism calling itself "anarcho" for flavor. nor capitalism calling itself "anarcho" either.
and I could use the same template you used to present ideal capitalism and crony capitalism, and come to the same final pic.
lastly your assuming the violent end when the truth would be more like: the "workers OWN the means of production" and if yellow owns the means and can actually find workers that are willing to work "for" him instead of "with" him then it's their choice. and they compete with the reds who mutually own then means of production and already agreed to provide goods/services. so yellow is the odd man out and would either undercut (not likely) or recondition himself to go back to the majority red style. notice how your top pic is everyone shrugging and going 'OK". well that's the same in red's, you just presume that they would kill yellow for wanting to start a business instead of just laughing at him and letting him fail on his own.
How is mutualism bad? It shares the goods of Socialism and capitalism with few to none of the downsides
is tyler durden a night person?
>not using legacy captcha
private property has existed for millennia longer than the state
>if yellow owns the means and can actually find workers that are willing to work "for" him instead of "with" him then it's their choice. and they compete with the reds who mutually own then means of production and already agreed to provide goods/services
So then why don't you just do that now? There is nothing stopping ancoms from forming communes and coops in our capitalist societies.
>private property
>without a state
Not if I'm stronger than you and willing to take it.
How do you plan on invading my property without a backwards degenerate government to protect you would be a better question.
>you just presume that they would kill yellow
he doesn't presume, that's what they want to do now
there is nothing stopping you from making an employees-owned business. They exist, they have a legal status. There's a handful of them. And yet they are incredibly anecdotic. Yes, most people would rather work for someone than join some weird hippie company.
>le police actions didn't exist before the state maymay
You do know state police was inexistent during the middle ages? Cities had their own polices.
>"elect them before hand"
and assumes that mutual agreed upon commitees cna't be a thing in short-term "emergencies" just because you misunderstnad "anarchism".
>posts or just gravitate around the more "COOL HEADED" people - "AS LONG AS the NEED for them is UNDERSTOOD"
exactly, it's more like this. when the problem is solved, you dissolve and go back to whatever the fuck you were doing before.
>posts "These kind of engagements require cohesion"
right, NO SHIT! Natural Law creates and even requires and equilibrium to be established and maintained. Each going their own way until they need or WANT TO help each other. It's real fucking simple. Do you get along with your neighbors? then That's anarchy, in a nutshell.
You're not an anarchist if you believe in polices.
>steal from one person
>99 nearby people see you as an enemy that needs to be caged
>game over at life
Good thing the normative for human beings is to not live a destructive risky lifestyle and our hatred towards disrespect made us systematically brutally stone people who think like that so often that we established morality into our gene pools.
It's no government that establishes private property, it's literally everyone. It's the 90% of the population who'll dedicate their lives to fuck you up if screw them over. If your house gets looted, the government won't even notice.
Go back to plebbit, you kike
you don't actually have to "choose" you could jsut be fucking smarter about it all and blend to two strengths into a cohesive whole. "/pol does it for free" even though this board "costs" resources to run and maintain itself. those who can contribute, do so. in an emergency, a call to arms is announced and a collection is asked for and taken until the need is met and then it's back to defcon 5. business as usual. not everydamnthing needs to be "monetized" damnit. there IS a thing called the COMMONS, and teaching and socially reinforcing responsible behaviour that is commonly expected is each individual's RIGHT, PRIVILAGE, and RESPONSIBILITY.
>You're not an anarchist if you believe in polices.
That's where leftists start to expose how retarded they are.
You think the government is the judiciary, you think government means laws and objective morality. You think anarchism is nihilism, it is no morals, no laws.
"anarchists" don't hate the government. They hate consistency. They hate the law. They want "freedom" from a world where their actions require consistency and respect towards others. That's why real libertarianism and real freedom from government is so spooky to them.
Without the government, the law would be even more objective and clear, not less. It would be a nightmare to leftists.
Can someone explain to me how exactly anarcho-communism is supposed to work?
>anarcho-communist state
>some guy has a potato surplus
>"if you guys help me work on my house, I'll give you some potatoes"
>this kickstarts a barter system which eventually evolves into currency
Who is going to be around to enforce the communist portion if it's anarchistic?
top fucking kek m8
institutions can and have always existed without a state
Haha, well memed my friend. Stirner is a sure thing to go to when you have no arguments. Everything is a spook! Haha.
>stealing investments is my best interest!
>destroying the economy is my best interest!
>any real economic knowledge that would explain why I'm wrong is a spook
Haha, well done my friend. Another debate won by you.
it's not bad. the only one's QQ'ing are greedy kikes.
>So then why don't you just do that now? There is nothing stopping ancoms from forming communes and coops in our capitalist societies.
they do and they work extremely well when they are scaled properly and don't try to exceed rational logistics. the only way they fail is if they get sabotaged.
>he doesn't presume, that's what they want to do now
no they want to stop "EXPLOITATION" of workers. period. and since the PTB refuse to and even callude with oligarchs/industrial monopolists. then yeah, they fell that thay CAN'T get real "JUSTICE". so fuck burn it down then if TPB won't even abide by their own rules.
>there is nothing stopping you from making an employees-owned business. They exist, they have a legal status. There's a handful of them. And yet they are incredibly anecdotic.
proving my point that they work. period.
>Yes, most people would rather work for someone than join some weird hippie company.
WTF is a weird "hippy company" no such creature exists (nice strawman though). I'ts the individual worker who chooses to be exploited by an "employer" rather than strive to accomplish alongside like-minded individuals for mutual benefit. But don't be suprised when you get kiked.
Anarcho-communism is an oxymoron and OP is a massive faggot
anthropomorphizing political ideas is right up the ally of feel good larp sjw loser kids.
Like fuck it's not a goddamn fandom. Its not some cute character. This is why people hate you.
Because you can't touch anything without infecting it with your stupid fanfic hugbox billshit.
Fuck I hate tumblr.
Option A: Jewish ideology that is completely unfeasible on a practical level and can only lead to the destruction of society and slow extermination of your ethnicity
Option B: Jewish ideology that is completely unfeasible on a practical level and can only lead to the destruction of society and slow extermination of your ethnicity
Hmm, this is a hard fucking choice now isn't it.
Your question is too complex for it to be ever answered by a communist.
Just look at to see actual ancom writings and manifestos. They literally conflate fantasy with reality. "The communist wages would be the double of the current wages after market exchange is prohibited because communism!". It's a child-like ideology.
>proving my point that they work
but they don't work as well as regular businesses, is the point
anything can "work" on an anecdotal level
anybody, right now, is free to seek employment in one of them. And yet the overwhelming majority of employees go to work in proper businesses because they actually pay
ok, so in this pic, again, you forgot about the FACT that it's 1 guy against the MANY. the MANY have agreed to SUPPORT EACH OTHER and the 1 is going HIS OWN DAMN WAY. to FEND FOR HIMSELF, I believe you call it "forever alone". IF he survives, fine. if NOT , then when he's dead, and noone else is using his "property" then the MANY can come and claim it to be utilized.
2nd. you didn't even consider the possibility that maybe the MANY could RATIONALIZE with the 1 and convince him to CHANGE HIS MIND. hmm, there's a thought (rational discourse INSTEAD of violence).
3rd, it's not a SINLGE collective, it's a series of them in proportional scale. they communicate amongst each other and work out solutions to issuses. not top down "authoritarian" bullshit. it's like you didn't even try to understand this shit. CHILDREN UNDERSTAND THIS CONCEPT! WTF happened to your brains? it's like you INSIST on being psychopathic parasites. how the fuck did you guys manage to meme trump into the white house in the first place. (retorical question)
>they do and they work extremely well when they are scaled properly and don't try to exceed rational logistics
Okay, so we can both agree that working towards more economic freedom is beneficial for both of us then? I don't mind people forming coops and communes of their own free will, just as I wouldn't want people telling me I couldn't form a business or hire people of their own free will. So while our ideas of what works may be different, our goals for reforming society are the same.
You are so insane I'm not even sure if you are trolling or not.
Reminder that ancap is just privatized government
very likely it will be him and his immediate family, humans are not born out of the soil
your 2nd and 3rd point assume that no resource conflict not solvable by dialog will ever arise, which is insane
Can someone explain to me how exactly anarcho-communism is supposed to work?
>anarcho-communist state
>some guy has a potato surplus
>"if you guys help me work on my house, I'll give you some potatoes"
>this kickstarts a barter system which eventually evolves into currency
Who is going to be around to enforce the communist portion if it's anarchistic?
1st you are dealing in solving mutual problems and exchanging solutions (ie. tangible good/services directly, not fiat kike tokens with arbitrary "value")
2nd you HAVE A SURPLUS you greedy horder. what are you going to do with it. sit on it until it ROTS and NOBODY can use it?? come ON!
3rd. nobody said 'no trading" they said "TO each individual ACCORDING to his NEED (NOT "WANT" ya' NIGGER, YOUR NEED) and FROM each individual ACCORDING to his ABILITY (is this guy/girl fit for this task and capable and competent to achieve it, if NOT then find something ELSE to DO)
fucking shit! rustles my beanbag when I hear this nonsense. *breathe slowly* ok, sorry for yelling, I hope this answers your question. thank you.
Sounds comfy to me tbqh. Let's start going that way.
>hat are you going to do with it. sit on it until it ROTS and NOBODY can use it?? come ON!
No, but i am going to ask for valuable services in exchange for my surplus
Why would i give it away for free?
> FROM each individual ACCORDING to his ABILITY
again, who is going to force the capable to give his stuff for free to the needy?